
Showing posts with the label Doing the Most Good

Decatur Link of the Week

This week's featured Decatur link is THE SALVATION ARMY OF MACON COUNTY . The Salvation Army..... "provides opportunities for worship, Bible study, and Christian fellowship as part of our Spiritual Ministry. Through our Youth Activities, we offer many youth who might literally be left “out on the street” a variety of recreational, educational and character-building choices. We are well-known for the Social Services we provide our hungry and homeless neighbors by offering them care, support, and the hope for a better future. We also assure many county residents a brighter holiday by coordinating the community Christmas giving." Decatur's Salvation Army is currently looking to fill over 3,200 two-hour shifts for bell-ringers at the Red Kettles during the 2013 holiday season.  Please consider investing this small amount of time, which will make such a big difference.  To register, head to: .