Showing posts with label Tenebrae In Perptuum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tenebrae In Perptuum. Show all posts

Friday, September 6, 2019

Review Round Up 09/06/19

Anorexia Obscura by Tenebrae In Perpetuum 8/30/19

Let's start off with something a bit off of the beaten path, but the first track wouldn't let you in on that little secret.

We have a black metal band from Italy, or as it's better known...the depths of Hell... right? So, Anorexia Obscura is their fourth album, but they've been silent for the past ten years. So, this duo has been on hiatus for the entirety of my personal black metal fandom.

Their first track really didn't do much for me and this record was quickly careening towards a negative review, which is a thing I do now.

But, I slowed my roll and let the band play on. Now, here's where it gets a little strange. I can't rightly give this album a score. It's anywhere between an A+ and a C- for me. It's definitely a grower and it's uncertain as to how tall this will go...

Rating: ? Order Facebook