Showing posts with label Heaviness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heaviness. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Not Whining About The Weight (Part 1)

Often, I am in communication with Pastors - listening, praying, understanding & ministering to them as a friend, a mentor or a spiritual father.  It's something I feel God has entrusted to me & a burden I carry with responsibility. 

This past week, I was reading in 2 Corinthians 11:28 concerning the things that Apostle Paul endured as he fulfilled his calling. 

Paul boasted of his weaknesses & even listed the trials he faced. 

  • 39 lashes lashes five times
  • 3 beatings with rods
  • A mob stoned him
  • Shipwrecked 3 times
  • Faced countless dangers
  • Spent nights in cold & hunger
And if that isn't enough, he said, "And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches."

I read this verse probably 15 times. Over and over again. This verse spoke to me about the weight that Pastors carry in caring for their churches. 

Sure, we all have to face difficult tasks.  We live in a world that is tainted with sin. We understand the stress of life & how it can zap our joy, if we aren't watchful.  However, I think that the unique calling of leading a church, proclaiming God's word & caring for souls...Pastoral ministry carries a load that is difficult to explain. 

Every serious Pastor I know...serves with this heavy weight.  I'm not whining here, I'm just explaining the reality of the ministry.  The reality is, the work is serious & the work has eternal demands. Pastors have a burden of walking with people through the most difficult times of their lives. Pastors suffer the pain of sleepless nights because of anxiety over the church, the responsibility of preaching God's Word every week & the gratitude of seeing God get glory through it all. 

Pastors have to learn how to carry the weight of ministry correctly. Because there is a danger of carrying the weight on your own. If you're not a Pastor or have never served in this level of ministry...I hope this will help you understand how to pray for & encourage your Pastor in the calling that God has placed on them. 

Weights of Ministry

1. Godliness

Every believer in Christ must live godly. It's a calling for every Christian...especially for the Pastor who strives to live a godly life without the fanfare of being "liked" or "popular."  The truth is when you live godly, you will suffer persecution. No Pastor is exempt. 

I think one of the things I've had to settle in my own mind is to not blame myself for setbacks in the church. We have a tendency to blame ourselves and say things like, "Well, maybe if I had prayed more or was better educated or was more faithful..."

But I have to remember that I was a Christian before I ever became a Pastor.  As a "son" of identity is found in Jesus' finished work on the cross. He's responsible for the results...I'm responsible for my obedience to Him.

2. Home Life 

Every Pastor lives under a microscope...especially with the way they lead their family. People expect the Pastor to be a committed, loving spouse & a person who faithfully teaches & trains their children.  After all, it's part of the Pastor's Ministry Description. 

This is true & at times it can be difficult. Although our daughter was  obedient & well behaved, that may not be the case for every Pastor.  Sometimes you may wonder how you can lead anyone else if your own children won't mind you.  But then there are those God moments when He shows you that your children are listening to your teaching & you see fruit in their lives.  

I have learned that God will help me in my home life, as I keep my eyes on Him. One snapshot doesn't describe the bigger picture. 

3. Shepherding The Flock

Standing on a platform, every week, preaching is only a small percentage of what a Pastor does.  Sure, the Pastor studies & preaches but they also stand under a divine mandate to care for the flock. 

Often that involves praying with people who are in pain; walking with people who are facing difficulty; counseling people who are dealing with difficult decisions, etc.   I can't tell you the number of times I've been asked theological questions & had to explain over & over again the same basic truths.  It's not glamorous but it is important. 

Leading people, even those who don't want to be led, can be difficult...especially in today's culture.  But lead you must, when you serve the Chief Shepherd.

4. The Weight Itself 

The work of ministry is too great for a person to bear in their own strength & power.  This is where you have to lean on people to help you shoulder the load. Because quite honestly, Pastoring today is dangerous to your health. You must have people in whom you can trust that will help you balance the load. 

It has often been said that if you don't come apart you will come apart. This is definitely true when it comes to taking your rest.  If a Pastor doesn't learn how to rest, the weight of ministry will crush them, their family & those around them.  

Last year, a word was released over Beverly & I that has stuck with me concerning REST!  It has resonated in my spirit & caused me to continue to work diligently but to trust God for the results.  The church doesn't belong to belongs to God. He bought it with His own blood.  I've learned to give responsibilities to other leaders.  The Lead Pastor cannot do it all...nor should they. 

Friend, don't bring problems to your leader...bring solutions. Don't dump "chores" on your leader. Step up & lead so that your Pastor doesn't have to tread through a pile of requests, emails, etc., that could very easily be taken care of by the person passing along the request. 

As I remember the words of Apostle Paul, "And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches." -  I full well understand the weight. I am thankful for so many wonderful people, in our covenant family - BFWC, who help Beverly & I shoulder the load of ministry as we TOGETHER keep running toward the vision!
