Produk Cat Anti Deteksi Radar merupakan hasil penelitian dan pengembangan program LPDP Rispro Kompetisi 2024 dengan menggunakan objek uji Ranpur Anoa 2 6x6 Amphibious produk PT Pindad (photos: Pindad)
“Saya selaku VP Inovasi dan Pengembangan Produk mewakili Direktur Utama dan Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PT Pindad menyampaikan selamat datang pada tim dari BRIN, tim dari LPDP, dan juga dari PT Sigma beserta jajaran yang telah berkenan hadir dalam rangka pengujian dan launching cat anti deteksi radar yang telah diimplementasikan di salah satu ranpur kami yaitu ranpur Anoa 2 6x6 Amphibious. Kami mengapresiasi inovasi produk cat anti deteksi radar produksi dalam negeri dan kami sejalan dengan program pemerintah mendukung upaya-upaya untuk mewujudkan pemenuhan kebutuhan Alpalhankam.” Jelas Prima Kharisma.
Direktur Utama PT Sigma Utama Benny F Simanjuntak mensyukuri hasil penelitian cat anti deteksi radar yang diresmikan pada hari ini. Beliau juga menyampaikan komitmen untuk mendukung visi pemerintah.
PT Pindad bekerja sama dengan BRIN (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional), PT Sigma Utama dan LPDP (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan) meresmikan produk Cat Anti Deteksi Radar pada selasa, 26 November 2024 berlokasi di PT Pindad, Bandung. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh VP Inovasi PT Pindad Prima Kharisma, Ketua Peneliti Utama Cat Anti Deteksi Radar Wisnu Ari Adi, Direktur Utama PT Sigma Utama Benny F Simanjuntak, Direktur Fasilitas Riset LPDP Wisnu Sardjono Soenarso, Kepala ORNM Ratno Nuryadi, dan Ketua PRMM Wahyu Bambang Widayanto. Produk Cat Anti Deteksi Radar merupakan hasil penelitian dan pengembangan program LPDP Rispro Kompetisi 2024 dengan menggunakan objek uji Ranpur Anoa 2 6x6 Amphibious produk PT Pindad. Keberadaan produk Cat Anti Deteksi Radar merupakan inovasi untuk mewujudkan kemandirian dan kemajuan teknologi di bidang pertahanan Indonesia. Sebagai produk penelitian, Cat Anti Deteksi Radar berkontribusi positif serta ikut mengembangkan potensi industri dan penelitian bidang pertahanan dalam negeri.
VP Inovasi PT Pindad mewakili Direktur Utama & Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PT Pindad mengapresiasi penelitian dan peresmian produk Cat Anti Deteksi Radar yang diterapkan di Ranpur Anoa 2 6x6 Amphibious. Beliau juga menyampaikan bahwa produk ini merupakan salah satu inovasi dan mendukung pemenuhan kebutuhan Alpalhankam (Alat Peralatan pertahanan dan Keamanan) nasional.
Ketua Peneliti Utama Cat Anti Deteksi Radar, Wisnu Ari Adi menyampaikan keberhasilan penelitian produk Cat Anti Deteksi Radar dan diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kemandirian industri pertahanan nasional.
“BRIN telah berhasil mengembangkan riset smart magnetic yang merupakan teknologi siluman berupa pigmen cat anti deteksi radar dan melalui pendanaan LPDP RISPRO, kementerian keuangan RI yang berjudul produksi pigmen smart magnetic dan cat anti deteksi radar dalam mendukung alutsista pertahanan nasional. Dalam riset ini, produk diimplementasikan kepada kendaraan tempur Anoa 2 6x6 Amphibious PT Pindad. Berkat dukungan penuh dan kerja sama sinergis antara BRIN, industri cat nasional PT Sigma Utama dan industri alutsista PT Pindad, produk ini berhasil dikembangkan dan telah teruji. Kami berharap keberhasilan dari riset ini mampu mendongkrak kemampuan alutsista pertahanan dan juga mampu meningkatkan kemandirian industri pertahanan nasional.” Jelas Wisnu Ari Adi.
“Kami berharap produk Cat Anti Deteksi Radar yang kita kembangkan bersama ini itu menjadi satu langkah awal untuk terhadap visi dari pemerintahan kita untuk memperkuat industri alutsista kita. Kami sebagai bagian dari BUMN, akan mendukung sepenuhnya apapun program dari pemerintah. Mudah-mudahan produk yang kita kembangkan bisa memberi daya tambah dan berkontribusi bagi industri dalam negeri.” Ucap Benny F Simanjuntak.
Kegiatan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan demonstrasi pengujian dan peresmian Produk Cat Anti Deteksi Radar berlokasi di Gedung 100, PT Pindad. Secara sederhana, produk Cat Anti Deteksi Radar memiliki kemampuan untuk mengeliminasi refleksi gelombang elektromagnetik sehingga tidak mampu dideteksi oleh radar. Produk Cat Anti Deteksi Radar diaplikasikan pada Anoa 2 6x6 Amphibious dan dikomparasikan dengan Ranpur Badak 6x6 yang tidak dilapisi cat anti deteksi radar. Dari hasil uji statis dan dinamis, terlihat di monitor bahwa Anoa 2 6x6 Amphibious tidak terdeteksi oleh radar sedangkan Badak 6x6 terdeteksi di monitor. Kegiatan diakhiri dengan monitoring dan evaluasi pengujian dan peresmian produk.
Factors that influence Malon's military budget include:
BalasHapus• Fiscal limitations
Malonn governments have been unwilling to fund defense by cutting government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
• Public debt
A study found a positive association between public debt and defense spending in Malon.
• Exchange rate
The depreciation of the ringgit can impact the real gain in procurement funding.
• Military imports
The size of military imports is closely linked to variations in expenditure.
• Military aid
The availability of military aid plays a central role in military expenditure.
• Non-conventional security issues
These issues are beginning to shape and influence the nature of threats to national defense and security.
• Corruption
Corruption risks are critical in terms of military operations.
• Competition between the U.S.A. and China
The increasing competition between the U.S.A. and China has triggered an increase in military expenditure in the region.
• Conflicts and potential conflicts
Conflicts and potential conflicts between countries in the Southeast Asian region are permanent causes.
The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) faces a number of challenges, including:
• Outdated equipment
Much of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern assets. For example, the KD Rahman submarine was unable to submerge due to technical issues in 2010.
• Misappropriation of funds
There have been multiple instances of public funds being misappropriated under the guise of meeting defense needs.
• Army-centric mindset
Malon has an army-centric mindset, even though the country is surrounded by water.
• Double budgetary allocation
The army receives more of the budget than the other services.
• Lack of standard operating procedures
There are issues with standard operating procedures, from the e-procurement process to inventory receipts.
• Tension between public and military
There is tension between the public's right to know and the military's "need-to-know" policies.
Malon's national debt has been above 60% of its GDP for the past five years. The government borrows money to: Finance development, Settle previous debts, and Enhance economic growth.
However, high debt levels can have several risks, including:
• Governments have less capacity to support struggling banks
• Sovereign borrowing costs may increase
• Banks that hold a country's sovereign debt are more exposed to the country's fiscal fragility
Here are some things that Malon can do to manage its debt:
• Improve accountability
Set clear goals, strengthen supervision and law enforcement, and make public-private partnerships transparent
• Strengthen international reserves
Malon's international reserves to short-term external debt ratio fell to one times in 2023, down from two times in 2009
• Improve tax collection
Malon's tax base is small, so the government needs to improve efficiency to collect more taxes
Malon's household debt has also been increasing:
• In 2023, household debt was RM1.53 trillion
• In June 2024, household debt increased to RM1.57 trillion, accounting for 83.8% of GDP
• This sharp rise in debt is a sign of a looming crisis
Here are some details about Malon's national debt:
• Debt-to-GDP ratio
Malon's debt-to-GDP ratio has been above 60% for the past five years. In 2023, the ratio was 64.3%.
• Debt growth
The federal government's debt growth is expected to slow from 8.6% in 2023 to 7.5% in 2024 and 6% in 2025.
• Debt composition
97.6% of Malon's debt is in ringgit, while the remaining 2.4% is in foreign currencies.
• Debt ownership
As of June 2024, 77% of the total debt is held by residents, while 23% is held by non-residents.
• Debt reduction
The Public Finance and Fiscal Responsibility Act 2023 (Act 850) aims to reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio to less than 60% in the medium term.
Malon dikenakan sanksi oleh PBB terkait penggantian biaya operasional kendaraan, karena sembilan IAG Guardians yang dikerahkannya tidak memenuhi persyaratan ini. Malon juga mengerahkan APC Condor 4x4 sebagai bagian dari armada MALBATT di sana tetapi kendaraan ini memenuhi persyaratan PBB.
General Assembly resolutions 71/296, 67/261 and 68/281 effectively put in place a new framework for reimbursing troops and police contributed to the UN by Member States. In addition, General Assembly resolution 68/282, endorsing the recommendations of the 2014 Contingent Owned Equipment (COE) working group, also introduced new measures related to reimbursement, including rotation of certain categories of equipment at the UN’s expense.
This framework highlights the importance of the reimbursement framework both for personnel and COE and its role in enhancing the effectiveness of United Nations peacekeeping and the peacekeeping partnership. The framework encompasses a number of interlinked measures which, for the first time, make an explicit link between contingent equipment and personnel including a measure whereby Member States with absent or NOn-functioning major equipment for two consecutive quarters are subject to a proportional deduction in their personnel payments.
The Contingent Owned Equipment (COE) system was adopted by the United Nations to simplify the means by which countries are reimbursed for providing equipment, personnel and self-sustainment support services to formed military or police contingents in peace missions. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the binding agreement between the UN and the Troop/Police Contributing Country (TCC/PCC) is the cornerstone of the COE system. The rates of reimbursement and the standards are reviewed every three years by a COE Working Group, an extension of the General Assembly. The last Working Group met in January 2017 and its recommendations were adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 71/296. The resulting changes to the COE system are reflected in the 2017 COE Manual.
Some factors that contribute to the Malonn Army's perceived weakness include:
• Political instability: Frequent government changes since 2018 have made it difficult for the Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) to receive the support it needs.
• Corruption: The MAF has been plagued by corruption.
• Poor planning: The MAF has been criticized for poor planning.
• Political interference: Political leaders have interfered in the MAF's procurement process.
• Outdated equipment: Much of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government has been unable to provide modern equipment.
Lack of military knowledge: Military personnel have struggled with decision-making and problem-solving during military operations
The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) faces a number of challenges, including:
• Outdated equipment
Much of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern assets. For example, the KD Rahman submarine was unable to submerge due to technical issues in 2010.
• Misappropriation of funds
There have been multiple instances of public funds being misappropriated under the guise of meeting defense needs.
• Army-centric mindset
Malon has an army-centric mindset, even though the country is surrounded by water.
• Double budgetary allocation
The army receives more of the budget than the other services.
• Lack of standard operating procedures
There are issues with standard operating procedures, from the e-procurement process to inventory receipts.
• Tension between public and military
There is tension between the public's right to know and the military's "need-to-know" policies
Operational Expenditure for Defence in 2025 is RM13.363 billion while Development Expenditure is RM7.492 billion. The OE allocation is an increase of some RM1 billion while the increase in DE is around RM450 million. The highest increase in OE is for the emolument (salaries and allowances) which amounted to RM8.773 billion. It is interesting to note that the increase in DE is for services and supply (RM1.906 billion) WHILE ASSET PROCUREMENT IS DOWN TO RM5.585 BILLION, DOWN BY SOME RM250 MILLION FROM LAST YEAR.
Factors that influence Malon's military budget include:
• Fiscal limitations
Malonn governments have been unwilling to fund defense by cutting government spending or reducing the size of the armed forces.
• Public debt
A study found a positive association between public debt and defense spending in Malon.
• Exchange rate
The depreciation of the ringgit can impact the real gain in procurement funding.
• Military imports
The size of military imports is closely linked to variations in expenditure.
• Military aid
The availability of military aid plays a central role in military expenditure.
• Non-conventional security issues
These issues are beginning to shape and influence the nature of threats to national defense and security.
• Corruption
Corruption risks are critical in terms of military operations.
• Competition between the U.S.A. and China
The increasing competition between the U.S.A. and China has triggered an increase in military expenditure in the region.
• Conflicts and potential conflicts
Conflicts and potential conflicts between countries in the Southeast Asian region are permanent causes.
The Malonn Armed Forces (MAF) faces a number of challenges, including:
• Outdated equipment
Much of the MAF's equipment was purchased between the 1970s and 1990s, and the government is unable to provide modern assets. For example, the KD Rahman submarine was unable to submerge due to technical issues in 2010.
• Misappropriation of funds
There have been multiple instances of public funds being misappropriated under the guise of meeting defense needs.
• Army-centric mindset
Malon has an army-centric mindset, even though the country is surrounded by water.
• Double budgetary allocation
The army receives more of the budget than the other services.
• Lack of standard operating procedures
There are issues with standard operating procedures, from the e-procurement process to inventory receipts.
• Tension between public and military
There is tension between the public's right to know and the military's "need-to-know" policies
Malon's military budget is driven by a number of factors, including:
• Security threats: Malon needs to protect its sovereignty and address security threats like piracy and terrorism.
• Regional security landscape: Malon faces challenges in the regional security landscape, including strategic, geopolitical, security, and economic challenges.
• Military capability: In 2021, Malon was ranked 16th out of 26 for military capability.
• Military modernization: Malon's defense budget is expected to grow to $6.2 billion by 2028 to support military modernization efforts.
• Disaster response: The budget will support disaster response capabilities.
• International commitments: The budget will support international commitments.
• Economic interests: The budget will contribute to the country's economic interests
nanti warganyet klaim kapal darat LCS jugak halimunan haha!πππ
BalasHapussuda 13 tahun lhooo...
Pakai selang canggih om Palπ€£π€£π€£π€£
Hapusselang Dobel Blower om pret haha!πππ
HapusIlmuwan malon dah lama ciptakan cat anti MALU πππ
Hapuswiiih paraaaah... cat anti malu...
Sudah pernah di uji coba pada KD maharajakibul. Terbukti 10 thn jadi kapal ghoib
BalasHapusPenasaran kalau APC pakai cat ini lama2 jadi panas atau tidak.π€
BalasHapusMMW 28 November 2024 pukul 11.30
BalasHapusKalau kapal selam pun dinamakan dengan senjata Hindu....masih nak nafikan lagi yang INDIANESIA DAN INDIA begitu banyak persamaan
MMW 28 November 2024 pukul 11.30
BalasHapusKalau kapal selam pun dinamakan dengan senjata Hindu....masih nak nafikan lagi yang INDIANESIA DAN INDIA begitu banyak persamaan
MMW 28 November 2024 pukul 11.15
BalasHapusSesiapa kat sini yang cemburu dengan terhadap perkara dibawah:-
1. Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) kami
2. Littoral Mission Ships (LMS) kami
3. F/A-50M
4. Hornet Kuwait,
5. Anka-S
6. ATR 72-MPA
Insya Allah tuan-tuan akan dapat update dari semasa ke semasa.
Sebab kontrak kami ada political will utk melaksanakan projek tersebut dan ada uang. Tak seperti kontrak tuan-tuan...kontrak KOSONG tiada uang menunggu PSP.
You all can deny it all the time but in your heart you know it's true. π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£
1.) LCS GHOIB... UNSLIP (FAILURE) kau cek sendiri APA itu UNSLIP.
6.) ATR-72.. GHOIB
we Indonesia n the world countries are very afraid of MALAYSEWAπ²πΎ's hyper sophisticated WEAPONS, the devil's realm.
Even capable of destroying the UFO fleet PLANET NAMEX
Mantab.. Berkarya terus tanpa henti...
BalasHapusSedangkan MALON terus menjadi negara spesialis MALING yang MISKIN... Hahahahahahaπππππππ
PT PINDAD, PT SIGMA UTAMA, BRIN, dan LPDP sebenarya kalah dari MALON....
BalasHapusMALON telah lama mengembangkan
produk Cat Anti Deteksi Radar dan telah diimplementasikan di 6 kapal MAHARAJA MANGKRAK ..
TERBUKTI..!! hingga saat ini Kapal MAHARAJA MANGKRAK tak terdeteksi radar..
Dan 1 kapal MAHARAJA MANGKRAK MALON paling sempurna tak terdeteksi radar secanggih apapun... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Emejing,,,cat anti radar nya,,ππ
BalasHapusBoleh di aplikasikan di kapalnya si gempur agar kapal LCS nya lebih tidak terdekteksi rakyat MY,,kami beri percuma dan bergaransi! π€π
Iya unggulan produksi Malon yang CAT ANTI MALU sudah sukses digunakan MALON sejak lama, tokoh yang mempromosikan tentu Gorilla Malaya Gempork π
BalasHapusMantep, apalagi klau di olesin ke kapal perang, pesawat militer dan rudal...
BalasHapusIso bubar Kemukus Yen ko nggene Ki......kamar kebak Kabeh Ning neng catetan buku tamu gor 1-2 π€π€π€
HapusMergo tetamu liyane do laburan cet anti deteksi π₯πππ