Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Christian Discount? (Part 1)

When is it appropriate to ask for a discount? 

Suppose, you're an entrepreneur with a strong work ethic and a reputable get a call from a fellow church member requesting your services.  After you give your estimate, the fellow church member asks "What's my Christian discount?"

The question seems to suggest that they feel entitled to get an even cheaper price than they've been told...simply because they are a fellow Christian.

Question: How do they know that the price isn't already discounted?

After more thought, perhaps the business owner should be extra cautious BEFORE they enter into any business dealings with fellow church members.  

We all have to make a living and we are all looking for a good deal.  I like getting a deal as much as the next guy, but I also like blessing those who help me.  So, if at all possible, perhaps I should consider giving MORE to my fellow Christian (Business) brother/sister rather than trying to get them to discount their price.

Of course, that may not always be possible, but imagine if we all did this...our community would be a better place.


God's blessings can't be "gotten" by us TAKING them by our own initiative, but rather they should be RECEIVED when they appear.

John 3:27 "John answer and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven."

A gift can only be received if it is given.  If it is taken, then it really isn't a gift in the first place. For example, if a child takes a $20 bill out of his father's wallet, it is a much different thing than if the father gave the child a $20 gift - or even the same $20 bill for that matter.  Because the child took the $20, he also stole his father's ability to give it to him and lost the opportunity for it to be received.


The discount isn't the issue for's the sense of "entitlement."  I guess that's what really irks me about people who feel they "deserve" a discount.  The same spirit is in many churches today.  "What's the church going to do for me?"

Honestly, I don't have any problem negotiating prices with a contractor...but It just doesn't sit well with me when people seem to think they deserve a discount based on the fact that they are a Christian.

I assume that if I've called a fellow believer to give me an estimate, for work that I need done, they probably already have a reputation of being honest, efficient, fair and skilled.  More than likely, they are going to be more than fair towards me and they may even lose money because the job may become more involved than anticipated.

When speaking with business owners, you have no idea how many people tell them "will you cut me a break in price because I'm your (fill in the blank) friend, cousin, neighbor, co-worker, old classmate, etc."  Some business owners have had to stop doing work for some people because it causes hard feelings when they don't give them a bigger discount than they already are.

Friend, let's be fair in our dealings with all people.  Christian or non-Christian.  If we are the customer, let's not play the "ask for a discount" game in an attempt to take advantage of someone's good nature.  If we are a business owner, let's treat our clients fair and consider...

Galatians 6:10 "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."

If you would like more information about our Kingdom Builders Ministry, a ministry for business entrepreneurs, contact Eric Merkel at