datestampMonday, December 27, 2010

aunt laurel

I never planned to be "the favorite aunt"
because you typically get that title when you're the "single aunt"
and I never really planned on that.

But, for now, that's where I'm at.

And if the Lord needed me to be single for a season (because I actually believe He did...not forever though...let's be clear...but for a season), I assume He needed me to take the role of "aunt laurel" very seriously (and that part IS forever).
And I do.
Take it seriously. I mean.

I love these kids.
They are the source of so many good things that come in and out of my little heart.
And I'm grateful for siblings who share their children with that heart of mother heart.

I got to be with my family for a 48-hour Christmas (as a fun is that?). It was delightful and much-needed and a blessing in many ways.

Sure, it was great to be with my parents and have my surprise appearance make them cry (because fun is that?)

And sure it was great to see my siblings and have my brother David jump out of a closet and scare the living day lights out of me the first night (because fun is that?)

But mostly, it was great because I give and get a whole lotta love from these kiddos:

(okay, so these kids aren't so much "kiddos" anymore. Isaac (15) and Hannah (13). Too tall. Too old. Too cool.)

(This is what "good-bye" looks like with my brothers kiddos. And I love it.)

Sometimes I think being aunt laurel is like the best job on the planet.
I get to just love them.
Without any of the responsibility.
Just love.

And though someday, I want to try my hand at the responsiblity part too, for now...
well, for now...
the Lord lets me be aunt laurel.


Teresa said...

Family is the best whether you are the favorite Aunt (which I love that title also) or the mom or sister or daughter!

janabananagirl said...

Are you a mind reader? Because I was thinking this very thing (that I love being the favorite aunt) as I drove home tonight. For the last two hours I have cuddled my little 2-month-old niece so her momma could get a few things done. I don't plan on giving up the title when I get married, though, because all of my nieces and nephews are too firmly entrenched in my heart to ever give them up.

DeAnn said...

AS my nieces and nephews have grown older I was so afraid I'd lose that connection I had with them when they were little. But I haven't -- it's gotten better and funner. I love getting texts now hearing about the boys or even private jokes we share. You do have a "mother heart" and it's just what those kids needed this weekend -- a little dose of Laurel can keep a someone going a long time.

Arlene said...

Our Grands have a favorite Uncle. He has since married..but still remains the favorite. A fun title indeed.

Cheryl said...

You really are the best aunt ever!

Alesa said...

This is why I love reading your blog. I am a 'Favorite Aunt' too and its the best. You give me hope and inspiration. Thanks.

Erin said...

What a great Christmas surprise for your family! I love being the favorite Aunt too!!

Amander said...

I don't know how you do it Laurel, but at least half of your posts take the thoughts right out of my head. I love them. And I love you.

(And seriously, married or not, how could you not be their favorite aunt??)