Showing posts with label The Hiders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Hiders. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Album Review: "Totem" by The Hiders

 In my writing, I find myself coming across more music than I could ever listen to, much less review.

I'm just one man and I need many, many minions to give all of the music I see the true attention it deserves, but it's also shaped my review philosophy:

Music you need to hear.

So, that's why sometimes I need my attention grabbed in order to give the music the attention it rightly deserves. This time, I was contacted because of my review of Jeremy Pinnell's solo debut.

Billy Allezhauser emailed me. It was his impression that I could very well love the music he's making. You might remember him from the band the Ass Ponys.  Well, he sent me a copy of his album...and I have to tell you about it now...