Exposition Art Blog: painting for sale
Showing posts with label painting for sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label painting for sale. Show all posts

Dirk Celis


 I’m making installations in studio and public area. Recently the CHPG(the chain of public galleries) was started up. I present my works in street and stores always at the same place.
People who are passing by can take those works with them for free.
mail dirk.celis@gmail.com
Telephone 003247792144


StarWalkers dancing through the curtain
Format : 60x40 cm


The Master of the Unknowning
Format : 30x21 cm


Locked in by black and white 1
Format: 30x21 cm
Locked in by black and white II
format 30x20cm
Locked in by black and white III
format 30x20cm


Locked in by black and white IV
format 30x20cm

Cellisti 1
Format 80x60 cm



Milena Olesinska - Abstract Composition


Abstract Composition  oil painting on canvas 80cm x 60cm -

For Sale  700 USD 

Contact : milenaolesinska@wp.pl

My Website 



Susan Willemse

Susan Willemse  -  Australia.
"Prices for images on my website,I am happy to provide exchange rates if requested, all my artwork includes shipping, packing and warranty to any destination world wide unless otherwise stated on my website and details about the images can be found there too."
Details required for posting:

Artist name: Susan Willemse
Australian birds Art Gallery, Canberra

Spinebill on Kangaroo Paw 20“x 16” 2018

Peacock 24“x 24” 2018

“Hope” Rainbow Lorikeet 18”x 14” 2017

Green Catbird 16“x 12” 2019

Viktoriia Kartashova

Viktoriia Kartashova


Keira Knightley, acrylic, canvas,100 х100, 2019

Art "DiCaprio. Hollywood", acrylic, canvas, 100 x 100 cm, 2019
Price 750 USD.


Sergiu Rusu - The Rhapsody

Sergiu Rusu

  Contact : sergoart@yahoo.com

The Rhapsody - oil on canvas 60/80 cm/2016
Price 1500€


Tabitha Kremesec

"This is one of my paintings it is a 11"x14"oil on canvas no frame it is priced at 72 dollars usd shipping not included this is a beach scene and done with a palette knife and has some texture to the painting"

Contact:  tabithakremesec@gmail.com



Anna Pikos

 Anna Pikos Polisch contemporary artist born 1983
"Recently I focus on surreal acrylic painting. A characteristic of most of my paintings are dense and precise patterns, which compose simple forms. It’s a complexity of simplicity, showed by me by two reasons. First is my love for complicated constructions and ornaments. The second one is my way of perceiving the world as seemingly chaotic structure, from which a deeper meaning emerges after all. Observing the nature, I find both in it- honest simplicity and chaos, complexity and variety, that compose that simplicity. Those characteristics are universal in my opinion, not only in nature but also in everyday life of civilized human..."( Anna Pikos)

 Contact : anka.pikos@gmail.com

More artist's works

A dog watching his human
Acrylic on canvas 38x46cm - 130euro

Cats are from cosmos
Acrylic on canvas 20x20cm - 50euro

A small chicken
Acrylic on canvas 20x20cm - 50euro

A double angel
Acrylic on canvas 60/40cm - 180euro

A red bean
Acrylic on canvas 60/40cm - 180euro

Behind the curtain
Acrylic on canvas 60/40cm - 180euro

Viewpoint of view
Acrylic on canvas 60/40cm - 180euro

A ghost of a woman with a fan
Acrylic on canvas 60/40cm - 180euro

Melancholy with a dog
Acrylic on canvas 60/40cm - 180euro


Karim Loberg

"My works are mainly inspired by dreams 
and are attempts at portraying parts of the self."(Karim Loberg)

My contact information is:
E-mail: Jakalohamoja@outlook.com 

Telephone: 004551880615

Facebook / Instagram

"Uso" acrylics on 120x100 cm canvas: 3650,- USD

"Uzito" acrylics on 80x80 cm canvas: 1470 ,- USD

"Kijani" Mixed media  (acrylics and ballpoint pens)
on simple 21x30 cm sketch paper: 100,- USD

"Damu" acrylics on 80x100 cm canvas: 1220,- USD

"Hatari" oil on 40x50 cm canvas: 485,- USD

"Meditation upon darkness" acrylics on 100x140 cm
paper: 1100,- USD

"Moto" acrylics on 80x60 cm canvas: 620,- USD

"Usiku" acrylics on 80x60 cm canvas: 915,- USD
