Showing posts with label Blessed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blessed. Show all posts

Thursday, December 8, 2011

When God Speaks BLESSING Over You

God chooses to BLESS you!  
Since creation, He has always desired to bless man.  Before the fall, man had abundance and NO LACK.  God's original intent remains the same...FRUITFULNESS & MULTIPLICATION
  • When I KEEP His word I am honoring Him.  SIN can block God's blessing in our lives, which is why He does not want us to DISOBEY Him or DISHONOR His Word.  Disobedience ROBS us of the blessing...obedience PRODUCES the blessing
  • Psalms 24:4-5 speaks of a PURE HEART.  Not a heart that is flawless...but a heart that is determined to NOT give up on the things of God.
  • I believe you can have the HEART of God and the MIND of God.  
  • Being in TUNE with the mind of God means you're developing HOLINESS.  When you have His will operate in the BLESSING of God.

Proverbs 10:22 "The blessing of the Lord - it makes (truly) rich, and He adds no sorrow with it (neither does toiling increase it.)"
  • To be RICH means there is nothing MISSING or BROKEN in your life.  In other words, you are rich when you are WHOLE or COMPLETE in every area of life.  The BLESSING is an anointing or an EMPOWERMENT from God that causes us to be successful.
  • The ANOINTING removes burdens and destroys yokes.

God is still SPEAKING blessing!
  • Look at this verse...Genesis 1:28 "And God BLESSED them, and God said unto them, be FRUITFUL, and MULTIPLY, and REPLENISH the earth, and SUBDUE it: and have DOMINION over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
  • Notice that His blessing was RELEASED by the POSITIVE WORDS He spoke!  In chapter 2:3 He blessed by speaking "GOOD" of all He created.  The Word of God is the origin of the blessing!  When we continue living according to the WORD, the blessing will WORK in our lives.
  • However, if we let our NEGATIVE EMOTIONS push away from the Word, we can FORFEIT His desire to bless us.  God intended for us to SPEAK blessings and OPERATE in our God-given DOMINION!

When God spoke...His Words released the following:
  1. FRUITFULNESS (productivity) and MULTIPLICATION of every kind.
  2. DOMINION and AUTHORITY over all the earth and over every creeping thing on the earth.

There is POWER in our words.
  • Follow this story...
  • Noah was the authority figure of his household.
  • He was a good man but he got drunk and laid naked in his tent.
  • One of his sons, Ham, went and told his brothers, Shem and Japheth about their father's condition, which was dishonorable to Noah.
  • Shem and Japheth honored their father by covering his nakedness.
  • Noah cursed Ham, and he released the blessing on his other two sons. (Genesis 9:19-27)

God released His BLESSING upon Abram (Genesis 12:1-3)
  • Abram was a descendant of SHEM (the son of Noah)
  • In blessing Abram, God declared that anyone who conferred blessings on him would be blessed, and anyone who conferred curses upon him would be cursed.
  • THIS STATEMENT IS HELPFUL to understand the POWER OF OUR WORDS.  We are constantly INVOKING blessings or curses with our mouth.
  • We can CONFESS the Word of God to CHANGE our own lives!

Abram OBEYED God, and as a result, he was blessed ABUNDANTLY (Genesis 13:1-5)
  • Lot, because he was with Abram, also prospered.
  • By living the manifestation of the blessing, Abram showed us how to KEEP THE BLESSING IN OPERATION!
  • As long as Abram (later renamed Abraham) obey God, he lived a blessed life.

Everything that is not WHOLE in our lives, the blessing makes WHOLE!  It will fix circumstances that seem impossible to fix!