
Showing posts with the label sign

Farm Progress 2017 #1

The 2017 Farm Progress Show was held August 29-31 out at Progress City USA here in Decatur Illinois. Here's our first collection of random shots from this year's show. #FPS17 ALBUM 1

Adopting Decatur

Here's a small sampling of the many individuals and groups involved in helping keep Decatur the beautiful place that it is. Thanks to these various families!

Welcome to Decatur Signs

During late July and early August, members of the Beautify Decatur Coalition as well as several volunteers and businesses gave a "spruce up" to all the WELCOME TO DECATUR signs situated around the main entrances/corridors of the City. Here is a photo gallery spotlighting their work. Find out more about the BDC by searching for BEAUTIFY DECATUR COALITION on Facebook.

Shots from FPS 2015 : Album 1

A selection of photos taken at the 2015 Farm Progress Show in Decatur.  #FPS15 (some original shots, plus others from multiple sources on the Internet) More Farm Progress Show photos will be posted tomorrow.

Farm Progress 2015

Preparations are just about complete for the 2015 Farm Progress Show #FPS15 which begins tomorrow out at Decatur's Progress City USA site. Here's some shots from around Decatur today: Picture Decatur: Farm Progress Show '13 --