Showing posts with label Calling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calling. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

In MY Opinion

In my experience, as a minister/pastor/father, I've encountered 2 categories of "ministers".

1. Those who want to "preach" so bad they can taste it.

2. Those who know they're "called" but are bashful/reluctant & maybe even running from their call.

In MY experience...

• Those who fall into the 2nd category - those who are not reaching for a mic...ultimately have fruitful longevity in ministry that builds over time & have increased favor.

• Those who want the mic so bad, they can taste it...jump from this to that, here to there, and pillar to post because they are only satisfied when they are self-satisfied.

Ministry is not about holding a mic.
Ministry is about being held by a responsibility to serve.

Start in the field. If you can serve when no one is looking, where there's no promise of position or "pay" - you won't have to look for a platform...a platform will find you.


Thursday, April 5, 2018


The complexities of ministry are best understood in retrospect. As I look back over my shoulder, I see more clearly the path that God laid for my future. 

I didn't set out to "pastor."  I did, however, feel the "pull & desire" to SERVE in ministry wherever, whenever & whatever.  It's as I served the Lord & His leaders that doors began to open for me. Doors I didn't imagine. Doors that my leaders helped open for me, through the Holy Spirit's leading. 

I remained "undercover" (and still am). I never made a move without FIRST coming to my leader(s) & laying before them the burden & burning of my heart. Then I left it there & kept doing what I was doing. No rush. No hurry. Sure, I was full of excitement & expectation but not looking for a "new thrill"...when everything God had for me was already before me & if I would just OCCUPY what I was already NOW would produce my NEXT.

When the Lord begins to order your footsteps, He ALIGNS you. 
  • He aligns you to His Kingdom purpose
  • He aligns you with those you're serving 
  • He aligns you in such a way that there is no confusion

The ALIGNMENT structures the ANOINTMENT 
that equips you for the ASSIGNMENT!

There remains in me an inward confidence & a Godly fear all rolled into one.  A confidence that God will NOT fail, has not failed and never will fail. This knowledge keeps me on the edge of my seat with an expectation that God is at work IN all things and THROUGH all things in my life. 

When you feel the STIRRING of The Lord, it's not always a change of BOATS...but rather a knowledge of where to best CAST your NET for Kingdom Harvest.  It's so important to be in covenant with a spiritual father/mother who will GUIDE you, PROTECT you & COVER you.  Without their blessing & covering, you'll be tempted to do things in the FLESH while trying to classify it as "The SPIRIT" leading.  For this reason we find a DIFFERENCE in those who are SENT and those who WENT. (Read more about this subject)

God is a God of order. He doesn't operate in confusion, coercion or collusion.  He operates in the LIGHT.   For example: If God has truly spoken to me about something He wants me to work towards, He will have me consult with those I'm "under" & "submitted" to.  He WILL NOT have me get everyone else's opinion (those who I'm not submitted to), work my own plan & then try to lay it out before my leader as if it's an already done deal. He will have me operate in ALIGNMENT because ALIGNMENT structures the ANOINTMENT that equips me for my ASSIGNMENT.

In the Kingdom of God, PROTOCOL is PARAMOUNT.  Without it, we are a runaway train heading down the wrong track.  May I also add, a dangerous practice in the Body of Christ is identifying ourselves by titles BEFORE our gift is fully proven.  (Notice that the early church knew this & set up PROTOCOLS when laying hands on anyone.)

If God has CALLED you, rest assured He will QUALIFY you...and it won't be in the way you see it or expect it.  We must get our eyes off of PEOPLE and quit listening to POPCORN PROPHETS who are gifted in TALK but lack a quality WALK in the Kingdom of God.

Friend...everything isn't "Thus saith The Lord!"  Allow me to teach here:  It's best to give prophetic words without a label. There's no need to say, "The Lord said or the Lord told me to tell you" unless necessary. 

Stay in ALIGNMENT & you'll receive the ANOINTMENT for the ASSIGNMENT.


Monday, October 23, 2017



"Are you collaborative or combative?"

1. Learn this PRINCIPLE: As you push your leader forward, God begins to push & move you forward. #ElijahElisha
2. What you may consider MENIAL, God is using to prepare you for GREATNESS. The test of tiny tasks releases big blessings! #ElijahElisha

3. SYNERGY takes place best when likeminded people PUSH & PULL together for a common goal. Are you surrounded by likeminded people? #ElijahElisha

4. What God calls you to do is LEGITIMATE. The question is, do you have His ORDAINED timing in it? DERIVE & THRIVE while you wait. #ElijahElisha
5. When we look past the MYOPIC view of "my ministry" we see the BROADER view of "our ministry." #ElijahElisha
6. There are too many trying to build their "OWN" ministry & not realizing that today's optimal effectiveness is achieved in "TEAM" ministry. #ElijahElisha
7. Sure, God has called us "INDIVIDUALLY," but He has yoked us "COLLECTIVELY." Two are better than one! #ElijahElisha
8. Having your "OWN" ministry should never mean having a "SEPARATE" ministry. Remember, your double portion comes from standing on someone else's shoulders. #ElijahElisha
9. When will we learn that our development isn't for "SEPARATION" but for "COLLABORATION?" See the bigger picture not just the puzzle piece. #ElijahElisha
10. Sons must never lose the OWNERSHIP mentality of their father’s vision. What you never own, you will never truly SACRIFICE for & what you never truly sacrifice for, you will never see the DIVIDENDS in your life. #ElijahElisha


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Q & A: Should we worry about our calling or focus on the need?

Q: "I had a question about your Servant Leader post. My husband and I strive to be the best servant leaders we can be. We have always felt called to work with youth, in various ways. Right now there is a need in our church for a Sunday school teacher for a particular age group. We want to dive in and help fill this need. However, should we do that if it’s not part of our calling? We're scared that if we commit to this then later something could come up with the youth and we wouldn't be able to help with that because we are already committed. As good servant leaders, should we dive in and fill the need of the church before worrying about our calling? Thank you." 


A: Great question! God sees the desires of your heart. 

  • Proverbs 18:16 "A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men." 

Your gift will make room for you. In other words, your gifting will continue to bring opportunities before you.

MINISTRY, by definition is "Seeing a need & meeting it." If you are seeing the need then you already know the answer to your question...because your heart is open to the KINGDOM NEED already in front of you. :)

  • Your FAITHFULNESS in LITTLE will bring your FRUITFULNESS in MUCH. 

Regarding your will always be before you.
I believe I'm just as much called in this season as I was in the last season or in any future season. 

It matters not what I do if I'm where I'm supposed to be...because the Holy Spirit will continue to manifest my GIFT to compliment my CALLING no matter where I serve.
To me, serving in ministry is a ROAD you travel...not a LADDER you climb. For example, in this season, I might be scrubbing toilets in the Kingdom. In the next season, I might be scrubbing toilets & teaching. Either way, I'm SERVING where I'm needed. If God desires me to be OVER THERE...He will bless me OVER HERE. The two will come together at my INTERSECTION of OPPORTUNITY. 

I believe my NEXT is in my NOW.  If I can get my NOW NEXT will already be waiting on me.  This principle will not & cannot be bypassed. 

God bless!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Make Your Calling & Election Sure

People who act bothered, disinterested & aggravated because of ministry, really don't have an appreciation for the price paid for their calling.
“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:” 2 Peter‬ ‭1:10‬ ‭KJV‬‬
“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;‭‭" 1 Timothy‬ ‭1:12‬ ‭KJV‬‬
Sending this out to our Bfwc Indy family as well and all of our amazing leaders! We are a STONG people with a "Yet Praise" in our mouth! 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

5 Things

@RussellHylton: God has a call on our life that encompasses both our ministry & our vocation. #5Things