Showing posts with label far hills pharmacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label far hills pharmacy. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Best of Far Hills, NJ

My "best of" directory for the Mendham-Bernardsville-Chester-Far Hills- Peapack-Gladstone-Morris County area:

Cake Lady:
People are always asking us about our "cake lady" -- Carol Falcone, who does all of our fancy (and delicious) birthday cakes. So here's a link to her web site, As You Like It Cakes, in Far Hills, NJ:
Her phone number is 908-626-0693. I have now given you one of my best-kept secrets. Just remember to tell her the Roxiticus Desperate Housewives sent you.....

Far Hills Races
Charity Begins at Home (and a good time is had by all) at the Far Hills Race Meeting to benefit Somerset Medical Center: I've only been once (October 2007), the sun was shining, the horses were running, the beer was flowing, the kids were playing in the mud, and I'll hope the weather repeats in October 2008.
The 2008 Visiting Nurses Rummage Sale in Far Hills, NJ, is scheduled for Friday, May 2nd through Sunday, May 4th. Donations are being accepted from Saturday, April 5th through Wednesday, April 23rd.

Rex started seeing Nutritionist Corinne Bush (at the Far Hills Pharmacy) in August 2007. Since then, he has lost over 25 pounds, has a six-pack set of abs, and has his blood sugar and blood pressure under control.

For the Kids:
Annie's Playhouse ( -- acting, singing, musical theatre stuff, including summer camp. Starts around age 5, on up to teenagers. Summer camp for all ages.

Be sure to check out my New Post on Summer Camp 2008

Classic Home & Garden, where we bought Lloyd/Flanders outdoor furniture for our deck, is located at The Mall at Far Hills, Route 202, Far Hills, NJ. Classic Home & Garden specializes in "fine interior and exterior design services & space design, home furnishings & accessories." In addition to the deck furniture, we've purchased some nice tablecloths and cloth napkins for our beach house. I don't think they have a web site, but you can reach them by phone: (908) 306-0372.