Showing posts with label Age of Truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Age of Truth. Show all posts

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Beer Thirty with Bill Miller from Age of Truth

Age of Truth
It's really starting to seem like my future move to Philadelphia is the right idea for me as a metalhead.

More and more...bands from the City of Brotherly Love are coming into the queue of my personal conciousness and they're really kicking a lot of ass.

We all know that I love St. Louis, but and I'm sorry Redbait and Torchlight Parade, our local metal scene kind of sucks.

Yet we have a strong metal show going community.

Like, Heavy Metal Kilt Guy, we all know him. I've seen that guy in at least 5 different clubs.

But back to Philly, the loving city where fans huck batteries at baseball players....let's talk about Age of Truth. Check out their latest record, Threshold on BANDCAMP.

Now, let's have a couple beers!