my unlocked heart
I've lived alone for 12 years now (and have discovered I'm a totally delightful roommate. Seriously. I get along with me so well.).
It shouldn't be a big deal to spend a night alone.
And it rarely is.
But, after having a roommate for just a few weeks...
a roommate that I love
and pray with
and eat with
and carpool with
and laugh with
and get frustrated with
and talk with
Well, after just a few weeks of that, I don't much like not having him around.
The boy is at EFY this week.
And Sunday as I sat with him at church and thought about how fast this has gone and how close it is to all being over, I got a little misty (okay, I actually cried. Full on tears).
Isn't that silly?
But, I thought about how much my life has changed in just five short weeks.
I thought about how my heart has discovered this new capacity to love.
As if loving him has somehow created more space to love others.
As if making room in my life for him has created more room in my life for others.
I've heard that moms find their hearts grow with each child.
Not that each child takes a less percentage of the same size heart.
But that a mother's heart actually has more to give the more it needs to love.
It should have less.
But, it has more.
I've always thought that a little crazy.
I knew that's how it probably worked for God.
But, us?
My heart is not the same heart I had 5 weeks ago.
Even with it's ability to fall in love and get it's little self broken.
Even with a life time of experience loving and stretching and breathing.
Even with all the people I have loved and served and cared about.
Something has changed.
Something is different.
It's like the mother part of my heart has been unlocked.
And it got unlocked by a kid that isn't even mine.
I didn't even know it was locked.
I suspected and I felt inklings at times.
But, I really had no idea.
And so now...
now that I know what I've been missing?
Now that the part of this heart that I didn't know I even had has been revealed?
Now that I know what this feels like?
Well, I can't go back to the way my heart was before.
I can't go back to the way my life was before.
Because, while I didn't understand what I didn't have.
I understand that now.
Because I have it.
And my heart will never be the same.
And I'm so grateful.
So deeply and eternally grateful.
(image found here)