Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Not just another goblin (a gem!)

Sometimes independent miniature makers are selling figurines so classic that I have no choice,  must share :-).
Ladies and gentlemen, Goblin Sorcerer by Brother Vinni... is true old-school wonder, IMO.


While the goblin above is just perfect, this minion of Nurgle is one step too far... Eh, there's only a thin red line between the sane and the mad.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Support Chaos fantasy football team (by Willy Miniatures)

This is another interesting crowd-funding campaign, which I may support. The company (Willy Miniatures) is well established (as far as I know), and trustworthy. The miniatures are little special due to their "fantasy football" origin, but some of them are really brilliant, especially for those who like old school.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Skaven Poisoned Wind Mortar Team

While I'm thinking who is going to win my edition of  Super Blog Chain Giveaway, I wish to show you these two approaches to Skaven Poisoned Wind Mortar Team model. One is official-though-not-yet-actually-released plastic model from new WFB starter box. The other is "fully unofficial' resin cast from the deeps of  internet's gray-commerce. The former you can already pre-order in bits services for 5 GBP apiece, the latter will cost you 16 USD (+ shipping) on "the Bay of E".

GW model ...

... and Russian counter-proposal. Enjoy!

BTW, guys at Micro Art Studio are selling Nezumi Heads Chem set, which can be interesting to further increase variation of skaven models.

Update: Following a request, I'm adding two links: auction and seller.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Grunwald 1410 - 2010 spot (not completely off topic)

Something for WFB fans. See this spot on youtube. It has been made under direction of Tomasz Bagiński, who is an artist known for his animations.
But if you are a person who doesn't like knights (anyone exists?), below are some graphical projects of more futuristic feeling (from Hardkor 44 project, a movie about Warsaw Uprising in 1944). Enjoy!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Revenant knights from Mantic - finally painted examples

Finally, the folks at Mantic Games showed some actual models of their Revenant knights. And they look fantastic!

The only thing which can stop me from from buying ten of these is a current (predicted) switch in WFB metagame to a large infantry blocks domination. So, maybe I will stay with five only....

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Finally the plastic Boar Boyz!

GW just presents new plastic Boar Boyz and they are fantastic for me! These new boars are refreshing and brings back some humorous feel to the Orks, still being scary enough to fit rest of your force.

All three sprues are below. Look at these new screaming ork heads, they are very nice.

They will release also new River Trolls. Now vomit attack is no longer exclusive to GameZone models :-). I have to take a second look to decide if like them more then old ones, but it is definitely a surprise to see them, as the metal ones were still very good looking (much better then stone trolls).

And speaking about the trolls... Gaspez-Arts has a new one chaotic in WIP section, but is already painted, so it should be soon in stock. I suppose for 15 Euros apice (just prediction).

Monday, April 5, 2010

Alternative Minotaurs - appendix A

A continuation of minotaur-searching quest.
My previous post about minotaurs is already so large, that I decided to put some additional models into the new one:

1) Gaspez-Art will have soon an additional model (currently WIP).

2) Otherworld Miniatures has its brave but inexpensive proposition.

3) Ścibor Teleszyński (Scibor Monstrous Miniatures) finally finished his three models and is selling them separately.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Alternative Minotaurs - quick look

Minotaur converted from old Citadel daemon prince.
( )

With a release of new army book Beastmen lost many monsters (like Shaggoth or Dragon Ogres in general). Instead, they got these plastic Minotaurs, which many regard as controversial models. Personally, I see obvious flaws of these figures, but I'm also far from rejecting them. It is just one of this cases, when the sculpt is not enough good to make "auto-win" mini, but everything depends on painting. You can hide the flaws with your brush, or grave the model completely, and this will be much more pronounced than for other sculpts.
So, for those who do not like new plastics, I did some CMoN/Google search and below are some alternative (non-GW) miniatures. Definitely, it is not a complete range, and to be honest, I even did not go through all CMoN "minotaur" pictures.
(Minis are in random order - no offense to any artist ;-).

1) Scibor Teleszynski has one in stock and three more in WIP section. Additionally, he made some conversions spotted on CMoN, so probably also you can ask him to do modify his figures.

2) Ilyad Games does not exist any more (as far as I know), but you can look at Bay of E...

3) Rackham made many Minos for Confrontation. Maybe not my favorite style ... but nice figurines by themselves...

4) Hasslefree Miniatures has currently some limited edition offer (resin), but regular metal version is expected later. This will be only with two heads options (as you can read in the picture inset). Notice that, this is probably the only fully armored minotaur I have seen...

5) Heresy Miniatures

6) Troll Forged Miniatures

7) Inch High Games, seems they also do not exist as a company, any more. ; .../163775 ; .../163776

8) Gaspez Arts

9) Reaper

10) Hurloon Minotaur from Magic: The Gathering

11) old Chainmail Zombie Minotaur

12) Yedharo Models
Rather beastman than minotaur but is so big that can "cout as"....

13) Avatars of War

14) Enigma Miniatures - the second one (Ahnamoth) is huge, as it has 80 mm in hight.

15) Minos Miniatures

... and probably many more. Feel free to post any links in comments.

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