It had been several weeks since I had listened to any black metal, and the new release from Nephrolith was a suitable reintroduction to the genre.
It is a complex, modern take which achieves a unique clarity without sounding polished. The vocals, while still harsh and growled, are surprisingly discernible. This is a positive, as the lyrics are excellent and relay dark tales of personal anguish.
The result is a powerful and melodic black metal sound, which at times veers into death metal, while regularly including the genre specific blast beats and tremolo picking.
Brutal passages are connected by crisp and powerful melodic musical interludes. It is difficult to compare Nephrolith to any other black metal band, because at different times they are reminiscent of different bands and different eras of the genre.
It is a complex, modern take which achieves a unique clarity without sounding polished. The vocals, while still harsh and growled, are surprisingly discernible. This is a positive, as the lyrics are excellent and relay dark tales of personal anguish.
The result is a powerful and melodic black metal sound, which at times veers into death metal, while regularly including the genre specific blast beats and tremolo picking.
Brutal passages are connected by crisp and powerful melodic musical interludes. It is difficult to compare Nephrolith to any other black metal band, because at different times they are reminiscent of different bands and different eras of the genre.