Showing posts with label terminators. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terminators. Show all posts

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Space Wolves 4-x-Rune-Priest Perfect Build

Ha, ha... the title is a joke, intended to increase a little your blood pressure before reading.
Below, I will try to construct my incoming Space Wolves force. As a collector, I don't care too much about power-gaming factor. To be honest, I'm not especially counting points; if will be 1.5k, that's OK; if little more, I will equalize to 2000... or 2500... or 3k,whatever...
Having already typical "horde-of-marines" Black Templar army, I wish to go for something more elitist. Moreover, I want to pick cool models and get a lot from new plastic sets (those hundreds of bits!).

So, I will start from taking Logan Grimnar (275 pts) and Njal Stormcaller (270 pts) as my HQ choices. Logan allows to take Wolf Guards as Troops, so they will be accompanied by two squads of Wolfguard Terminators. As both heroes together already sucked 550 pts, I believe that both Termi units should be rather cheap. They will get only basic set (StormBolter+PowerWeapon), with an exception for one Chainfist/squad (15 pts).
The main worry for me now - will Logan model be presentable next to the new ones (Njal and plastics)? Two pictures which I found on GW website do not give a definite answer.

In this case I will buy actual models and will make real-world comparison. Why didn't I buy them already? Well, I'm waiting with order placement for Battleforce set which will be for sale on September, 17th and will contains 20 SW marines, 5 regular scouts and a Drop Pod. The Marines are essential to get all these fancy bits and allow me to field one Grey Hunters squad with double-melta joy, and one Blood Claws pack with melta/powerfist. Both squads will get Rhino to grab objectives. The scouts will feed my elite forces (with a little help of already owned miniatures). With melta and 2 x Power Weapon, they should bring some threat to enemy side of the table (even if a bit expensive one, but who care?).
From the modeling point of view, I lean towards totally helmet-less army (all these wild heads plus good range from WFB Chaos Marauder Horsemen), but time will show what will be. The bases, I want to make very simple - plain dirt or simple battle debris theme with some snow here and there.
Finally, a good point of all affair will be that these two gentlemen will finally find a home (and some beer with brand new plastic-colleagues).

to be continued...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Wolf-Termies arrived

It seems that there is a lot of heat and tension around recent release of Space Wolves codex. Unfortunately, most of these is generated either, by enthusiasts of expected "killer-codex" or, by angry xenos players despairing at their "overpriced-yet-underpowered" army lists.
So, let me go one step back from the nasty situation and look at some more "juicy" bits from Wolf Guard Terminator set.
(All pictures from

The comparisons with components of vanilla Termies looks quite good for Wolves.I'm not going into the heads now but maybe I will add some "family picture" tomorrow...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pushing Space Hulk fever - to buy or not to buy

After starting with Space Hulk pre-ordering on last Monday, Games Workshop is pushing hard this action by adding new pictures and articles to their website. I'm stupidly looking at all these pictures and my initial reserve for this project is melting down continuously. First of all, the miniatures are not pre-painted what for sure would prevent me from buying. Instead they are just red and blue plastic which is not a problem. Second, I started to think about this box as a kind of ForgeWorld-like stuff, which sooner or later will justify me the high price. Truly Larry Leadhead said, there is nothing easier than to justify yourself a miniature purchase.

As for a limited character of this release, I never had a problem with it , neither counted for special value of this box after years. If I will buy, I will do this for gaming with friends, most probably replacing the special SH figures with ordinary Termies and Stealers. This brings us to the next point - how unique are this minis, especially BA Terminators? Maybe only until the anticipated BA regular codex release somewhere next year? So, to buy or not? The problem is not Space Hulk itself but a very long list of GW, FW and third party miniatures and boxes waiting for their way to my never-ending collection...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Old-school wonder

Looking for the latest news regarding anticipated Space Wolves re-born, I followed this link to currently available SW miniature range. And there, I saw him...

Isn't he fantastic? Old-school head and weapon design like librarian in this catalog from 1989. And you can buy it in 2009. So, take the opportunity...

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