Ritter Sport Our First Harvest Bar
I've reviewed a number of Ritter Sport bars over the years and I have to say, it never gets old, I always look forward to any new varieties they come out with, and today's review is no exception. This is their "Our First Harvest" bar, of which there is only a limited amount, but you can be in with a chance of winning one if you head over to Ritter Sport UK on Twitter or Instagram . Good luck! I'm so glad to try these and that Ritter Sport UK are making their range more widely available here. This is a particularly special bar because it's made with first harvest cocoa beans, from Ritter Sports very own farm that supports sustainable cocoa production. In 2012 Ritter purchased land in the eastern part of Nicaragua and are now actively involved in the sustainable cultivation of cocoa, which is important because it supports biodiversity and good working conditions for farmers. As well as that, it means tasty chocolate! I didn't realise quite how lon...