Showing posts with label Evangelist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evangelist. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Hype Will Give You Cavities

HYPE will give you cavities.
I've been around a little while. In my short journey with Jesus, I've discovered that some people seem to "need" hype & hoopla to sustain their emotionalism.
Spiritual immaturity will make you run from this to that, crave hype, popcorn prophecy, roughness, flashiness, rhymed routines, etc.
I've seen it all before. Sadly, people get hurt in the long-run because it never pans out. It can't. There's no fruit to it. Spiritual health can't be sustained in an environment of constant dessert. Spiritual tooth decay sets in & eventually an extraction has to happen.
Spiritual Maturity understands the value of a well balanced spiritual diet. That's why God has placed in the body five-fold ministry. The offices of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor & Teacher do no compete with each other...they complete each other for the edifying of the body.
Sadly, we see so many self-proclaimed apostles & prophets today bringing confusion with their "words" for everyone. In the end, they'll give an account to God for the confusion they sowed into the minds of vulnerable people....while true pastors are trying to repair the damage done after the teeth have to be extracted & root canals done in order to prevent future disease.
This is the stuff we see happening loosely today. I for one will have no part in it. I can't. When the Holy Ghost gives you a check in your learn to take heed. I can't control what others open themselves up to...but I can control what I allow to enter into the innermost being of my spirit.
Beware beloved. There are many snares out there & some of them look good but it takes true spiritual discernment to know the difference.
Pastor Hylton 