Released Year: 2010
Directed by 黄真真 Wong Jane Jane
Casted by:
房祖名 Jaycee Chan as Joe
薛凯琪 Fiona Xie as 阿花 Hua
叶山豪 Hayama as Lies
邓健泓 Patrick Tang as Sunny
Joe met director Jane and told her about the break up club he saw online in the library, but other computers cannot access to that website. Jane gave him a video camera to shoot the things he wanted to, Joe shot friends and his life around him, he even wanted to shoot himself having sex with his girlfriend Hua, but found out by Hua and they broke up.
Joe help his friend Sunny to break up with his sticky girlfriend and this help Joe to get back together with Hua. When both of them get together again, they got more argument on their daily life. At this moment, Hua met Lies who tackle her fiercely. Hua accepted Lies and decided to go to America with him, though Joe wanted to win back Hua, but he couldn't use the break up club to do it. But at the airport, Hua saw back the clips Joe make and she finally decided to go back to Joe...
L² Scored: 6/10
L² Comment:
L² Comment:
There's really nothing to shout at for this movie, its a simple nice romantic movie directed by Wong Jane Jane. The storyline is kinda special though, but there's no peak moment at this movie at all~