Exposition Art Blog: Conceptualism
Showing posts with label Conceptualism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conceptualism. Show all posts

Alberto Carneiro - Conceptualism - Ecological Art

Alberto Carneiro ( 20 September 1937 – Porto, 15 April 2017) was a Portuguese artist.
Born in Coronado, Minho in 1937. Between 1947 and 1958 works in religious art workshops of their land, starting on the technologies of wood, stone and ivory. He attended high school in Decorative Arts School Soares dos Reis, Porto, and Secondary School Antonio Arroyo, Lisbon.
In London he makes contact with the newly emerging artistic trends at the end of the 1960s, notably with the minimal and British Conceptual Art. From there develops innovative projects for the Portuguese context, including The cane field: metamorphosis memory of an absent body (1968) and A forest to your dreams (1970), which approaches the Land Art, revealing a special attention to the values of an art of 'involvement', which leaves the primacy of manual labor to consider the conceptual design, a progressive dematerialization of the artwork. This anthropological vision of artistic creativity is combined with an approach to the Eastern philosophies of the essence and nature (Zen Buddhism, Tantra) and take you to draw up the 'Manifesto of Ecological Art' '(1968-72) that rejects the Western dualism sensuality / spirituality and promotes the rehabilitation of the easiest things in the mean of aesthetic communication .
In 1977 participates in the exhibition 'Alternativa Zero'.
'In addition to his art, it should be noted his numerous writings that are a key contribution to the understanding of one of the most radically genuine works of Portuguese contemporary art, where nature, art and body come together simultaneously in a universal discourse and personal ."Wikipedia