17 Desember 2024
Malaysian Armed Forces Receive First Batch of Polish FlyEye Mini UAVs
16 Desember 2024
Four Types UAS are being Introduced Into Service in the New Zealand Army
15 Desember 2024
Schiebel Camcopter S-100 Successfully Demos New Radar Capability
15 Desember 2024
Schiebel S-100, equipped with the IMSAR NSP radar (photo: Schiebel)
Vienna – Schiebel, in collaboration with MDA Space, has successfully demonstrated IMSAR’s NSP Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) with Ground and Maritime Moving Target Indication (GMTI and MMTI) capabilities during a one-week intensive trial at the Foremost UAS Test Range in Western Canada.
The successful integration of the IMSAR NSP radar system to the CAMCOPTER® S-100 was completed ahead of schedule, with all radar electronics housed within the antenna pod. The radar’s installed software allows for seamless mission planning, enabling the operator to upload radar flight plans directly to the S-100 platform.
During the trial, the fully integrated system showcased its unique capabilities during both day and night operations out to ranges exceeding 100 nm. The S-100, equipped with the IMSAR NSP radar, Wescam’s MX-8 EO/IR sensor, a GPS Anti-Jam System and an Automatic Identification System (AIS), successfully conducted a series of simulated land and maritime tasks. The system provided high-resolution SAR imagery, as well as Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) detections and tracks, all while demonstrating its versatility in challenging weather conditions. This capability highlights the IMSAR radar as a key sensor, enhancing the platform's performance and situational awareness in complex operational environments.
“The integration of IMSAR’s radar with the S-100, in combination with a powerful EO/IR, significantly expands the platform's surveillance and detection capabilities, allowing for wide-area coverage at impressive distances in all weather conditions,” said Neil Hunter, Head of Global Sales for Schiebel. “This trial underlines the continuing operational effectiveness of the CAMCOPTER® S-100 as a multi-sensor platform, capable of delivering actionable intelligence in real-time, day and night.”
14 Desember 2024
Penerbangan VTOL Pertama dari Sistem STRIX Yang Baru
08 Desember 2024
Uji Coba Terbang UAV DID 3.11 Sukses Dilaksanakan di Bandara Nusawiru, Pangandaran
08 Desember 2024
UAV DID 3.11 buatan PT Len Industri (Persero) (photos: LEN)Pangandaran – PT Len Industri (Persero) dengan bangga mengumumkan keberhasilan uji coba terbang UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) DID 3.11 yang dilaksanakan di Bandara Nusawiru, Pangandaran, Jawa Barat. Acara ini dihadiri oleh Wakil Kepala Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (Wakabrin), Prof. Amarulla Octavian, Kepala Bidang Litbangyasa Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan (KKIP), Letjen TNI (Purn.) Muhammad Nakir, Kapuslitbang Iptekhan, Marsma TNI S. Arief Hardoyo serta sejumlah perwakilan dari Puspenerbad, TNI AD, dan TNI AU. Kehadiran mereka menunjukkan dukungan penuh terhadap kemajuan industri pertahanan dalam negeri.
Direktur Bisnis dan Kerja Sama PT Len Industri, Wahyu Sofiadi, menyambut hangat para tamu undangan dalam kegiatan ini. Dalam sambutannya, Wahyu menegaskan bahwa UAV DID 3.11 merupakan inovasi terbaru yang berhasil dikembangkan oleh PT Len Industri.
“Saat ini, PT Len Industri telah berhasil mengembangkan UAV DID 3.11, yang kami perkenalkan sebelumnya pada Bali International Air Show di hadapan Menteri Koordinator Maritim dan Investasi Republik Indonesia, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan. UAV ini merupakan produksi dalam negeri yang dirancang dengan kemampuan mumpuni untuk berbagai misi, mulai dari penginderaan, pemetaan, pengawasan wilayah teritorial dan maritim, hingga misi kombatan,” ungkap Wahyu.
Dalam uji coba tersebut, UAV DID 3.11 berhasil diterbangkan dengan lancar dan sesuai harapan. Performa yang ditunjukkan UAV ini membuktikan kemampuan teknologi dalam negeri dapat terus berkembang untuk mendukung kebutuhan pertahanan dan keamanan nasional.
Lebih lanjut, Wahyu memaparkan rencana masa depan untuk pengembangan UAV DID 3.11. “Kedepannya, PT Len Industri menargetkan untuk melakukan integrasi payload smart bomb. Mengingat platform DID 3.11 dirancang dengan arsitektur modular, UAV ini dapat mengakomodasi integrasi berbagai jenis payload sesuai kebutuhan misi.”
Uji coba ini menandai langkah maju PT Len Industri dalam memperkuat kemandirian teknologi pertahanan Indonesia. Keberhasilan ini juga menjadi tonggak penting dalam mewujudkan visi besar untuk meningkatkan daya saing industri pertahanan di kancah global.
06 Desember 2024
Royal Thai Air Force Unveils Domestically Developed KB UAV Family of Suicide Drones
06 Desember 2024
Kamikaze bomber KB-10G and KB-5E developed by NKRTAFA (photos: Defense Info)The Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) has launched the KB (Kamikaze Bomber) family of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) developed in Thailand for the first time at the Dronetech Asia 2024 unmanned aerial vehicle exhibition at Challenger Hall 12, Impact Muang Thong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand, from 25-27 November 2024.
KB family of suicide drones developed by Navaminda Kasatriyadhiraj Royal Thai Air Force Academy (NKRTAFA), Research and Development Center for Space and Aeronautical Science and Technology, and the Directorate of Armament.
It is one of the development projects specified in the Royal Thai Air Force White Paper 2024 under the name of the research and development project for unmanned aerial systems for state security, fiscal years 2023-2027, 2027-2032, to increase the capability of the Royal Thai Air Force to perform missions.
With the capability to attack stationary targets with medium-range guidance systems, the KB-5E suicide drones on display at the Dronetech Asia 2024 exhibition consist of two models: the KB-5E suicide drones that use an electric mortar propulsion system and are launched using a launcher rail and a rocket launcher, allowing for flexibility in launching from a variety of areas without the need for a large runway.
The KB-5E suicide drone is equipped with a 5kg warhead, has a destruction radius of 280m, an orbital flight speed of 90km/h, a dive speed of 180km/h, and a range of 150km. A larger version of the KB-10G suicide drone uses a gasoline piston engine and is launched via a rail launcher or rocket launcher.
KB-10G has a system weight of 40kg, a wingspan of 1.7m, equipped with a 10kg warhead, a destruction radius of 350m, a flight speed of 120km/h, and a dive speed of 220km/h, and a range of 500km. It is guided by GPS/INS with a circular error probable (CEP) of less than 3m, and can destroy stationary targets such as radar bases, artillery, tanks and armoured vehicles.
K-24 and K-31 solar UAV developed by NKRTAFA (photo: Defense Info)Another project that is a research and development work by the Navamindradhiraj Air Force Academy is the small solar cell energy unmanned aerial vehicle system (Solar Cell Energy) type M Solar-X, which has been newly launched under the name of K-Series UAV family, in cooperation with Thai Aviation Industries Co., Ltd. in Thailand to start the mass production line to deliver to the air force battalions in various air bases.
K-24 M Solar-x UAV for base defense missions in fiscal years 2023-2025, 2025-2028 has a wingspan of 4.2m, length 2m, take-off weight 20kg, maximum flight time 4 hours with solar cells (2 hours when using only internal batteries), cruising speed 45-70km/h, ceiling 150-1,500m and has a payload of 2kg such as EO/IR cameras.
The Royal Thai Air Force also unveiled a larger version of the K-31 UAV for the first time, displayed as a Vertical Take-Off and Landing UAV (VTOL) equipped with a hybrid gasoline engine and electric mortar to provide vertical lift, a maximum flight time of 8 hours, a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 25 kg, a wingspan of 4.56 m, and a payload of 5 kg.
04 Desember 2024
Scan Eagle dan Sea Eagle UAV Dipersiapkan Mengikuti HUT Armada Defile Kendaraan
02 Desember 2024
Filipina Akan Mendapatkan VTOL UAV dari AS
30 November 2024
TNI AU Operasikan Drone untuk Ground Mapping pada Manlap Latihan Angkasa Yudha 2024
21 November 2024
Irjen TNI Jajaki Kerjasama dengan Milkor, Afrika Selatan
19 November 2024
Gelar Refresment Training Camcopter S100 Skuadron 700 Wing Udara 2 Datangkan Tenaga Ahli dari Austria
19 November 2024
Refreshment Training Camcopter S100 (photos: Puspenerbal)TNl AL-Puspenerbal --- Prajurit Skuadron Udara 700 Wing Udara 2 Puspenerbal Juanda saat ini mengikuti tahap latihan praktik terbang dalam Refresment Training Camcopter S100 dengan mendatangkan tenaga ahli dari Austria di Lapangan Terbang R.E.B.O. Tjokroadiredjo, Grati Pasuruan, Jumat (15/11/2024).
Direktur Operasi Puspenerbal Kolonel Lanut (P) Catur Sigit Sumarsosno di dampingi Komandan Wing Udara 2 Kolonel Laut (P) Adam Firmansyah dan Komandan Komando Latihan Penerbang Angkatan Laut Kolonel Laut (P) Moh. Mashabi, meninjau secara langsung pelaksanaan Refreshment Training Camcopter S100 ini langsung di lokasi latihan dengan mengunakan Heli Bell 505 Ranger yang berangkat dari Juanda.
Perlu diketahui, bahwa sebelum memasuki tahap latihan praktik terbang ini, para pengawak telah melalui tahap Klasikal, yang terdiri dari kelas Pilot Operator, dan maintenelance.
Sebelumnya para pengawak ini telah menyelesaikan kursus di pabrikan Schiebel Austria selama 3 bulan,
Meskipun pelaksaan latihan saat ini sifatnya Refreshment, dari Scheibel secara langsung mengirimkan tenaga ahli dari Austria dengan tujuan memantau secara langsung kondisi UAV dan kualifikasi perorangan sebagai pengawak UAV Camkopter S100 ini.
Dalam kunjungannya Dirops di sambut oleh Komandan Skuadron Udara 700, Mayor Laut (P) Bani Safangat, PT. Penyedia Barang Dan Jasa pengadaan Camcopter, Komisaris PT. Enim Ibu Gita Nugraha dan Presdir PT. Enim Bapak Didie Soewondho.
Dirops Puspenerbal juga menyampaikan, pada tahap latihan praktik terbang ini, dengan bimbingan dari para instruktur, para pengawak diharapkan mampu melaksanakan semua prosedur penerbangan dengan baik, aman dan lancar serta siap melaksanakan penugasan guna mendukung operasi operasi di TNI AL.
Mengenai Camcopter S100 sendiri, pesawat nirawak UAV intai dari Austria ini, mengadobsi design pesawat rotor, memiliki spesifikasi panjang 3,11 meter, lebar 1,24 meter, endurance 6 jam, digerakkan dengan Rotary Engine S-1, Kecepatan terbang 180 km per jam dan batas ketinggian terbang mencapai 5.500 meter.
09 November 2024
Komandan Kolat Penerbal Tinjau Kesiapan Lapter R.E.B.O. Tjokroadirejo Grati untuk Training Camcopter S-100
01 November 2024
Red Cat to Supply FlightWave Edge 130 Blue Systems to Royal Australian Navy
06 Oktober 2024
Ini Deretan Drone yang Ikut Parade Alutsista HUT Ke-79 TNI, Masing-masing Punya Fungsi Berbeda
28 September 2024
The Royal Thai Navy's New MARCUS-C VTOL Maritime Patrol UAV is being Tested on HTMS Chakri Naruebet
28 September 2024
MARCU-C VTOL Maritime Patrol UAV is being tested on HTMS Chakri Naruebet aircraft carrier (photos: Combat Zones, Panupong Khoomcin)The airframe of the new MARCUS-B (2024) maritime reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle, now known as MARCUS-C, was first unveiled at the 'Navy Research 2024' event at the Chao Phraya Room, Royal Thai Navy Auditorium on July 31, 2024.
The Naval Research and Development Office (NRDO), Royal Thai Navy (RTN), in collaboration with Thai private companies Oceanus Research and Development (Thailand), X-Treme Composites (Thailand), and BJSupply 2017 (Thailand), is the developer of this new MARCUS-C maritime patrol unmanned aerial vehicle.
MARCUS-C is considered a Vertical Take-Off and Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (VTOL UAV) in the MARCUS (Maritime Aerial Reconnaissance Craft Unmanned System) family of maritime reconnaissance UAVs, the third generation following the first MARCUS model that was tested on the floating landing craft, HTMS Angthong (III)
And the second model, the MARCUS-B maritime reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle, which has been tested on the helicopter carrier HTMS Chakri Naruebet in 2021 the project has been approved for a budget in fiscal year 2024 to build 1 system consisting of 4 UAVs and 1 ground control station.
While the MARCUS-B has a blended wings fuselage with a twin-tail boom, the MARCUS-C uses a conventional high wings fuselage, but still maintains a propulsion system that combines a push-button propeller with four sets of rotary wing propellers that provide vertical lift. Admiral Adung Phan-iam, the commander of the Royal Thai Navy, was informed by the project officer that this prototype system has a production budget of only 36,000,000 baht ($ 1,093,080), while the same foreign VTOL UAV system will cost no less than 300,000,000 baht ($ 9,120,255).