
Showing posts with the label statue

Gorilla at Scovill

Another beautiful piece of art has been added to the many, many attractions in Decatur Illinois. (photo: Herald & Review) View it at Scovill Zoo. More info -- Story: Video:

Memory Lane 41

Memory Lane #41 from "Picture Decatur" Sheriff Lee Holsapple: (Mayor Gary Anderson) memory lane, Transfer House, 1895, landmark, coin, medal, Holsapple, Macon County Sheriff, WSOY, cookbook, hotel, Curry's, Hotel Orlando, motorcycle, downtown, Kinney, Stephen Decatur, statue, Anderson, mayor

Stevie D Thru the Years

Decatur has a statue honoring war hero and namesake, Stephen Decatur. And, like one of Decatur's other historic icons -- the Transfer House -- the Stephen Decatur statue has been relocated in the past as well. Right now, it sits at the corner of William and Franklin -- in the grassy area south of the Decatur Civic Center. Years ago, it sat on the grounds of the Millikin Homestead out on West Main. Here's a look at the "Stephen Statue" thru the years: And there's a beautiful Stephen Decatur mural in downtown Decatur too: More photos of the mural: stephen decatur, statue, Millikin Homestead, downtown, mural

Scovill Gardens in the Spring

Here's a collection of photos from Scovill Gardens as the beautiful greenery wakes up for another season of charm. (photos taken 4/23/2015) Thank you Guy and Rose for your beautiful gift...... given to all of us.

The End of the Franklin Mall

October 3, 2014 The old Franklin Mall in Decatur Illinois was demolished. Here are some photos that may bring back memories for some of you: 10-foot statue of Blind Justice last known residence:  Wabash Depot Antique Centre Demolition Day (photos by Norman Gromen): And here's a link to a great piece by Herald and Review columnist Bob Fallstrom about the Franklin Mall: LINK

James Millikin Homestead

James Millikin Homestead 125 North Pine Street Decatur Thanks to Mike Isenberg for sharing his collection of B&W's from the 70's (shown below) (before the Stephen Decatur statue was relocated downtown)