
Showing posts with the label Vanzetti Bakery

Memory Lane 64

Decatur Illinois Memory Lane 64 1854, memory lane, Masons, Royal Arch Masonry, postage stamp, YMCA, 1931, Vanzetti Bakery, matchbook, millikin university, conservatory, postcard, A.E. staley, sweetose, Wabash RR, zippo, WSOY, 1925, 1975, 1976, Lake Decatur

Memory Lane Stuff 8

Some more Decatur "stuff" to help bring back some thoughts of years gone by. And a trio of Vanzetti Bakery pics: TAGS:  Daily Review, delegate, Fisk Grocery, jazz band, labor union, Macon County Fair, Masons, memory lane, Phillips Dairy, Producers Dairy, R&C Ice Cream, Stephen Decatur High School, Vanzetti Bakery,