Exposition Art Blog: Danish artist
Showing posts with label Danish artist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Danish artist. Show all posts

CoBrA Art Group - Jorgen Nash - Avant Garden Art


 Jørgen Nash (1920 – 2004) was a Danish artist, writer and central proponent of Situationism.He was born in Vejrum, Jutland, Denmark.
From 1948 to 1951 he was involved with CoBrA. He went on to join the Situationist International.
After the SPUR group was expelled from the Situationist International, they continued to do collaborative work, linking up with Wir in 1966 to form Geflecht. Sturm developed colorspatial anti-objects and had his first solo exhibition in the Galerie van de Loo, Munich.
From 1970 he worked as an Art educator, developing a Child Forum with Galerie van de Loo. In 1975 he set up the Kollektiv Herzogstrasse with Prem. From 1980 to 1982, he was guest professor at the Hochschule der Künste, Berlin, taking over Hann Trier's class. He continued to exhibit across Germany and from 1985 to 1998 was professor at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich. He died in February 2008 in Munich.Wikipedia



Jorgen Nash - Avant-Garde Art

Jorgen Nash (March 16, 1920 – May 17, 2004) was a Danish artist, writer and central proponent of Situationism.
"Member of Danish resistance during WW II, arrested twice. Fled to Sweden, where he lived his last forty years in the forest at a place called Drakabygget, outside Örkelljunga, 50 km northeast of Helsingborg in the south of Sweden.
Well-known multi-artist, infamous for his happenings and the amount of artists from all over who lived at Drakabygget from time to time.Married to Liz Zwick. Father of Cecilia Zwick-Nash and five more children from three different marriages.
Brother of Asger Jorn. Changed his name early on in order to set him free from his more famous brother.His major claim to fame was when he, along with other members of Bauhaus Situationniste and as a part of an anti consumerism manifestation, decapitated the world famous The Little Mermaid at Langelinie in Copenhagen harbour on 24 April 1964, something he openly confessed only few years before his death. The head was never found again, and a new one had to be made. The statue has since been decapitated and vandalised repeatedly, as well as being painted and dressed in burqas. On 24 April 1964, Nash with other members of Bauhaus Situationniste decapitated the statue of The Little Mermaid in Copenhagen harbour. This manifestation was part of the movements campaign against consumerist society."(imdb.com)

CoBrA - European avant-garden art Asger Jorn

"Asger Jorn was a Danish artist and co-founder of the avant-garde CoBrA group in 1948.  He is best known for his paintings, lithographs, and etchings, where he experimented with spontaneous line and semi-figurative representation—two fundamental aspects of the distinctive CoBrA visual language. In one of his best-known series called Défigurations, he overpainted inexpensive 19th century works that he collected at the flea markets, obscuring the classical images with his gestural style. Born on March 3, 1914 in Vejrum, Denmark, he studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen from 1937 to 1942, where he was influenced abstract art and critical thought. One of Jorn’s other major contributions came after he and his friend, the artist Guy Debord, founded the Situationist International in 1957. As a member of social avant-garde revolutionary movements, Jorn often combined writing with images as a means of popular communication. During this same time, he began working on his masterpiece painting, simply titled Stalingrad, which used layers of paint to depict the famous Russian battle. Jorn continued laboring on the painting until his death on May 1, 1973 in Aarhus, Denmark. The Silkeborg Museum of Art was renamed the Museum Jorn in 2010 in his honor."(artnet.com)


CoBrA Art Group Jørgen Nash

Jørgen Nash (March 16, 1920 – May 17, 2004) was a Danish artist, writer and central proponent of Situationism.He was born in Vejrum, Jutland, Denmark, baptized Jørgen Axel Jørgensen, the brother of Asger Jorn. He later changed his family name from Jørgensen to Nash. He was married three times and has six children. His last marriage was with the painter Lis Zwick and would last until his death in 2004. The last 40 years of his life he lived in the artist collective Drakabygget outside Örkelljunga, Sweden.
From 1948 to 1951 he was involved with CoBrA. He went on to join the Situationist International.Wikipedia