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Thursday, February 3, 2022

Kids on Bikes - Roll20 Macro Work

I am prepping for a Kids on Bikes RPG game coming up.  We will play on Roll20 and I like setting up macros.  Some help the players and others are just notes to my self.  Here is what I have so far.

In a macro called Actions, it whispers to the GM clickable links:

/w gm &{template:default} {{name=Actions }} {{[Planned Action](`!

#yPlanned-Action)= [**Snap Decision**](`!

#ySnap-Decision) }}

It references 2 macros.  yPlanned-Actions:

/w gm &{template:default} {{name=Planned Action}} {{Set the DC=Allow player to describe their action and choose their stat. **Roll**}} {{Adversity Tokens +1=If another player spends their tokens, describe their actions}} {{Success=Player and GM narrate the success}} {{Failure=GM directs the narration with minimal player input, player gains an **Adversity Token**}}


/w gm &{template:default} {{name=Snap Decision}} {{Set the DC=Allow player to describe their action and choose their stat. **Roll**}} {{Adversity Tokens +1=Other players ***cannot*** spend tokens}} {{Success=Player and GM narrate the success}} {{Failure=GM directs the narration with minimal player input, consequences are less weighty, player gains an **Adversity Token**}}

I also made a combat cheat sheet that I can click on as the gm.  So the macro will whisper clickable links to the gm and based on what they player rolls, I can click the correct link and a box will show in the chat window.  So, if an attacker wins by 4 points, I can click that link and the player will know how much leniency they have in describing the narrative.  So here is the chat box with the links to the other macros:

/w gm &{template:default} {{name=Combat Outcome }} {{[Defender 0+](`!
#zDefender)= [**Attacker 1-3**](`!
#zAttack1-3) }} {{ [Attacker 4-6](`!
#zAttack4-6)= [**Attacker 7-9**](`!
#zAttack7-9)}} {{ [Attacker 10+](`!

Macro zDefender:

&{template:default} {{name=Defender's roll is greater than or equal to attacker's roll}} {{=**Narrative Control:** The defender narrates the outcome.

**Effect:** The defender is uninjured; the projectiles miss or the blows don't land or hurt them enough to matter.}}

The other macros follow the same code and give the info from the chart on page 36 of the KoBs book.

These macros make it possible to include just two macros in my bar at the bottom, then click what I need from chat.


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