datestampThursday, December 16, 2010

FAQ Part 2...and an invitation

I totally love and appreciate how interested some of you are in this new journey of mine. It just makes me all the more excited. And here are answers to more of the questions:

Will you share the details of your current plan? Like what do you eat and what is your daily work out schedule like?
Since I am not traveling for work right now, I have chosen to take advantage of a more "normal" schedule and be a little more aggressive in my quest for the next few months. So, I'm counting calories (all 1400 of them every day). No food is off limites and I don't have any "rules". But, I care much more about each of those calories and need to make sure they really count (i.e. give my body the fuel it needs). So, I'm eating lots of whole foods, lots of yummy soups, lean proteins, veggies, etc. and I'm trying not to ever drink my calories (and for a milk drinker, that's a pretty big change).

As for working out, I've committed to burn 800 calories a day (M-F) which requires at least one 1-hour session of intense cardio. I'm trying to do two. That's not easy or always realistic. So, Saturday is my "make up" day. I basically follow a lot of the workouts we did at the Resort and I also joined a gym (so I don't get totally tired of my treadmill and free weights at home). I never do the same thing everyday and that helps keep it interesting.

What is the difference between the Body Bugg and the Polar Watch you have?
There are a couple of differences.
BB has an armband. PW has a discreet band that goes around your chest.
BB has a slick way to calculate your calories in. PW does not.
BB however requires you to go online and download things and pay a monthly subscription. PW does not.
Bottomline, I didn't need all the "bells and whistles" of the Body Bugg. And I really love my Polar Watch.

How much does Fitness Ridge cost?
Rates are listed here for the Ivins location (Malibu is a little more).

Do we still get a discount if we only go one week?
Yes. The $100 off is for one week or 10 weeks. Either way, it's just $100 off.

What did you learn that is helping you stay motivated?
The answer might seem simple and borderline cheesy. But it's all true.
a.) I am worth it
b.) "Because I can"
c.) I'm done being the one thing standing in my way.

How can I overcome the feelings that I can't do this?
This is key. I personally had to make a conscious decision that I would choose to believe that I could do this (something I've been working on for a year). And then? I had to just start doing it. Everyday you actually "do the thing you think you cannot do" chips away at the belief that you cannot do that thing. This is a truth I now know to my core.

Can we meet for dinner and talk?
I would love to say "yes" but since I'm great at overcommitting myself, let's try this instead (here is the "invitation" part of this post and this might be crazy but it also might be really fun):

If you would like to come hear more about Fitness Ridge, what I learned, where my heart and head are now and what I'm currently doing, you are cordially invited to a little gathering at my home on TUESDAY, JANUARY 4th 7pm-9pm. I'll answer questions, we'll talk and I'll even share samples from yummy recipes I got while I was there. How fun, eh?

This gathering will need to be limited to just six women. If you'd like to come, email me at laurelDOTchristensenATgmailDOTcom. Include a little info about yourself if we don't know each other (just so I can confirm you're not a crazy person...grin). I'll reply with more details.

And then someday soon, I'll blog about something else.


Anonymous said...

Living out of state cuts me out of the invitation. I would love to attend, but can't. I'm proud of you though, Laurel, for sticking to your commitments and goals. It sounds like you are really taking control of your life in very positive and permanent ways. Hurrah for Laurel Christensen!!!

Love, Aunt Linda

turleybenson said...

Oh,I wish I could go to your party. Would you consider a tour? ;)

Anonymous said...

Living out of state I still consider myself part of the invitation. (GRIN) But, I simply can't afford to take the time off work or pay for the flight or gas because...


Thanks, yet again, for the inspiration!

Come, Follow Me-Music Study said...

I'll tell you what.... Here's another invitation just for you! I'm going to have a gathering at my home the next time you come home and I will invite 6 others to join us and we will have the BEST dinner ever!!! Just let me know what kinds of things you want to eat and you will have a PERSONAL CHEF all to yourself. (and whoever the 6 others may be) It will be GREAT!!! Just name the date!

Teresa said...

I would love to come but have a late meeting that night. I love the posts and hope to learn from you. Keep going - you can and you will do it!