Showing posts with label Walkers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walkers. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Feel da power of Killa Kanz

I did a size comparison of current Killa Kan with a classic Ork Dreadnought (2nd generation) and they match perfectly. So, I'm going to use two of these old models as a part of my Killa Kanz Horde (3 x 3 KK as a complete Heavy Support choice). On the photo below, they are caught together.

For those interested, here is some closer look to this classic model, as well as an appropriate page from Citadel 1994 catalog. The only thing which I don't like is this puny ork driver, so I will not install him.

Now, the task is to find at least one piece of first generation dread, as pictured below. Do anybody have one (or better three) for sale?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Alternative Ironclad armor pattern - well, not exactly but...

Some new photos preceding the Planetstrike expansion release appeared on GW website. Did anyone notice an alternative pattern of Ironclad dreadnought front armor on one of the last photos?

I don't think, it's a conversion because they have two of them, exactly the same. Most probably these are two extra bits of Ironclad Assault Launchers which you can stick to the front plates. So, even not being really an alternative armor pattern, they can be used like this - if you don't want the Assault launchers they will count as simple Smoke launchers (free in terms of game points). This will allow you to hide a Tau-like design of Ironclad, which from the beginning is getting some critics among the Space Marine players.

UPDATE: Just a photo of Assault Launchers bits.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Scorpion of Nurgle - initial project

Once upon a time, when dinosaurs walked on the Earth, I decide to convert my Defiler using scorpion-like design. At that time the idea was not so overused and maybe even fresh. It spend some time in my head, then notebook and finally in my cabinet as some WIP. But suddenly Apocalypse came and everybody started those over-sized Brass Scorpion warmachines. So, I had no choice. As a typical man, I believe that bigger is better... Finally, I found some parts which can make my project stand out from the crowd.

Above are new legs of my monster. These 4 are the unique in shape, but I have 2 more to make it hexa-ped. Notice the size comparison with std Defiler leg - I believe this brings a good chance to make him impressive.

Some closer inspection shows that the cast quality is rather average but the amount of details is more than sufficient - in total, a perfect mix for Nurgle creation.

Here are the body components which I'm going to use. Notice the already extended hull section in the center.

Finally, two bitz which I maybe use, but without clear idea at the moment.

In general, as to grab any standard GW part is not a big problem, I have to spend few more moments to plan this walker before going further. Should I use WFB Giant body with this Soulgrinder head? Maybe actual SG body would be better? I thought about putting some non-GW nurglesque big demon body over the main hull (like the one from Scibor or Troll Forged Miniatures) but it will increase the costs too much. So, maybe I should wait for new plastic generic Deamon Prince? The Nurgle GW DP cannot be used because is heavy (metal) and already included in this force. Do you have any other cool ideas?

UPDATE: I forgot to tell that these legs are from Ramshackle Games. sorry

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Never enough Marines

New SM models are coming, as there is never enough of these guys to protect humanity...

I just saw this Kor'sarro Khan model on the GW website and although I like it, I'm also in doubt how can I use it in my SM forces. My armies will be limited to large Black Templars force (I already have more figs than enough) and some regular Codex chapter constructed from leftover bitz, but definitely not White Scars. Are you planing to use it? Any ideas - maybe some head-swap? Well, he probably just will land on the shelf...

I have mixed feelings about Ironclad Dread. This pattern on the front reminds me Tau models, even if something similar appeared previously in SM range, I think. I like his bulky DCCW right arm, and Seismic Hammer is not bad either. The bad is that his lower chassis (axle elements) seems to be the same like in regular dreadnought. At least those feets are massive to support him... What are yours feelings?

With these bolters he looks even better, crazy creation of Adeptus Mechanicus

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