If you're looking for a band that's got too many things going on all at once, you might want to look into Ysgaroth.
They've pretty much got their fingers in all of the metal pies.
I bet that looks a bit like Terminator 2...
Anyway, these British Columbians can be found on the greatest music website on the planet, BANDCAMP.
Now, let's crack open a beer to go with that metal.
1. My personal favorite beer style is the might Double India Pale Ale. The best DIPA in the world is STLIPA by Urban Chestnut. Tell me about your favorite style?
When I first got into beer I couldn’t get enough of stouts, but over time I’ve just come to love sours - it doesn’t matter what kind.
Bottle conditioned, fermented on berries, whatever. My favourite sour I’ve ever had was the Strathcona Brewing Love Buzz, which was a vanilla raspberry sour - best beer I’ve ever had, and it was only a limited release.
Life is pain.