Exposition Art Blog: Oyvind Fahlstrom
Showing posts with label Oyvind Fahlstrom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oyvind Fahlstrom. Show all posts

Oyvind Fahlstrom - Avant-Garde Art

Oyvind Fahlstrom (1928–1976) was a Swedish multimedia artist.Fahlström was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil In July 1939 he was sent to Stockholm to visit some distant relatives and after World War II he started to study and later on to work as a writer, critic and journalist. In 1953 Fahlstrom had his first solo exhibition, showing the drawing Opera, a room-sized felt-pen drawing. 
 He became a Swedish citizen, and went on to study classics and art history at the University of Stockholm. As a young man he began writing for Swedish publications, and produced poetry, plays, translations, and art. In 1961, the artist moved to New York, which was his primary place of residence for the rest of his life.