Showing posts with label Into The Storm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Into The Storm. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Vinyloscopy with Into The Storm

Into The Storm
Into the Storm has put out some great music. For me, Where The Merfalo Roam is a modern sludge classic.

They were cool enough to put that disc on teh vinylz. The packaging was superb and even included a book about the goodness contained therein.

After Merfalo, they've not been resting on their laurels and there have been two splits with Twingiant and Smooth Sailing.

They're also vinyl guys, so let's get them in here and find out how they do.

Listening to Black Sabbath's eponymous debut the night I got it blew me away. What's the album that sounds the best on vinyl compared to digital sources?

Friday, January 5, 2018

Split EP Review: "Split" by Into the Storm and Smooth Sailing

At this very moment, the final strains of the first side of this EP are ringing and my ramen is getting cold enough to eat without slurping, as I never learned how to do that properly.

(Ramen is a personal choice and I love it! So come at me.)

Plans were made to take a break and begin writing furiously, they failed.

Then there's that holiday break that you don't want to know about. Let's just say, no matter how much you might want to be me (as if there was one person that could say it...), you'd be totally pitying me after this past two weeks.

In fact, my life has been so unreal lately that only a terrible writer for Full House could've dreamed this up.

So what do you do when shit hits the fan and there's nothing left to do but laugh at your own misfortune and wait for the knot on the back of your head to stop hurting? You invite some old friends over and just rock the fuck out.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Interview: Into The Storm

Into The Storm
Into The Storm has released their fifth album, Where The Merfalo Roam on Living and Breathing records on LP, CD, and digital. It can be ordered here.
Recently, they took some time out to help us get to know them.
Glacially Musical :So, tell me about your new record, Where The Merfalo Roam.
Into The Storm: 'Where the Merfalo Roam' is the most accurate representation of seeing us play live we have ever recorded.
The concept is a journey through discontent, oppressive governments, dystopian eras, and the connection between the cycles societies go through.
The artwork depicts the mouth of a giant mythical creature that devours chunks of societies with bits of them still stuck against it's teeth and the creatures that are still feasting upon them.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Split EP Review: "Split" by Twingiant and Into The Storm

My faithful twitter followers will know about my great love of tea.

In fact, I just poured some hot water out of my work electric kettle in order to brew up a strong cup of Japanese Green Tea that I recently purchased at the local Asian grocery store.

Picking out new tea is a lot like picking out music in 2016. Go to Bandcamp, Amazon, iTunes, or any place folks pick up music and it's nearly impossible to weed this all down.

Of course there are a couple good ways choosing tea, you could always ask the advice of someone who's had all of those teas. It's also a good idea to pick tea that's made in the same style as one you like. This past trip, I was trying to get a box of Takaokaya green tea that I got in Chicago, but Jay's didn't have it. So I got Tian Hu Shan instead...

It's another Japense green tea. 

But there's also that third option. They also make variety packs of tea. Ahmad Teas has a great 20 pack of afternoon and breakfast teas that I usually grab when I've got go out of town.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Vinyl Review: "Where The Merfalo Roam" by Into The Storm

Where The Merfalo Roam
Something that annoys me....

Seattle, WA is not known for its heavy metal and by Seattle, WA, really we're talking about the entire Pacific Northwest, save Vancouver, BC proper.

Now, as I've never visited there, it's totally acceptable for me to now make wild accusations about this area of the world. Clearly it's raining there right now.

Beyond just the rain and the damp, it must be assumed that they have a large mold problem up there too right?

There's also a lot of coffee.

I can't help but think....wouldn't all the rain, mist, and caffeine create something more than just grunge?  It really seems like there should be a huge speed metal scene up there, just do you play slowly when you're drinking coffee all day and night?

I mean, do they even have tea?