Showing posts with label historical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label historical. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"By Fire and Sword" finally in English!

This system is already well established in Polish wargaming scene, but introduction of the English version is still very important milestone. I believe, it will allow expanding miniature range (and even further improve the quality). The crowd-funding campaign immediately reached a minimum funding level, and I hope it will go far beyond.

From the campaign description:
 "Why the 17th century and the focus on Eastern Europe? The wars that were waged in the Eastern Europe during the 17th century are almost unknown to many wargamers all over the world. The Western European battlefields of the period were dominated by pike & shot infantry. In the Eastern Europe the western and eastern arts of war met. Combat was much more mobile and dynamic. In our opinion it was a unique situation."

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