
Showing posts with the label Udi's

Udi's Gluten Free Vegan Chocolate Sandwich Cookies

I do miss Oreos since being gluten free...they're such a moreish combo of Bourbon biscuit and vanilla cream, nothing much compares to them. There's a few gluten free varieties around, none of which I've been very impressed with thus far...until I found this Udi's variety reduced in Sainsbury's recently! They were down to £1.50 a pack, which is still a lot but considering they're usually about £3.50 I'll take it!  As well as being gluten free, these are also dairy free and vegan...hurrah! There's 8 biscuits per pack and they look pretty much identical to an Oreo.  And they tasted pretty much the same too! The biscuit was perhaps lighter and crunchier, but just as moreish and the vanilla creme was lovely, no different to what you get in an Oreo really.  Overall, these are some seriously tasty biscuits if you're gluten free or vegan, I'd highly recommend them...the only problem is that they seem to be hard to find and ...

Udi's Peanut Butter & Coconut Cookies

So for the second post of my gluten free snacks week, here we have another Udi's Cookie variety: Peanut Butter and Coconut. I know a certain coconutter who would no doubt loooove these cookies if it weren't for the peanut butter in them that would make her go pop :( Like all Udi's Cookies they come in a plastic tray with two sections of five cookies. The cookies are super chunky and thick. These were a tad more crumbly than the Pecan & Maple variety. However they tasted a lot better! The coconut flavour was delicious, with a delightfully light, toasted flavour. The peanut butter flavour didn't come through as strongly, which is a good thing as it meant the coconut had more of a chance to shine. The cookies had a lovely buttery, indulgent taste, and I thoroughly enjoyed them dunked in a cup of coffee (which proved tricky since they're so thick and chunky!) Overall, these are a definite gluten free winner! 8.5 out of 10. 

Udi's Gluten Free Dark Chocolate, Pecan & Maple Cookies

So this week I've decided to review only gluten free snacks. I'm sensitive to gluten and have been off it for a while now, and have been a bit disappointed with many of the gluten free choices out there. It's mighty hard to find a good gluten free cookie in the shops, in fact it's impossible to find the gooey, buttery fresh ones, so we're left with only the dry, shelf stable kind to nom on :( One of the new kids on the (gluten free) block is Udi's, a brand popular in America that has only recently made its presence felt on UK shores. They make various bread rolls, bagels, toaster pastries, and more. My local large Tesco stocks a few of their Cookie varieties, which usually cost £3.50 (too much for my budget!) but when they're half price I sometimes buy a pack. They're currently half price in Tesco again and for £1.75 I decided to give this "Dark Chocolate Chip, Pecan Nut & Maple Flavour" variety a try. You get ten cookies in a p...