Showing posts with label Airbourne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Airbourne. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Album Review: "Breakin' Outta Hell" by Airbourne

For the most part I try to approach these album reviews with some sort of journalistic objectivity.  Often I am not familiar with the band and have never heard the songs nor anyone else’s opinion of them before reviewing.  

This is not true of Airbourne, as I had the opportunity to see one of their famous live performances in August on the opening leg of their Breaking Out of Hell tour in Bergen, Norway.  (You can read my review of this show elsewhere on Glacially Muscial.)  So before the new album even arrived in my in-box they had already completely won me over.   

I went into this album already knowing at least the title track was top notch rock-n-roll.  The only question was would the rest of the album  live up to what I had already heard.  The answer is yes.

It bears repeating from my first postings on Airbourne, they are heavily influenced by their countrymen AC/DC.   There is no shame in this.  There is plenty of room in the world for more raw power hard rock anthems of this type.  As AC/DC sails off into the sunset, Airbourne, in every manner, is their heir apparent.  Fittingly, the album was recorded and mixed in Australia, and it seems to have harnessed the magical aura of Angus and the boys.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Concert Review and Photos: Airbourne at the USF Verftet in Bergen, Norway August 4, 2016 -by Danny Nichols

Airbourne rocks the USF Verftet in Bergen
Admittedly, I did not know much about Airbourne before buying tickets to see them play at the USF Verftet in Bergen, Norway, but there was no way I was leaving Scandanavia without seeing a metal show.

Based upon the power of the band, the energy of the audience and the quality of the songs it turned out to be one of the best shows I have ever seen.  Many of the songs I heard for the first time that night and yet a week later I am actively adding Airbourne's complete discography to my collection.  It was clearly a mistake to have left them undiscovered for so long.