M&M's White Cheesecake Valentines Edition
Valentines Day is just around the corner, and to celebrate it (early) I thought I'd treat myself to a bag of these White Cheesecake M&M's, which are available on various sites like Amazon, but I bought them off ebay as it was a few pound cheaper. Gotta love yourself! In true Valentine's fashion I poured them onto this heart-shaped dish that is a pretty reasonable £1 from Poundland. There's no description on the pack apart from "white cheesecake artificial flavours"...you gotta love how they're not ashamed to admit it! They come in white, beige and pink colours - pretty fitting for Valentines! They have a nice milky and slightly cheesecakey aroma. I'm sure the shells are a little different to UK M&M's, they don't seem quite as shiny or glossy, although maybe this is a change just for the Valentines edition. I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I am happy to say these did not let me down one bit - they are every bit as swe...