Showing posts with label blessing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blessing. Show all posts

Monday, March 4, 2019

Are You Teachable?

When a teachable person receives CORRECTION they say, “I stand corrected.” When an unteachable person receives correction they say, “I’m being picked on.” (In other words...PRIDE prevents them from receiving growth.)

May the cry of REPENTANCE travail through the birth canal of true conviction, contrition & conversion in the church again.  

May we possess such a GODLY FEAR that we are stricken in our heart to sin against our God. 

Parental NEGLECT is the #1 cause of ill-adjusted kids. Kids need attention, conversation, recreation, correction & encouragement.

Through correction a father adjusts his son’s life to receive BLESSING. Without this adjustment he falls prey to a bastard spirit. (The Lord chastens those that are HIS. If He isn’t chastening you, perhaps you’ve never had a legitimate birth.) Hebrews 12:6-7 


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Countless BLESSINGS!

Deuteronomy 28:2
"And all these BLESSINGS shall come upon you and overtake you…"

God loves to bless you. He has even declared that “blessings shall come upon you and overtake you”. This means that you can’t run fast enough to escape them! When you turn one corner, there is a blessing waiting for you. When you turn another corner, you run smack into another blessing!

Now, you may think that you don’t qualify for God’s blessings, because of the preceding verse which says that these blessings will come to pass only if you diligently obey God’s voice and keep all of His commandments. You know that no matter how hard you try, you just cannot keep all of God’s commandments. In fact, the Bible says that if you fail to keep just one commandment, you fail to keep all. (James 2:10)

My friend, I have good news for you: JESUS is the one who qualifies us for every single blessing because He has kept all of God’s commandments. When He died for us on the cross, He not only FULFILLED all of God’s commandments, He also REDEEMED us from the CURSE OF THE LAW. (Galatians 3:13) Note that He did not redeem us from the blessings of the law, so the blessings are still ours today!

As you read the list of blessings in Deuteronomy 28, starting with “Blessed shall you be in the city…in the country…the fruit of your body…your basket…when you come in…when you go out…” (Deuteronomy 28:3–13), I believe that Jesus is saying to you, “Like the blessings? Then take them by FAITH!”

You may say, “But I don’t deserve them.” Yes, you don’t deserve them, but you still get them because of JESUS. That is God’s GRACE! The law says, “You must deserve the blessings.” But THE LAW is NO LONGER HERE. Grace is here. So take the blessings by grace through faith. Believe God for the blessings.

Today, it is no longer a question of how much or how well you have kept God’s commandments. It is a question of how much you can believe God for His blessings. All the promises of God in Christ are “Yes”, and because YOU ARE IN CHRIST, you can say “Amen!” to His blessings! (2 Corinthians 1:20)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Speak Blessing

What is a blessing?  Webster's dictionary defines it as: 
  • The act or words of one that blesses.
  • A thing conducive of happiness or welfare.
  • Grace said at a meal.
  • Approval.
  • Encouragement.
All of us desire a blessing in our lives.  We long for an agreeable consideration to the decisions we make and the actions we take.
  • As children we desire to receive a blessing from our parents.
  • As parents we desire to impart a blessing to our children.
The same desire is found in spiritual relationships, whether it be a Spiritual Father/Son; Pastor/Parishioner; etc.  We desire to SPEAK BLESSING over those we have raised up in the faith, birthed into the ministry or set over a work. 

We should seek a blessing in everything we do...BEFORE we do it.  Nothing muddies the water anymore than having to clean up someone's mess because they wouldn't "wait" (Romans 12) to be sent and just went. 

In my own experience, Beverly and I have always sought for a blessing in every transition or season of our lives.  We believe that your EXIT must be blessed so that your ENTRANCE can be.  We believe this, not because of theory but by practice.

How do you transfer a blessing to someone?  Here are a couple of suggestions from Gary Smalley, in his book "The Blessing":

1. Give meaningful touch
  • There's no substitute for hugs, kisses and contact.  Jacob hugged and kissed his sons and grandsons.  Jesus picked up the little children and held them in His arms.  In the early church, we see the "laying on of hands" to impart spiritual gifts, healing and blessing.  To "lay our hands" on something means to bless it.
2. Verbal Affirmation
  • Words are powerful 
    • Words can do great good or inflict incredible damage.  The Scriptures teach us that "life and death are in the power of the tongue." (Proverbs 18:21).
    • When we say things like "I'm proud of you or you did that well", we are sending a message of affirmation.  It's critical that fathers plant the seeds of unconditional love deep into his children's souls; it's their first taste of what God's love is like.
  • Attach value
    • To bless can mean to "to honor."  Honoring someone is as simple as looking them in the eye when they're speaking to you or stopping and listening when they want to talk.
  • Paint a picture of a positive future
    • Identifying their gifts and attaching value to them is SOWING seeds of faith for their future!  Saying things like "The way you draw means you'll always be creative in whatever you do" or "You want to be a policeman?  That means you have courage" or "you love animals so much, maybe you will be a veterinarian" or "you love to talk and communicate ideas, you'd be a good teacher!"
  •  Demonstrate Active Commitment
    • Today, kids spell LOVE two ways: T-I-M-E and M-O-N-E-Y!  We can't just say we love our kids, we have to demonstrate it through sacrifice.  Parents, who love their kids, will do without some things they'd like to have in order to raise and care for their offspring.  All true love has a sacrificial element to it.
Patrick Morely, in his book, "Man in the Mirror" tells about a fishing trip.  A group of fishermen had landed in a secluded bay in Alaska and had a great day of fishing for salmon.  When they returned to their sea plane, they were surprised to discover that it was aground because of the fluctuating tides.  They had no option except to wait until the next morning when the tides come in.  But when they took off, they only got a few feet off the ground and came crashing down into the sea.  Being aground the day before had punctured one of the pontoons, and it had filled up with water.  The sea plane slowly began to sink, and there were three men and a 12-year-old son, Mark.  They prayed, and then jumped into the icy cold waters to swim to shore.  The water was cold, and the riptide was strong.  Two of the men reached the shore exhausted.  They looked back, and their companion, who was also a strong swimmer, did not swim to shore because his 12-year-old son wasn't strong enough to make it.  They saw that father with his arms around his son being swept out to sea.  He chose to die with his son rather than to live without him.

There's not a real father/mother reading this that would not lay down their life so that their child might live.  

If you love your children enough to die for them...will you love them enough to live for them?

I want to encourage you to live like John The Baptist did as he prepared the way for the ministry of Jesus and the coming of the Kingdom of God to earth.  Here's what the Prophet Malachi said about John:
  • "Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord.  And he will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the land with a curse." - Malachi 4:5-6
Friends, the coming of the Kingdom is tied up in the FATHER'S BLESSING!  Seek blessing in all you do, wait for it...and speak blessing to all you can.

May we live our lives as a recipient of blessing and a dispenser of blessing!
