Showing posts with label windpower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label windpower. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How Quickly Things Change

 How quickly the weather changes here!  The weekend was sunny and warm with a gentle wind. The tractors and cowboy quilt was finished in the evenings. Last night I looked out before I went to bed, snow was falling without making a sound.
And its still here, I hope it is just visiting and doesn't come back until December. --Ann--

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Scrap Pile Quilts

Fall blew in the other day and with a few strong gust it quickly turned to winter.

Revising November 2009 post. Now I know how to make pictures larger and place them where I want in the text. ( I think Blogger has made it easier since then)

It feels like winter outside with a strong northwest wind but fortunately it is not delivering snow. It makes me want to wrap up in a quilt.

These quilts all started from the same pile of fabrics. As I was cutting the strips for Windpower it dawned on me to cut the rest of the fabric into strips for future projects. The other quilts I had in mind would require 2 1/2"  4 1/2"  3"  2" and 1 1/2" strips. I cut until the fabric was gone. The tedious part was done. As I started on each quilt I cut the strips into squares or triangles as needed and happily mixed and sewed.

sold on Etsy
Windpower is made from the Lady of the Lake block. I matched three of the large triangles in each block to represent the three blades of the wind turbines popping up all over the upper Midwest.

I sewed half blocks for the borders. the large triangles with the small triangles on point makes me think of how short hair stands on end when the wind is swirling. There is a humility block in the border. Pattern for this quilt is in The Quilter's Kitchen by Darlene Zimmerman and Joy Hoffman, they called it Bread Pudding.

another installment from the scrap pile tomorrow

Happy Quilting,