Yohoho mateys and welcome to the Pirate Blog hop in honor of "Talk like a pirate day" today. Captain Lorby (http://lorbysworld.blogspot.com) is head of these here ships and the captain of this ship and ye would be starting our hopping aboard her vessel. My mateys have worked hard getting their ships in tip top shape for this hop so ye better stop by and see what they have done or someone along the way may make ye walk the plank. So grab ye eye patch and your best bottle of coffee, tea, or water and let's do some pirate hopping and talking.
Our Blog Candy for this event is a digital pirate stamp from Captain Lorby. To be in the drawing for the digital stamp, you must comment on ALL blogs and become a follower of Lorby's World.
You should have come from Sylvia.
Ahoy matey, me project for this hop is a work in progress and should be posted by noon today. My apologies for my tardiness!
This is a card with a digi created by Heather Valentin, Captain Jaquee Lil' Ragamuffin which will be made into a card. .
Here’s the entire line-up just in case you have to walk the plank and get fed to the sharks:
Jearise - http://lorbysworld.blogspot.com
L. Miriam - http://miriamscreations.blogspot.com
God Bless and thank you for stopping by
Much love, hugs, and creative pixie dust,