Showing posts with label Complaining. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Complaining. Show all posts

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Just Comcastic, Part II

From the May 2008 Reader's Digest in "Satisfaction Guaranteed: The Guerrilla Guide to Getting What You Paid For (Without Getting Arrested)" by Ben Popken:

Mona Shaw walked into her local Comcast customer-service office one day last summer swinging a claw hammer. The feisty 75-year-old clobbered several pieces of office equipment before she was stopped. "Now do I have your attention?" she asked.

Reliable phone service was critical for Shaw and her husband. They lived in rural Bristow, Virginia, with no neighbors nearby and a history of calling for emergency medical assistance. The Shaws were switching to a Comcast phone-Internet-TV package, but after days of spotty phone service, a botched installation attempt, a missed service appointment, and blithe indifference, Shaw decided to visit the Comcast office.

She waited two hours for the manager before a customer-service rep announced that he had gone home for the day. That was the last straw for the secretary of the local square-dancing club. Shaw went back to her house and fetched her hammer. "They thought just because we're old enough to get Social Security that we lack both brains and backbone," Shaw told The Washington Post.

Was Mona Shaw's reaction extreme? You bet. She received a three-month suspended sentence for disorderly conduct, a $345 fine for damages, and a year-long restraining order that barred her from going near the Comcast office. Consumers across the nation identified with her frustration.

What the Reader's Digest never told us was whether Mona Shaw ever got her Comcastic! Phone-Internet-TV working, or whether someone came in to put a satellite on her roof so she could talk on the phone and surf the Blogosphere without violating the restraining order. I posted my Comcastic! Complaint here last weekend, and it has now been a week since the Comcast tech came out to my house to try to fix the problem. I'm still blogging with intermittent Internet access, constant DNS errors ("oh, our DNS server is down, we have no idea when it will be back up"), and frequent trips to the basement to turn my Comcastic! cable modem off and on. Today I'm working on my annual Mother's Day photo calendar on Kodak Gallery, and I'm wondering if I'm going to have to head out to Starbucks to upload my photos using their Internet hot spot, cuz it sure ain't working here. And it is really hard to vote on a Battle of the Blogs when you can't see either of the blogs to decide!

So if you're waiting for my EntreCard drops or missing the friendly comments that I've tried to leave on your blog, please be patient…one day, it's all going to be Comcastic!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hwingin' and Complainin': Your Patriot Media Internet Service is Going to Be Comcastic!

Mariuca tagged me a couple days ago with the following "Complaint Meme," and now I have just the rant for her, so here goes!

The following message from Comcast and Patriot Media showed up in my e-mail last Thursday, April 17th.

You might be asking yourself, "What is going to happen to my Internet services?" Oh, no, I don't have to ask myself, I know it is nothing good.

Be on the lookout for your invitation to transfer your Patriot e-mail account(s) to Comcast. Please keep an eye out for this email--it will inform you when the change to Comcast has begun and provide instructions for you to begin the email transfer process. Yes, in the last two months, you've signed up for thirty-seven (37) blogging-related services with your @patmedia e-mail address, so now we're going to change it to @comcast and stop forwarding your mail. Just Comcastic!

We are working to make the transition to Comcast High-Speed Internet as smooth and easy as possible. However, during this transition, you may experience some temporary service interruptions. You will have to completely re-boot your computer over and over again to restore your annoyingly intermittent Internet access. Your Internet will shut down every time you attempt to post to your blog, or leave a comment on Other People's Blogs (OPB). Should this occur, we appreciate your patience and understanding. We know you're getting madder and madder; however, we know where you live and you don't know where we live. Please be assured that we will act quickly to fix any problems and minimize your inconvenience. We don't really care one bit.

Should you encounter connectivity issues, you may be able to resolve them on your own by following these simple steps:
If you are experiencing connectivity issues with your high-speed Internet service, you will need to reset your Internet modem. To do this, simply unplug the modem for a minimum of 60 seconds, plug it back in, and then restart your computer. If a router is connected to your high-speed Internet modem, please follow the manufacturer's instructions to reboot it.
Shut down your laptop. Get out of bed. Go down two flights of stairs to cable modem central in the basement. Stub toe on children's craft project left out on the floor by the stairs. Turn modem off, name the capitals of all 50 United States, then turn modem back on and start on international capitals....or whatever they call them DownUndah (hi, Buffy!). If any of the green lights turn on and stop flashing wildly, count your blessings and go up one flight of stairs to the office and turn the router off and on. Watch for more encouraging green lights. Go back upstairs, get in bed, turn on laptop. Still no Internet? Go ahead and use those words, your kids have been asleep for hours.

Your world is about to be Comcastic! Brought to you by the same Comcastic people who shut your cable service down in Bay Head, may never turn it on again, and keep asking you to return your modem (which was purchased online at Circuit City) to the local Comcast office in Brick, NJ.

Ah, I feel much better now that I've shared with you. Now, it's your turn. I'm going to tag Matt, Rache, Buffy, Berryvox, and If I've tagged you, or if you'd like to tag yourself, here are the rules to play along:

  1. Compose a "Complaint (serious, funny, or even a shameless plug for your own site).
  2. Choose a graphic from HERE or HERE or use your own. I had the good fortune of receiving a graphic from the Comcastic people who caused this complaint in the first place. Any standard graphic format can be used, including a "gif".
  3. You can either place your "Complaint" into a graphic using a graphics program of your choice, or place your "Complaint" as a caption to the graphic, your choice. BE CREATIVE! A graphic is requested but not mandatory. The good people at will post just the "Complaint" if you wish.
  4. Send your "Complaint" to the following email address: Complain (at)ComplainComplainComplain(dot)com or post your complaint on your site and email the link to that e-mail address. On e-mailed statements, please include: your complaint (unless it is embedded in the graphic), creative title to your complaint, graphic (if you have one) as an attachment, your site name (Anonymous will be be accepted), your site's URL, Country / State / City where you live (just the country will be okay)
  5. Your "Complaint" will have its own URL with a direct link back to your site, if you have one. It will be indexed on the ComplainComplainComplain sidebar by date, number, subject and your site name/your name/or Anonymous. Send in as many complaints as you'd like. If you choose to remain anonymous, no identifying information will EVER be disclosed to anyone.
  6. You are encouraged to post the "Complaint" on your own site and please copy the following statement at the end of your post, if you would be so kind. This does come with a generous helping of "link-love," and tagging is completely optional.
*Start Copy*
In order to be able to achieve and maintain happiness we need to, actively, be able to do two things:
1. Complain and then let go (Dump the baggage, the roadblocks to happiness.)
2. Express Gratitude (The open expression of gratitude promotes happiness.)

After all everyone has something to be grateful for and/or something to complain about

If you would like to participate, please follow the appropriate link and do so: "Are You Grateful?", "Complain Complain Complain."

Contributors to "Are You Grateful?" & "Complain Complain Complain.": 1-Attitude, the Ultimate Power 2-Max 3-DianaCA's Metamorphoses 4-Mental Poo 5-My Thoughts 6-Baba Doodlius 7-Wake Up America 8-Life is a Roller Coaster 9-Life is Beautiful 10-pinay mommy's love blog 11-My Happiness Haven 12-And Life Goes On for a Filipino Mom 13-Blessed Sanctuary 14-Expressions And Thoughts 15-Memories by Jenn 16-Reminiscence of My Adventures 17-In the Life of Mne 18-Juliana's Lair 19-Pinay Wahm 20-Lucid Creativity 21-Winged Words 22-Irresistible Fascinations 23-A Little Time 24-See Me For What You Will 25-Greatest Reviews 26-ETC ATBP 27-Gandacious 28-We Are Family 29-Journey to this thing called LIFE 30- 31- 32-BaReFooTeD Me 33-Uncomplicated 34-Points of View 35-Pride & Prejudice 36-Colorful World 37-Nora's Notes 38-A Daily Walk With Bill & Gina 39-Strange but True 40-Everything Under The Sun ( Beth Rebokon ) 41-Kaleidoscope 42-Fil-Oz Blog 43- 44-Comedy Plus 45-Blogging by Sandee 46-Soul Meets World 47-Mae's Memoirs 48-Beyond the Rave Reality 49-Amori, poesie, arte, chat by Hanna 50-Attached at the Hip 51-Carver's Sight or is that Site? 52-Empress Reviews 53-Simple Pleasures In My Heart 54-Lourdes' mia 55-A Grateful Heart 56-Majorsleepyhead 57-Scrappy n Happy in Ohio 58-CHOC MINT GIRL 59-Extraordinary Things 60-ZOOROPAZOO 61-BeNolSatuEm 62-As The World Turns 63-Your Caring Angels 64-Life Is Wonderful To Know Everyday 65-Sugar Magnolias 66-Little Peanut 67-Creative In Me 68-Me and Mine 69-Pea in a Pod 70-the diary of the Pink & Brown Wedding 71-good thoughts, good trades, good life 72-My Blog - all things me 73-Rainbows 74-Little Corner of Mine 75-Me, Myself and I 76-My Planet Purple 77-Amel's Realm 78-A Handful of Surprises 79-A Detour 80-Something Purple 81-Vanity Kit 82-Are You Grateful? 83-A Simple Life 84-BlogTips.Com 85-Balitang Kalye 86-Mariuca 87-Emila Yusof 88-A Total Blog 89-My Life in this Wonderful World 90-MommyAllehs 91-Things That Suck 92-A Mother's Stuff 93- Roxiticus Desperate Housewives 94 - YOU!

*End Copy*