Our eyes have to be developed to see good. On the other hand, we can develop a critical eye and always see the bad.
Perhaps this is why so many marriages and relationships are in trouble today. If you and your spouse are in the habit of being negative towards one another...then you'll only see the negative in each other.
Training ourselves to see the good takes work. When we do...we end up seeing our spouse's strengths instead of their weaknesses. We can easily focus on what we like about our spouse and magnify their good qualities rather than focus on the things that annoy us.
A critical spirit will birth a critical mind. When that happens, no matter what your spouse, friends or family do...it's not going to be right. A critical mind will force you to forget all the reasons you fell in love with your spouse in the first place.
Sure, we all have faults and do things that get on one another's nerves. But the issue is...what are you magnifying? Are you choosing to magnify that annoyance or are you choosing to see the good and focusing only on the good?
A negative spirit toward your spouse will poison your outlook. It will affect your communication, time together and every area of your relationship.
Think about it...when we're critical, we begin to nag and exaggerate about things that are really no big deal at all...
- "You squeeze the toothpaste from the middle instead of the bottom..."
- "You never take the trash out..."
- "You never spend time with me..."
- "You're always making me late..."
- "You didn't iron my shirt right..."
- etc...
If we could turn that critical spirit over and start responding with PRAISE instead...imagine what would happen...
- "Honey, when you mow the yard, you look so handsome and attractive..."
- "Sweetheart, when you pump my gas, it makes my heart do flip flops..."
If you praise your husband like that, he'll want to mow the yard every day and keep your car filled with so much gasoline that he'll max out his Speedway Rewards Points!
more than CRITICISM!