Showing posts with label Karg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karg. Show all posts

Friday, October 14, 2016

DLP Review: "Weltenasche" by Karg

October is the best month of the year if we're not counting the months of November through February. December is, naturally, the best month having New Year's, Christmas (Yule, Saturnalia, etc), Hannukah, My Birthday, My Anniversary, and of course, the Winter Solstice.

But, getting back to October.

Not only is the veil between the living and spirit worlds thin, but the veil between myself and black metal grows very thin as well. Normally, this guy is no fan of Black Metal.

But October brings something out in me. Perhaps that this is the time of year when record labels start putting out the creepy music is what draws me in. It's more than that. When the world starts growing cold, we all change.