Showing posts with label Ministry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ministry. Show all posts

Monday, May 8, 2023

Do What They Ask You To Do

Years ago, when I began receiving opportunities/invitations to minister in my home church & in other churches, my pastor taught me...“If they ask you to sing, don’t preach. If they ask you to preach, don’t sing.”

He was teaching me to do exactly what I was asked to do & to not try & freestyle. In my young understanding, I submitted to this.

I now know that my pastor was imparting much wisdom in my life. He was teaching to honor protocol & to be a submitted & seated son. He was teaching me ministerial etiquette. He was teaching me about order, function & authority. He was helping me hone my gift & walk worthy of my vocation.

We need Spiritual Fathers who will CHEER for us, CORRECT us, & CHALLENGE us. This is a great need in ministry training today.

Sadly, it seems, more & more, we are seeing the rise & fall of superstar speakers who think they're the next, ________ & want to rent a warehouse, preach into a camera & have someone follow them around with a camera as they display their newest wardrobe & walk from the Green room to the pulpit. 🤦🏻‍♂️

QUESTION: How is Christ being exalted & sinners being us watching you be filmed walking to the make-up chair, dressing room, green room, the platform & then behind the scenes to be toweled down by 10 armorbearers?

A revival of HUMILITY would do us well. 🔥

If they ask you to preach...PREACH.
If they ask you to sing...SING.

Do WHAT you're asked, WHEN you're asked, WHERE you're asked, HOW you're asked & don't forget WHY you were asked in the first place.

Good teaching will keep you.
Russell Hylton


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

In MY Opinion

In my experience, as a minister/pastor/father, I've encountered 2 categories of "ministers".

1. Those who want to "preach" so bad they can taste it.

2. Those who know they're "called" but are bashful/reluctant & maybe even running from their call.

In MY experience...

• Those who fall into the 2nd category - those who are not reaching for a mic...ultimately have fruitful longevity in ministry that builds over time & have increased favor.

• Those who want the mic so bad, they can taste it...jump from this to that, here to there, and pillar to post because they are only satisfied when they are self-satisfied.

Ministry is not about holding a mic.
Ministry is about being held by a responsibility to serve.

Start in the field. If you can serve when no one is looking, where there's no promise of position or "pay" - you won't have to look for a platform...a platform will find you.


Wednesday, April 5, 2023


JEZEBEL (male or female)(controlling spirit) ...

- Will befriend you until they become offended at you.
- If they can't control you, they'll condemn you.
- Will criticize you, it's part of their job description.
- Will talk nice/nasty (nice to you, nasty about you).
- Will talk about you; not with you.
- Will make threats & plot in open & in secret to destroy you.
- Will find weak minded people to do their bidding.
- Will speak the same language as the pastor, but their motive will be to gain position & control. Acts16:16


- The Lord's directive to Elijah holds true for you: Rest. Rise. Eat. Repeat.
- Jezebel is a spirit that seeks to co-opt legitimate authority to accommodate its idolatrous ends. It cannot be coddled or allowed to operate unchecked. It must be confronted.
- The preaching of the CROSS will drive the spirit of Jezebel back to the hellish pit it crawled out of.

Monday, December 14, 2020




I remember when I first heard this word. I was sitting in a conference where ministerial tax benefits & laws were being discussed.  The idea is that an ordained minister performs "sacerdotal" duties such as weddings, funerals, baptisms, communion, worship, etc.

All of the above mentioned duties are definitely part of a pastor's work. However, Seminary, Bible College or Ministry School don't prepare you for the "sacerdotal" duties that AREN'T mentioned. 

I can't count the number of WEDDINGS I've officiated in 34 years of ministry. 
I can't count the number of FUNERALS I've officiated in 34 years of ministry.
I can't count the number of BAPTISMS I've officiated in 34 years of ministry.
I can't count the number of ...........

However, they don't teach you in Bible College how to pastor a church during a pandemic. 

As Covid-19 drags on, many pastors are finding themselves tired, discouraged & anxious regarding the long-term implications of this pandemic. Pastors are wondering how they can fulfill their "sacerdotal" duties successfully.  Pastoral burnout is a predictable outcome for those who are running the race at a sprinter's pace rather than what is more likely to be a marathon. 

Pastors are desperate to communicate the message of faith & hope, but the means of communicating that message is difficult to determine. With the responsibility of caring for their hurting flock, from a distance, the challenge weighs heavy on their shoulders. I must admit, it can all but deplete your emotional & spiritual reserves.  Not having access to the "normal tools" people find reassuring - eye contact, bedside manner & physical presence - when comfort is desperately needed can feel like a defeating task. 
Fortunately, we have a promise that The Holy Spirit will lead & guide us into all truth.  The past nine months have brought a variety of emotions, decisions, and ups & downs. We've fought for our faith & refused to let fear grip us. The core of the church has held steady & witnessed spiritual & numerical growth in our covenant family.  God has kept us as we've pulled together to shoulder the weight of ministry. 

Pastoring during a pandemic has taught me the following...

1. Be Innovative. 
Look for creative ways to share the Gospel. You're not obligated to continue to do the same ole' thing. Use this season as an opportunity to dismount broken or dead programs, approaches & unfruitful traditions. Some would call it a reset.  Make full use of technology & don't worry about having the best of the best to work with.  Even if you don't have professional cameras/sound/lighting, etc., use your iPhone & realize that most people appreciate the "raw" real you/message with or without the bells & whistles.  Strive for excellence & make full use of what you have.

2. Be Faithful To What You've Been Taught. 
Hold fast to the testimony of the saints. Don't backslide, ghost your church or drop out.  Good teaching will keep you...even during a pandemic.  Continue to be faithful to your church, even if it's online only. Continue to be faithful in your tithes/offerings. Continue to serve where needed. Continue to communicate.

3. Be Compassionate. 
Everyone is fighting a battle. This season has brought new causes for despair all its own: more parishioners are facing physical illness, more of them grieving lost loved ones, more of them teetering on economic despair, anxiety & depression. Pray more & check on people who are struggling. In order for pastors to have sustainable, healthy relationships with their congregations, more lay leaders - not pastors - must take spiritual responsibility for the growth & maturity of others. 

4. Be Fruitful. 
Don't let Covid, or anything else, cause you to be unfruitful.  Increase your witnessing. God expects a fruitful church.  Burying your gift (failing to develop & use it) is frowned upon in the Kingdom because it robs those for whom the benefit was intended. 

5. Be Truthful. 
Some of the same folks who say they can't come to church due to health concerns...YET are out there living their best life at parties, gatherings, work, stores, get-to-gathers, sports, shopping, etc. can be aggravating...especially when you're exhausting yourself to pour into people who are hiding behind excuses. Friend, no matter who's being be honest.  The Scriptures teach us to let your Yeah be Yeah & your Nay be Nay. (Matthew 5:37)  Walk in truth & God will reward you.

6. Reproduce Resources & Train.
By necessity, most churches are putting their services online.  However, without the feedback of an in-service response or post-service conversation, preaching to an iPhone leaves many wondering how to discern whether the message is effectively reaching those who are in their homes.  Such a void can leave pastors dismayed.  We have been challenged to produce Children's Ministry Resources that parents can download & share with their kids. This requires a lot of time & energy from our teams who may wonder if their work is even being utilized.  I believe we must continue to plant the seed & allow God to bring the increase. 

The task of a shepherd is never easy. But we need not despair, nor should we attempt to carry the weight ourselves. Our HOPE in Jesus is our greatest comfort. We do not shepherd alone.  The Good Shepherd - the one who gave His life for the sheep - loves His church far more than we do, and He is, at this very moment, leading His church & beckoning us to have FAITH & FOLLOW wherever He leads. 

I'm praying for pastors & parishioners alike. Don't let a case of the "Monday Blues" beat you up! You are where you're supposed to be!  Be yourself. You don't have to compare yourself with anyone else. Hold your head up & take one day at a time. You're not alone!  Others are experiencing the same emotions - up or down - as you. God believes in YOU!

Monday, November 2, 2020

Dear Young Preacher

The need to prove your worth can stem from a lack of affirmation.

When you recognize this & you're willing to process it, you will realize ultimately that your worth comes from Christ IN you...not the opinions of other people.

Obviously, we all desire someone to believe in us. (e.g., parents, friends, employer, teachers, pastors, mentors, leaders, family, etc.)

But what if you never have the affirmation of those people? Can you still walk in confident humility, reach for your goals & be your best without their support? Can you reach down within yourself & tap into your God placed seed of value?

As a parent, it is my responsibility & desire to prepare & promote my child to discover their God-given greatness! I affirm my child with positive reinforcement, discipline & opportunities that cultivate their self-esteem, tenacity & awareness of God's DNA in their life. Parents desire their children to exceed their own limitations by enabling them to see farther & go further.

This is also one of the reasons we are in desperate need of SPIRITUAL FATHERS. Sons need Fathers/Mothers in The Kingdom of God who will LOVE them, HELP them, PREPARE them, BELIEVE in them & SHOW them the way.

In the United States - 19.7 million children, more than 1 in 4, live without a father in the home. Consequently this crisis has affected our children in the following ways:

• Poverty
• Teen Pregnancy
• Behavioral Problems
• Child Abuse
• Substance Abuse
• Incarceration
• Child Obesity
• Crime
• Education

These are mere "natural" effects. But what about the Spiritual effects? The one I above mentioned is the "Need To Affirm" ourselves. See, when you haven't been affirmed by a father, you'll spend a lot of your energy trying to PROVE who you are by the THINGS you do. You end up deriving your worth based on WHAT you do rather than WHO you are.

I have determined to be a Spiritual Father...even when there have been times that I felt like walking away from that role. One of the qualifications for being a FATHER is that you are also a SON. Sonship births Fatherhood. (Spiritually speaking). If you can't or won't be a SEATED SON then serving in the Kingdom of God as a Spiritual Father is beyond your reach.

One thing that a Spiritual Father does is that they remain on the porch. They don't go chasing after sons. They make a path for sons to find their way to & from home. (Launching Pad / Home Base) It's under the covering of a Spiritual Father that ministries are birthed & sent. The DNA of a Father must be in the sending & birth of any qualified ministry. This is the way God builds generationally. Apostolic Alignment stems from this principle. Without it, at best we masquerade a bastard ministry under the sheer veil of a renegade zeal.

Be yourself.
Allow others to brag on you.
Be comfortable in your own skin.
Don't name drop.
Take care of unfinished business.
Receive correction.
Be patient.

See, when you know WHO you are & WHOSE you are, you're able to settle in your own skin. You won't need to SHOWBOAT by bragging on your ACCOMPLISHMENTS, trying to get more FANS on Instagram or name dropping WHO you know. When you know WHO you are & WHO your FATHER can sit on the back row & be comfortable without being asked to be seated in the VIP section. :)

There is great PEACE & FREEDOM in processing this in your life. In fact, I think it's one of the things you'll have to master on your journey.

Blessings to you friends!
You are LOVED!
You are VALUED!

Remain humble, submitted & willing to serve wherever & whenever. You're right where God wants you! Make the most of every assignment! It's all rolled up into one journey of faith!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Not Whining About The Weight (Part 1)

Often, I am in communication with Pastors - listening, praying, understanding & ministering to them as a friend, a mentor or a spiritual father.  It's something I feel God has entrusted to me & a burden I carry with responsibility. 

This past week, I was reading in 2 Corinthians 11:28 concerning the things that Apostle Paul endured as he fulfilled his calling. 

Paul boasted of his weaknesses & even listed the trials he faced. 

  • 39 lashes lashes five times
  • 3 beatings with rods
  • A mob stoned him
  • Shipwrecked 3 times
  • Faced countless dangers
  • Spent nights in cold & hunger
And if that isn't enough, he said, "And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches."

I read this verse probably 15 times. Over and over again. This verse spoke to me about the weight that Pastors carry in caring for their churches. 

Sure, we all have to face difficult tasks.  We live in a world that is tainted with sin. We understand the stress of life & how it can zap our joy, if we aren't watchful.  However, I think that the unique calling of leading a church, proclaiming God's word & caring for souls...Pastoral ministry carries a load that is difficult to explain. 

Every serious Pastor I know...serves with this heavy weight.  I'm not whining here, I'm just explaining the reality of the ministry.  The reality is, the work is serious & the work has eternal demands. Pastors have a burden of walking with people through the most difficult times of their lives. Pastors suffer the pain of sleepless nights because of anxiety over the church, the responsibility of preaching God's Word every week & the gratitude of seeing God get glory through it all. 

Pastors have to learn how to carry the weight of ministry correctly. Because there is a danger of carrying the weight on your own. If you're not a Pastor or have never served in this level of ministry...I hope this will help you understand how to pray for & encourage your Pastor in the calling that God has placed on them. 

Weights of Ministry

1. Godliness

Every believer in Christ must live godly. It's a calling for every Christian...especially for the Pastor who strives to live a godly life without the fanfare of being "liked" or "popular."  The truth is when you live godly, you will suffer persecution. No Pastor is exempt. 

I think one of the things I've had to settle in my own mind is to not blame myself for setbacks in the church. We have a tendency to blame ourselves and say things like, "Well, maybe if I had prayed more or was better educated or was more faithful..."

But I have to remember that I was a Christian before I ever became a Pastor.  As a "son" of identity is found in Jesus' finished work on the cross. He's responsible for the results...I'm responsible for my obedience to Him.

2. Home Life 

Every Pastor lives under a microscope...especially with the way they lead their family. People expect the Pastor to be a committed, loving spouse & a person who faithfully teaches & trains their children.  After all, it's part of the Pastor's Ministry Description. 

This is true & at times it can be difficult. Although our daughter was  obedient & well behaved, that may not be the case for every Pastor.  Sometimes you may wonder how you can lead anyone else if your own children won't mind you.  But then there are those God moments when He shows you that your children are listening to your teaching & you see fruit in their lives.  

I have learned that God will help me in my home life, as I keep my eyes on Him. One snapshot doesn't describe the bigger picture. 

3. Shepherding The Flock

Standing on a platform, every week, preaching is only a small percentage of what a Pastor does.  Sure, the Pastor studies & preaches but they also stand under a divine mandate to care for the flock. 

Often that involves praying with people who are in pain; walking with people who are facing difficulty; counseling people who are dealing with difficult decisions, etc.   I can't tell you the number of times I've been asked theological questions & had to explain over & over again the same basic truths.  It's not glamorous but it is important. 

Leading people, even those who don't want to be led, can be difficult...especially in today's culture.  But lead you must, when you serve the Chief Shepherd.

4. The Weight Itself 

The work of ministry is too great for a person to bear in their own strength & power.  This is where you have to lean on people to help you shoulder the load. Because quite honestly, Pastoring today is dangerous to your health. You must have people in whom you can trust that will help you balance the load. 

It has often been said that if you don't come apart you will come apart. This is definitely true when it comes to taking your rest.  If a Pastor doesn't learn how to rest, the weight of ministry will crush them, their family & those around them.  

Last year, a word was released over Beverly & I that has stuck with me concerning REST!  It has resonated in my spirit & caused me to continue to work diligently but to trust God for the results.  The church doesn't belong to belongs to God. He bought it with His own blood.  I've learned to give responsibilities to other leaders.  The Lead Pastor cannot do it all...nor should they. 

Friend, don't bring problems to your leader...bring solutions. Don't dump "chores" on your leader. Step up & lead so that your Pastor doesn't have to tread through a pile of requests, emails, etc., that could very easily be taken care of by the person passing along the request. 

As I remember the words of Apostle Paul, "And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches." -  I full well understand the weight. I am thankful for so many wonderful people, in our covenant family - BFWC, who help Beverly & I shoulder the load of ministry as we TOGETHER keep running toward the vision!


Sunday, November 24, 2019

Promote What's Promoting You

My father taught me this...
1. Your job may not be your calling; but it is your income. Be grateful for it. Someone took a chance & hired you. Pray for them! Mean them well. Do what you were hired to do. Take nothing for granted. Some people can’t find a job.

2. You ministry opportunity is a result of your calling. It may or may not come with an income. Be grateful for it. Someone, usually a pastor, took a chance on you & gave you an opportunity to use & express your gifts. Pray for them. Mean them well. Do what they have asked & afforded you the opportunity to do. Take nothing for granted. Some people wish they had the opportunity you have.

I always say this: PROMOTE what's PROMOTING you. If you attend a church, you should be constantly inviting people to attend it with you. YOU are the biggest PR person for your church & ministry. When your church is posting/ should be the first person sharing it & passing the word along. Seems like a no brainer...but, unfortunately, seems like things have to be spelled out.

Some things are TAUGHT...some things are CAUGHT. You either GET IT or you Don't/Won't. If you get'll catapult your NEXT into your NOW! In fact, it will accelerate in your direction.

My dad taught me to PROMOTE what's PROMOTING me. Whatever is FEEDING me...I should be FEEDING back into it. It's really not rocket's just good old fashioned RECIPROCITY.

Whatever you're wanting God to do for you...start DOING it for God. Cast your BREAD on the water & watch it come back to you.

BLOOM where you're already PLANTED.
WATER your own YARD.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What If?

• I were the owner of a restaurant, but never ate at it?
• I were the owner of a hotel, but never stayed at it?
• I were the coach of a sports team, but never attended a game?
• I were the leader of a ministry, but never led it?
• I were the pastor of a church, but never attended it?
• There was a restaurant convention in town but, as an owner, I didn't avail myself or my team to it?
• There was a hotel convention in town but, as an owner, I didn't avail myself or my team to it?
• There was a sports conference in town but, as the coach, I didn’t avail myself or my team to attend it?
• There was a Childrens/Student/Leadership Ministry conference/event in town but, as a ministry leader, I didn't avail myself or my team to it?
• There was a pastor's/leadership conference in town but, as a pastor/staff, I didn't avail myself or my team to it?
Are you thinking like an OWNER or an EMPLOYEE?
Are you thinking like a SON or a SERVANT?
How you see yourself often determines the words you speak & the actions you take. I would go as far as to say that the way you see yourself is the way others will treat you.
As I've served in ministry & observed business practices...I've learned that we can never stop learning. We must continually position ourselves to learn where we can & when we can.
I've also learned that my actions reveal who I am. This verse has always been powerful to me: Where your treasure is...there your heart will be. (Matthew 6:21)
If the company I work for (which pays my salary & provides my livelihood) succeeds...I succeed.
If the church I attend & serve in (which provides me community, a place to fulfill my calling & spiritual help) succeeds...I succeed...and my family succeeds, too.
When you GRASP's a REVELATION that will affect your actions.
I've always lived my life with this thought, "I must promote what's promoting me." In other words, what ever is adding value to me...I need to make sure I'm adding value to it as well. It's a principle called RECIPROCITY.
I also approach this from another perspective: How can I bring improvements to where I'm at? A lot of times, we get in a rut & need to remind ourselves that we are called to ADD VALUE everywhere we are.
Don't let miscommunication, misunderstanding or misinformation allow you to miscarry your full potential! God wants you to BLOOM where you're planted!
Bring VALUE to the table & be determined to IMPROVE yourself in the process. God will bless you & others in the process.
It's a journey.
One step at a time.
Hit the reset button, but don't give up.
What if you turn your WHAT IF into a WHY NOT?

Monday, May 20, 2019

Does God have your undivided attention?

Does God have your undivided attention?
Most of us are guilty of staring into our phones...head down & disengaged from those around us.
We see it in restaurants, where entire families are looking down at their phones, rather than conversing with one another.
We see people walking through parking lots, hallways & stores with their heads in their phones...almost oblivious to what's happening around them.
In fact, I've even spoken to adults & children who won't take their face out of their phone long enough to acknowledge a greeting or a handshake. It's very rude to speak to someone & they won't speak to you or if they do, at best you get a grunt. Parents, please don't make excuses for your children's behavior. They're doing what they see you do & it's not only socially's rude.
We even see it in churches.
Pastors are preaching/teaching a word from The Lord & instead of listening intently, taking notes & being actively engaged in the service...heads are down in their phones & not because they're taking notes. Many are scrolling through social media, posting comments/likes/etc., on their timelines & their friend's timelines while the service is taking place. Some are even playing games.
They're making God compete for their time.
Seemingly, the Word of the Lord is no longer "exciting" enough for them to sit and listen to & learn. They have become...
What's worse is...the people sitting around them are being distracted by their actions.
Friend, I wonder what God thinks of a person who causes another person to lose focus on Him during a service? What does God think about a person who is knowingly causing a stumbling block for another person to receive the spiritual help they need?
I think the next time I see people doing this, no matter who they are...a church member or even an entire row of leaders...I'm just going to STOP preaching, LOOK at them & SAY...
"Please let us know when you're ready to
pay attention & we'll continue."
It's a matter of MATURITY & SELF-CONTROL. Both are byproducts of The Fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23) We should know better & we should do better.
God want's our UNDIVIDED ATTENTION & we must each hold ourselves accountable.
Matthew 22:37 "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind."

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

God Healed Me Of Depression

When our daughter, Kaitlyn, was a baby, I went through a season of depression. I had made some decisions with work that wasn’t working out & I was struggling to find my footing. I even thought God wasn’t pleased with me. I became very low in spirit & critical of myself & everyone else. 

I struggled to even go to church. It’s like I had no joy in anything that I was doing, even though God had blessed me with a wonderful wife & a beautiful daughter.  

One thing was constant wife’s determination to love me through it & hold my feet to the fire in leading our family forward in faith...after all, I was a “preacher.” 😳

I hear people today talk a big talk about “I need to step up my game with my kids’ spiritual life. I need to be the spiritual head of my family & lead better.” And yet, those same people, who make such declarations, seem to forget the vows they made & the words that came out of their mouth...once the “feeling” passes. 

They tend to let their children run their house. If the kids don’t want to go to church…they give them the option not to. Somehow they’re always sick on Wednesday night. 🤔

I don’t think we realize just how much God is going to hold us accountable for the way we’ve led our home spiritually. I don’t think we realize how much ground we lose by making slothful decisions concerning spiritual posterity. 

For me, I had a moment where I snapped out of it & recovered myself after months of battling with the depression. 

My wife made sure that even if I wasn’t in church with her...she was at church with our daughter every time the doors were open. She wouldn’t let me quit. She kept up her consistency & prayed for God to get ahold of my mind...she prayed me through it!

I don’t know what I would have done if she would have fallen into the same funk I was in. I guarantee you that we wouldn’t be in the ministry today...let alone pastoring for the past 20 years. 

I’ve never seen such a time like today, where people let the least little things keep them from the elementary principles of the Christian life like...attendance, tithe & serving, etc.  They wonder why they have so many problems. I’m certainly not pointing my finger at anyone, having received grace to get up again myself, but what’s good for me is good for them too.

I believe our daughter is serving God today, with fervor, because her parents made sure to position her in the house of The Lord & made The Lord our number one priority...before anything else in this world. Our parents instilled the same thing in us & the blessing of The Lord has increased in every generation. I pray for a triple anointing to be upon our grandson. 

I would say to anyone that’s going through a rough time spiritually or mentally...staying out of church is not the solution. Your solution comes when you press past the place of give up! 

Stop with the excuses. (I’ve used them all myself.) Get up. Do what you know you’re supposed to be doing. 

If your spouse won’t go to go to church!! Don’t you let anyone talk you into one more excuse! Stop that mess. You’re going to give an account to God for keeping your kids out of church. You may not see it now...but rest assured you will wake up one day & realize it. Especially when you see them repeating the same pattern. 

Sanctify your house with your lifestyle of righteous living. 

My help came faster because I had a woman of God in my corner who wouldn’t let me stop! Today, I give honor to her. 

I challenge you today to be that kind of person for someone you know who is going through. Yes...empathize with them but don’t give into a mindset of self-pity. 

Jesus is the answer.
Jesus is the only way. 

Jesus will break the back of depression off of you!

Much love!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Real Ministry Is...

Everyone wants a 🎤, but few can barely take care of these... 🧹🔨 🔧🗑🚽.
Ministry is more than hoopin’ in a pulpit, wiping your sweat with a beach towel, having 10 armorbearers (& you Pastor 20 ppl), selling olive oil on your website, establishing a 501C3, prophesying on Facebook but can’t be faithful to a local church & sit under a Grace gift (Pastor - Ephesians 4:11), always big talking but don’t even tithe.
Real ministry is cleaning up other people’s 💩, because you know a toilet brush anointing far exceeds someone who has a lot of talky talky but no walky walky.

Real ministry is praying with & believing in people no matter what mistakes they’ve made. It’s covering people & treating them with loving care, like they are your own children.
Real ministry is arbitrating with families who are in turmoil between themselves & you end up taking the heat & being the “bad guy”, after they “make up” & leave you in a New York minute once they’ve got their fix.
Real ministry is marrying & burying people...dedicating their children, baptizing them in water, celebrating their wins, helping them pick up the pieces after their divorce, failed business, bankruptcy & sickness.
Real ministry is remaining silent & letting God defend your integrity, after you’ve been lied on, misunderstood, & misrepresented. It’s knowing you are professional & you represent Christ...& His church.
Real ministry is teaching the same Children’s Ministry class for 20 years & watching generations mature in The Lord.
Real ministry is just showing up & being faithful, because that’s who YOU are & you don’t need bells & whistles, balloons & cake or props from the pulpit because you do it for HIM & not your own ego.
Real ministry is knowing that when you EMERGE from behind those you’ve been serving, you don’t ECLIPSE who you’ve been serving.
It’s about HONOR. It’s about PRINCIPLE. It’s about ALIGNMENT. It’s about INTEGRITY. It’s about CONSISTENCY. It’s about FAITHFULNESS. It’s about doing whatever needs done, whenever it needs done, wherever it needs done!
Real ministry is building HIS Kingdom more than your kingdom. It’s about showcasing JESUS & His church than your daily “selfie” on Instagram.
I’m so thankful for our natural/spiritual fathers & mothers who taught us how to remain & abide in the faith…no matter what happens in this world or who comes & goes.
Real ministry is serving right where you are. Loving what you’re doing even when it’s not always lovely. It’s about being content in your NOW & not even realizing your NEXT is overtaking you just because you learned how to BE CONTENT.
Stop chasing after prophesies from Perkins House of Pancake & Prophecy. Stay rooted & established. You’ll keep your bounce & you’ll witness generational impartation, because you stayed in the trenches!
God is making ROOM for me in 2019! Claim it for you & your house, too!!!