Unus by Necronomicon (Season of Mist) 10/18/19
Remember Chicken Soup For The Soul? It would seem improbable that they had a tome for the metal fan, but many times that's precisely how it feels to me.
Today, we have a new record by Necronomicon.
They remind me of bands like Kiss. Because in being honest, there's nothing here that's awe inspiring, wow inducing, and they never kick anything out that makes me stare at my speakers.
That's fine and dandy. These Canadians don't need to tread a new path in order to make awesome music. Their fierce brand of Traditional Second Wave Canadian Blackened Death Metal was the perfect antidote to my morning and that's enough to make me put this one on my to buy vinyl list.
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Remember Chicken Soup For The Soul? It would seem improbable that they had a tome for the metal fan, but many times that's precisely how it feels to me.
Today, we have a new record by Necronomicon.
They remind me of bands like Kiss. Because in being honest, there's nothing here that's awe inspiring, wow inducing, and they never kick anything out that makes me stare at my speakers.
That's fine and dandy. These Canadians don't need to tread a new path in order to make awesome music. Their fierce brand of Traditional Second Wave Canadian Blackened Death Metal was the perfect antidote to my morning and that's enough to make me put this one on my to buy vinyl list.
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