Exposition Art Blog: impressionist painter
Showing posts with label impressionist painter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label impressionist painter. Show all posts

Howard Chesner Behrens

Howard Chesner Behrens (August 20, 1933 – April 14, 2014) was American popular artist whose original works of art are sold in fine art galleries, at auction on cruise ships, and at Costco. Behrens' limited and open editions are sold internationally. Behrens was also one of the top-selling artists on Princess Cruises.
"Many years ago, I learned that the only way I can really achieve what I feel in my paintings is to create them using a palette knife instead of a brush. I love the boldness of the knife, and the control I have of color. Using the knife, I find that I can capture not only the softness of clouds, but also the boldness of mountains, the vibrancy of flowers, and the strength of water. I move the knife furiously as I apply deep, rich color in many layers to achieve dimension and mood." Even a casual observer who seeks to venture beyond the natural greatness of the scene and the power of that dull blade (the palette knife) as it shapes unwitting pigments of color into visual dreams, will recognize that Mr. Behrens' work speaks to the segment in each of us that wants a better, more beautiful world, as if by reproducing the outside in its perfect state, the artist can induce us to greater internal satisfaction. Howard Behrens is a romantic poet sculpting paint on canvas, and while he has spawned an entire cottage industry of emulators, few, if any, capture the emotional breadth of this man in love with love, life and the sun.

 His approach was experiential in terms of his involvement with the formal aspects of painting; brushwork, composition, and color. The artist's process creates a lush "skin" of paint using a combination of brush and most often a "spatula," a palette knife, in the spirit of the vigorous palette knife technique adopted by the master realist, Gustave Courbet.At once an introspective and humble man and a skilled painter, Behrens created a world of beauty in his work that combines a love of paint, a passion for travel, and a mastery of style and color. The evolution to today's rich, distinctive, texturized style came through experimentation. "I slowly started using the palette knife to paint on canvas," said Behrens. "It started out very fine and thin using very little paint. Then, it got thicker and thicker and heavier and heavier. Finally, the most amazing thing happened - the act of painting became the subject matter." Behrens also developed a method for creation that combined travel, sketching, fine art photography and painting. Creation of paintings that integrate what he calls "big, juicy chunks of paint."
According to Suzaan Boettger, Howard Behrens has been "overlooked by art professionals" with justification. Behrens caters to "shopping-mall customers." His work is what some have called "Impressionistism" or "paintings that are chronologically 'contemporary' but stylistically faux historical." His proponents have claimed that "Behrens is considered by critics and connoisseurs alike as 'the one, the only, the master' of the palette knife and, as a matter of fact, Howard Behrens, through his work, lives up to the appellation." If ever there was a composer of color, it is Howard Behrens, a brilliant painter who has emerged among a sea of artists to become the preeminent modern master of the palette knife and an incomparable translator of color.Wikipedia


Art For Sale Ruben Galerme

Email: rubengalerme@gmail.com

Phone:  15 6 457 9610
CABA Argentina.

Entrance to the stay. Sunny.
Oil on canvas, 51 x 76.2 cm.
 impressionistic effect.
Value: USD 1,900.00

In the Delta. Autumn.
Oil painting by Rubén Galerme
made on hardboard in 60 x 80 cm.
Impressionist style Value: USD 1,200.00

Ranch in the Delta.
Sun effect.
Oil on hardboard, 63 x 60 cm ..
Impressionist style.
Value: USD 1,600.00

Avda. De Mayo and Piedras, Bs.As.,
Autumn. Oil on hardboard in 55 x 50 cm.
Urban Impressionism.
Value: 1,200.00 USD


Ruben Galerme

Email: rubengalerme@gmail.com

Phone:  15 6 457 9610
CABA Argentina.
Misty. Oil Painting on hardboard in 50 x 70 cm.,
Impressionist style.
Value: USD 2800.00.

Bariloche, center of sky.
Oil paint on canvas in 70 x 90 cm.
Value: USD 2700.00

Reflections of the pond with aquatic flowers.
homage to Claude Monet.
Impressionist decoration
made with oil paint on fiber panel in 97 x 70 cm. 
Value: prior consultation.

We praise at sunset.
Oil paint on fiberboard in 90 x 75 cm.
of impressionist technique made
Value: USD 2100.00

Impressionism Ruben Galerme

Email: rubengalerme@gmail.com

Phone:  15 6 457 9610
CABA Argentina.


Sun effect on fruit trees.
Oil paint on hardboard in 57 x 70 cm.
Impressionist style Value: USD 960.00

A bar in Recoleta, Bs.As ..
Oil Painting on hardboard in 50 x 70 cm.
Impressionist technique Value: USD 1100.00

Puerto Olivos.
Oil painting on canvas in 65 x 83 cm.
Impressionist style. Value: USD 2700.00

Willows and water flowers.
Impressionist decoration made in oil paint on fiberboard,
back-to-back frame in 105 x 100 cm.
Value: after consultation.

River and vegetation.
Oil painting on hardboard in 60 x 80 cm.,
Impressionist technique. Value: USD 1500.00

Ruben Galerme - paintings for sale

Email: rubengalerme@gmail.com

Phone 15 6 457 9610
CABA Argentina.
Beach of Varadero. .
Oil painting on canvas in 65 x 80 cm .
Impressionist style. Value: USD 2700.00

Oil painting on canvas in 60 x 80 cm .
Impressionist style. Value: USD 3100.00

Autumn Delta.
Oil painting on panel of fiber in 100 x 90 cm.
Impressionist style.
Value: USD 3600.00


Ruben Galerme

Email: rubengalerme@gmail.com

Phone:  15 6 457 9610
CABA Argentina.

Collective boat at a stop in the Buenos Aires Delta.
Oil painting on hardboard in 70 x 95 cm ..
Impressionist style. Value: USD 2,800.00.

Delta with pink light. Oil painting on canvas in 70 x 90 cm ..
 Impressionist style.
 Value: USD 2100.00

Old fishing boat in the Buenos Aires Delta.
Autumn. Oil painting on hardboard, measures, 45 x 60 cm .;
 Impressionist style.
Value: USD 1,800.00

The tree of memories, (1991).
Oil painting on canvas, in 60 x 70 cm.
Impressionist style. Value:
USD 3600.00.


Impressionism - Ruben Galerme - art for sale

Email: rubengalerme@gmail.com

Phone:  15 6 457 9610
CABA Argentina.

Fog fading into the sun's gap. by Rubén Galerme.
Oil painting on canvas in 74 x 118 cm.
Impressionist style. Work for sale. Value: USD 2500.00.

Morning mist. By Rubén Galerme.
Oil painting on canvas in 60 x 80 cm. Impressionist style,
Distinguished work in Bs.As. Banelco Award.
Exhibited in the program Almorzando with Mhirta Legrand,
America Tv cycle 2007.
Value: Upon request

Yachting Club Olivos. (Bs.As.).
By Rubén Galerme.
Oil painting on hardboard in 36 x 50 cm.
Impressionist style. Value: USD 3000.00.

Docks of the Port of Tigre.
Autumn. By Rubén Galerme.
Oil painting on hardboard, in 65 x 100 cm.
Impressionist style. Value: USD 3,000.00.

Yachts. By Rubén Galerme.
Oil painting on hardboard in 50 x 70 cm.
Impressionist style. Work for sale.
Value: USD 1400.00.

The ravine, the river and its reflections.
By Rubén Galerme.
Oil painting on hardboard in 50 x 70 cm. Impressionist style,
work for sale. Value: USD 1900.00.


Ruben Galerme

Email: rubengalerme@gmail.com

Phone:  15 6 457 9610
CABA Argentina.

Both margins. By Rubén Galerme.
Mixed technique on hardboard, in 40 x 50 cm.
Impressionist style. Value: UDS 390.00

Casitas on the river. By Rubén Galerme.
Oil painting on hard boards, 50 x 70 cm.
Impressionist style. Value: USD 1180.00

He garden of Claude Monet in Giverny.
Tribute to the great teacher.
Oil painting on fiber board. Measure: 63 x 90 cm.
Impressionist style. Value: USD: 1480.

Nautical. By Rubén Galerme.
Oil painting on hardboard, 50 x 70 cm.
Impressionist style. Value: USD 1180.00

Returning to the berth. By Rubén Galerme.
Oil painting on hardboard in 50 x 40 cm. Impressionist style.
Value: USD 2900.00


Pintings For Sale - Ruben Galerme

Email: rubengalerme@gmail.com
Phone:  15 6 457 9610
CABA Argentina.

Twilight. Oil by Rubén Galerme.
Technical data: Oil on hardboard panel, 50 x 70 cm.
without frame or frame. Value: USD 810.00.

Field of poppies. Oil by Rubén Galerme.
Technical data: Oil on hardboard, med.: 50 x 70 cm.,
Without frame. Value: USD: 760.00

Houses by the river. Work done by Rubén Galerme.
Technical data: Oil on canvas. Measure: 70 x 90 cm. Frameless.
Style: Impressionism. I work for the sale. Value: usd: 1,150.00

Fog advance. Painting by Rubén Galerme.
Oil painting on hardboard with frame added in 60 x 80 cm.
Impressionist style.USD: 1295.00

Tree to the sea. Oil painting by Rubén Galerme.
Technical data: Oil on fiber board. measures 65 x 80 cm.
with built-in frame. Impressionist style Value: USD 860.00.
