Creating a blog post is a little like producing a child. It starts with the act of creation. Having debated whether to post or not, one gets down to tentatively approaching the task at hand. A thought is massaged into an idea and gently rubbed and caressed into an outline. Once paper and pen have repeatedly touched, or keystrokes have thrust themselves across the computer screen, the seed of an idea is quickly lodged upon the page where it often gestates until the little blog post is born. Once it achieves life it is carefully nurtured and fed, corrected from time to time as it grows and takes shape. It is raised from a tiny idea until it blossoms into a full post all neat and tidy and fully-formed. It is now ready to head out into the real world not unlike the first day of school. Here it will join other little blog posts in the school of the world-wide web. And we must let it go to stand on its own, to survive and to meet and make new and interesting friends, no matter how hard it i