
Showing posts with the label Royal Arch Masonry

Memory Lane 71

Picture Decatur Decatur Illinois Memory Lane 71 (click on any photo to enlarge it) memory lane, Signal Depot, membership, Cork Inn, Al's Place, antiques, Coca-Cola, Leader Iron Works, liquor, alcohol, tavern, Baldwin, Masons, Royal Arch Masonry, Holiday Inn

Memory Lane 64

Decatur Illinois Memory Lane 64 1854, memory lane, Masons, Royal Arch Masonry, postage stamp, YMCA, 1931, Vanzetti Bakery, matchbook, millikin university, conservatory, postcard, A.E. staley, sweetose, Wabash RR, zippo, WSOY, 1925, 1975, 1976, Lake Decatur

Memory Lane 29

Another selection of photos from Decatur's past. Including a shot of Millikin University's very short-lived mascot bird from the 1980's.