Showing posts with label Witness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Witness. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2019

5 Things For Monday

FIVE THINGS FOR MONDAY: Always be mindful of the texture, flavor & nature of your WITNESS for The Lord. Never come across coarse, bitter or arrogant. #FavorKillers
1. HUMILITY- No matter how high you go, always be rooted in where you came from. Matthew 5:8
2. HONOR yields FAVOR. We can't harvest favor where we're sowing dishonor. Check your HEART, MOTIVES & your MOUTH.
3. There's a direct link between the success of your company & the company you keep. Surround yourself with people who are HUMBLE, HONORABLE, HOSPITABLE & HEALABLE.
4. Never pay someone to DISRESPECT you. You can get that for free.
5. Beware of 8 Favor Killers. Never allow yourself to become:
• Comfortable
• Familiar
• Entitled
• Apathetic
• Ungrateful
• Critical
• Resentful or
• Deceived about your importance
Today, allow The Holy Spirit to speak to any areas of weakness in your life. When you do, your mind will be more apt to conform to the thoughts of Christ.