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23 Oktober 2024

FNSS Showcases the Newest Member of the Tracked Vehicle Family, KAPLAN APC’s Conceptual Design; Joint Development and Production Program with PT PINDAD

23 Oktober 2024

FNSS-Pindad Kaplan APC (photos: Defence Turkey Magz)

As part of the contract signed between PT Pindad and the Indonesian Ministry of Defense to meet the Indonesian army's requirement for a 30-ton class tracked personnel carrier, PT Pindad and FNSS have signed a “KAPLAN Armored Personnel Carrier (KAPLAN APC) Development and Production Agreement.” 

The success of the KAPLAN MT (HARIMAU) Program; developed by FNSS in collaboration with PT Pindad for the Indonesian Army, under the Long-Term Cooperation Agreement for serial production of the KAPLAN MT (HARIMAU) Medium Weight Class Tank and the implementation of the technology transfer model, played a significant role in the Indonesian Ministry of Defense's preference for FNSS and PT Pindad in the Tracked Armored Personnel Carrier program. 

This preference marks a continuation of the KAPLAN MT (HARIMAU) Program. FNSS showcases the conceptual design model of KAPLAN APC for the first time at SAHA EXPO, in Hall:6 Stand No: F04.

Manufacturing activities for the program are expected to begin in 2025, with the first vehicle being produced at FNSS facilities in Türkiye and the second by PT Pindad in Indonesia. The vehicles, which are planned to be delivered by the end of 2026, will be designed according to end-user requirements, and qualification tests will be carried out by FNSS and PT Pindad in Turkey and Indonesia.

FNSS-Pindad Kaplan APC (all photos: FNSS)

The KAPLAN APC will be the new member of FNSS KAPLAN tracked armored vehicle family; an armored personnel carrier, designed by FNSS to meet the requirements of future battlefields. Its design architecture will feature advanced ballistic protection, best-in-class mine protection systems, and formidable firepower, ensuring superior survivability in combat scenarios. The KAPLAN APC will exemplify FNSS's experience and superiority in tracked armored vehicle design and will incorporate all enhancements made during the development of the Kaplan MT.

The structural design will enable vehicle to accommodate a crew of 13 personnel, including driver, commander, and a gunner. The vehicle will be developed to operate under all terrain and weather conditions. Its advanced suspension system will reduce internal vibration and improve traction. The vehicle will feature an open architecture electronics infrastructure, facilitating easy integration of various mission-critical systems, including a Battlefield Management System and 360° Situational Awareness System that provides both day and night vision for the crew.

The KAPLAN APC will be equipped with modular protection systems to effectively counter evolving battlefield challenges, providing a unique protection against ballistic and mine threats. In addition to its high personnel carrying capacity, the KAPLAN APC will be designed as the fastest vehicle in its class. Additionally, based on user requirements, the KAPLAN APC can be optionally fitted with an active protection system to defend against anti-tank missiles and rocket-propelled grenades.

The vehicle will be equipped with an automatic fire suppression system, an A/C system, and CBRN system, achieved through maintaining a sealed internal environment. These features will be designed to ensure the crew's survival and maintain their combat effectiveness in most challenging conditions.

The KAPLAN APC will be designed as a modular vehicle capable of integrating both manned and unmanned turret systems. It can be equipped with light and medium calibers such as 30 mm or 35 mm as well as 120 mm mortars and anti-tank guided missile systems.

This modular design will enable the KAPLAN APC to be configured for a wide array of missions, including mechanized infantry, reconnaissance, command and control, force protection, medical evacuation, rescue operations, combat engineering, and both direct and indirect fire support.

All these configurations are built on an armored combat vehicle platform that is equipped with a powerful engine and an automatic transmission, ensuring mobility capabilities compatible with modern main battle tanks.

The extensive use of identical parts and subsystems in the KAPLAN APC, with KAPLAN MT and other configurations within the ACV-AD tracked vehicle family, will offer significant advantages. Additionally, the vehicle will share common subsystems with the Marine Assault Vehicle (MAV), which FNSS has deployed to the Turkish Naval Forces, Marine Infantry Brigade. These features will ensure the KAPLAN APC's reliability, logistical integration, and ease of service, leveraging proven components from a battle-proven vehicle family used by the Turkish and Indonesian armies. This advantage will also reduce logistical burdens for global users, improve mean time between failures (MTBF), and enhance combat readiness.

11 Desember 2021

Rencana Kolaborasi Antara Pindad dengan FNSS dalam Kendaraan Amphibi

11 Desember 2021

Presentasi Marine Assault Vehicle ZAHA (photo : Pindad)

VP Pengembangan Bisnis PT Pindad (Persero) Bandung, Yayat Ruyat didampingi oleh VP Pemasaran dan Penjualan, Edy Purwanto beserta jajaran menyambut kunjungan dari Baris Aslan, Project Manager Medium beserta tim FNSS dan Kolonel Aji Nurmanihadi, Paban 1 Ren Slogal beserta jajaran Mabes TNI Angkatan Laut pada Jum’at, 10 Desember 2021 berlokasi di Ruang Auditorium Kantor Pindad Bandung. 

Adapun tujuan dari kunjungan ini ialah membahas mengenai kerja sama dengan pihak FNSS. FNSS turut menyampaikan paparannya mengenai kendaraan amphibi untuk kelanjutan kerja sama dengan PT Pindad (Persero). Kedepannya kedua belah pihak akan melanjutkan kolaborasi dalam memproduksi varian kendaraan amphibi

Melalui sambutannya VP Pengembangan Bisnis PT Pindad (Persero), Yayat Ruyat menyambut hangat atas kedatangan berbagai pihak yang telah hadir pada pertemuan ini.

"Kami mengapresiasi kehadiran tim FNSS yang telah hadir di Bandung dari Turki untuk pembahasan kelanjutan kerja sama dengan PT Pindad (Persero). Besar harapan kami dengan adanya kolaborasi yang telah terjalin dapat mendukung pengembangan produk PT Pindad (Persero) terutama varian kendaraan amphibi" jelas Yayat Ruyat. 

Dalam kegiatan ini Baris Aslan selaku Project Manager Medium FNSS menjelaskan mengenai proyeksi kolaborasi kedepan dengan PT Pindad (Persero). Adapun salah satu fokus produk kolaborasi adalah produk kendaraan amphibi dengan harapan dapat menjawab kebutuhan TNI AL. 

Setelah mendiskusikan kelanjutan kerja sama yang dilakukan oleh kedua belah pihak, kegiatan diakhiri dengan ramah tamah.

19 Oktober 2021

KAPLAN YN-ZMA : The Powerful Platform of the Modern Battlefield

19 Oktober 2021 

Kaplan New Generation Armored Fighting Vehicle (NG-AFV) (photos : FNSS)

Developed by FNSS, taking into account the needs of the modern battlefield, KAPLAN YN-ZMA draws attention with its original design and modular structure.

KAPLAN YN-ZMA is a modular vehicle designed to integrate 120 mm manned and unmanned turret systems, especially small and medium caliber, with high mobility and growth potential, taking into account not only the present but also the future.

Coming to the fore as a "Yeni Nesil Zırhlı Muharebe Aracı" (YN-ZMA)/New Generation Armored Fighting Vehicle (NG-AFV), KAPLAN; It is also possible to produce configurations that will perform a wide variety of tasks such as armored personnel carrier, command vehicle, rescue vehicle, mortar vehicle, engineer reconnaissance vehicle, ambulance.

KAPLAN YN-ZMA, depending on the task it undertakes; It is a new generation armored fighting vehicle with a power-to-weight ratio of at least 20 Hp/ton, automatic transmission, and joint action with main battle tanks. It is resistant to all kinds of climate and terrain conditions and has the ability to move at high speed on asphalt or stabilized roads. The advanced suspension system is designed to reduce vehicle vibration and increase road holding. KAPLAN has an open-architecture vehicle electronics infrastructure that allows easy integration of different mission equipment according to needs.

There is a personnel (squad) section for 8 people in the personnel carrier version and 6 people in the version with gun turrets (photo : FNSS)

Built on FNSS' more than 35 years of experience in the field of land systems, KAPLAN YN-ZMA is equipped with modular survivability systems to offer an effective solution to the changing threats of the battlefield. There are protection packages against ballistic, mine and improvised explosive threats. KAPLAN also offers an active protection system option against anti-tank missiles.


04 Oktober 2021

Teknofest 2021: Turki Tertarik dengan Proyek R-80?

04 Oktober 2021

Pesawat angkut R-80 (images : RAI)

Beberapa tahun yang lalu, Turki telah memulai proyek ambisius untuk membangun pesawat regional turboprop dan turbofan berdasarkan pesawat Dornier Do-328 dan Dornier Do-628. Dikenal sebagai TRJets, TRJ328 dan TRJ628 akan berbenturan dengan turbopropliner lainnya seperti Bombardier Dash 8, ATR-72, IAe N-270 dan Regio R-80.

Rupanya program TRJet telah dihentikan karena kekhawatiran pengembangan pesawat ini akan terlalu mahal untuk dilaksanakan. Namun, kebutuhan pesawat regional tersebut masih tetap ada terutama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan di dalam dan di luar Turki mengingat negara tersebut terletak di pusat Eropa.

Teknofest 2021 memberikan kesempatan bagi Turki untuk menjalin aliansi baru dengan negara Muslim lain yang memiliki industri manufaktur kedirgantaraan yang solid seperti Indonesia. Yang terakhir saat ini sedang mengerjakan pengembangan turbopropliner N-270 dan R-80 untuk memenuhi kebutuhan domestiknya sendiri akan pesawat regional. R-80 pada dasarnya adalah inisiatif sektor swasta tetapi bersama dengan N-270, itu juga berasal dari pesawat regional IAe N-250 sebelumnya yang dihentikan karena krisis keuangan yang parah pada tahun 1997.


19 Agustus 2021

Sejumlah Pesanan Telah Menanti bagi Tank Medium FNSS-Pindad

10 Agustus 2021

Tank medium Kaplan MT atau nama Indonesia-nya dikenal sebagai Harimau (photos : Defencehub, FNSS)

FNSS menampilkan versi produksi Medium Tank Kaplan untuk Indonesia, yang dikenal sebagai Harimau.

FNSS memamerkan versi produksi serial Kaplan Medium Tank (MT) di pameran pertahanan IDEF di Istanbul pada 17-20 Agustus, mengklaim bahwa 'proses kesempurnaan desain telah selesai' untuk Angkatan Darat Indonesia sebagai pelanggan pertama.

Kaplan MT yang dipamerkan di IDEF menampilkan sejumlah perbedaan dari prototipe aslinya, termasuk bagian depan yang didesain ulang dan posisi pengemudi yang dipindahkan.

Berdasarkan ketentuan kontrak dengan FNSS, pabrikan Indonesia PT Pindad memproduksi sebagian besar tank (dikenal sebagai Harimau dalam layanan Indonesia) di bawah lisensi.

Indonesia mengharapkan untuk menerima gelombang pertama dari 18 unit Kaplan MT pada akhir tahun 2021. Sebanyak 52 unit lagi akan dipesan pada tahun 2022, diikuti dengan 19 unit pada tahun 2023 dan 17 unit pada tahun 2024.

Kaplan MT adalah tank medium pertama yang dirancang Turki untuk diekspor, dan merupakan pengiriman pertama dari perjanjian kerjasama industri pertahanan antara Indonesia dan Turki.

16 Agustus 2021

The Serial Production of Kaplan Tank (Harimau Tank) will Appear at IDEF

16 Agustus 2021

The serial production configuration of the Kaplan MT (Indonesia : Harimau tank) with minor changed (photos : Anadolu)

Ankara -  Kaplan MT (Indonesia : Harimau), the first vehicle exported by the Turkish defense industry in the tank class, will be exhibited at the 15th International Defense Industry Fair (IDEF 2021) with its serial production configuration.

According to the information obtained by the AA correspondent, FNSS, the armored land vehicle manufacturer of the Turkish defense industry, will make a strong participation in IDEF 2021, which will be held on August 17-20 with the armored communication vehicles in its product portfolio.

Among the vehicles to be exhibited by FNSS, there will be the medium weight class Kaplan MT tank. IDEF fairs witnessed important developments for Kaplan MT. The launch of Kaplan MT in 2017 and a co-production contract with PT Pindad was signed in 2019 to meet the needs of the Indonesian army. At IDEF 2021, this time the serial production configuration of the tank will be introduced.

The design perfection work for Kaplan MT, which was developed within the scope of the project where FNSS successfully applied the technology transfer model to PT Pindad, and for which a serial production contract was signed after the prototype period tests were concluded, has been completed.

Kaplan MT successfully passed the endurance and firing tests carried out in Turkey and Indonesia during the prototype period. With the entry into force of Kaplan MT's co-production contract signed in 2019, mass production work has begun at FNSS facilities. Under the contract, 18 Kaplan MT tanks will be produced. The first 10 tanks will be produced in Turkey, and the remaining 8 tanks will be produced in Indonesia.

Body design changed

Many improvements were made to the tank during the transition from prototype to mass production. In this context, driver visibility and handling ergonomics have been improved. The body design was perfected in line with the feedback from the end user.

Based on the experience gained from the tests, improvements were made in the tower system, power transmission group, cooling system and suspension system.

The first leg of the first vehicle acceptance tests was completed in Turkey with customer participation. After the final acceptances in Indonesia by the end of the year, the first vehicle will be delivered to the army of this country.

The production of the remaining vehicles in the project continues. Towards the end of the year, the acceptance of these vehicles will start and will continue in 2022.

Kaplan MT Project draws attention as the first project initiated and concluded within the framework of the "Defense Industry Cooperation Agreements" signed between Indonesia and Turkey, as well as being the first export contract signed by Turkey in the medium weight tank class.

03 Agustus 2020

Menristek Indonesia, Turki Mulai Gelar Pembahasan Kerja Sama Teknologi

03 Agustus 2020

Pesawat angkut R80 (image : RAI)

Menteri Riset dan Teknologi Indonesia Bambang Brodjonegoro melakukan virtual meeting dengan Menteri Teknologi dan Industri Turki Mustafa Varank pada Selasa.

Lalu Muhamad Iqbal, Duta Besar RI untuk Turki, menyampaikan pertemuan ini merupakan pertemuan pendahuluan untuk memulai kerja sama teknologi pada bidang-bidang yang sudah dijajaki.

“Ini akan diikuti dengan berbagai pertemuan lanjutan, baik pada level menteri maupun level teknis. Kedua pihak sangat antusias untuk bekerja sama,” ujar Lalu Muhamad Iqbal, dalam keterangan persnya kepada Anadolu Agency, Selasa sore.

Dalam pertemuan itu, kedua Menteri membahas perkembangan teknologi serta peluang kerja sama di bidang pengembangan vaksin serta obat Covid-19, industri pesawat terbang komersial (N-219 dan R-80), satelit dan peluncuran satelit (roket) serta pengembangan teknologi pesawat tanpa awak (drone).

“Dari presentasi-presentasi yang disampaikan kedua delegasi, semakin jelas bahwa peluang konkrit kerja sama teknologi di berbagai bidang di antara Indonesia dan Turki sangat menjanjikan. Kita harus segera menindaklanjuti,” ujar Menteri Varank.

MALE UAV (image : BPPT)

Sementara itu, Menteri Bambang mengatakan Indonesia sangat terbuka untuk memperkuat kerja sama dalam bidang-bidang yang sudah dibahas.

Karena itu, lanjut dia, kedua negara setuju membahas memorandum kesepakatan di masing-masing bidang sesegera mungkin dan juga menandatangani perjanjian di antara kedua menteri yang akan menjadi payung bagi kerja sama-kerja sama tersebut.

Sebagaimana diketahui, berdasarkan informasi WHO, Turki adalah satu dari empat negara di dunia yang sudah mencapai kemajuan paling berarti dalam pengembangan vaksin di dunia. Sementara itu PT. Bio Farma adalah salah satu industri vaksin paling besar di dunia Islam.

Berdasarkan data pemerintah Indonesia, saat ini terdapat 3 proyek pengembangan pesawat terbang yang sedang dilakukan Indonesia yaitu N-219 dan N-245 oleh PT. Dirgantara Indonesia serta R-80 oleh PT. RAI.

Di bidang satelit dan roket, Turki sudah mulai mengembangkan satelit komunikasi skala besar yang sepenuhnya merupakan buatan dalam negeri dan merupakan salah satu negara maju dalam industri roket, khususnya untuk keperluan militer.

“Kedua negara melihat terdapat peluang besar bagi kedua negara untuk bekerja sama mengembangkan teknologi satelit, roket serta peluncuran satelit,” ujar Lalu Muhammad Iqbal.

07 Maret 2020

Indonesia dan Turki Sepakat Kembangkan APC Roda Rantai dan Amfibi

07 Maret 2020

Hull tank medium Harimau akan dikembangkan menjadi APC roda rantai (photo : defence.pk)

Indonesia dan Turki kembangkan jenis baru medium tank

Perusahaan milik pemerintah Indonesia di bidang pertahanan, Pindad, dan Perusahaan Turki FNSS akan kembali melakukan kerja sama pengembangan alat utama sistem pertahanan (Alutsista).

Vice President Inovasi PT Pindad Windu Paramata mengatakan setelah sukses membuat medium tank, kedua perusahaan milik Indonesia dan Turki itu akan kembali bekerja sama mengembangkan jenis baru Harimau Medium Tank atau Kaplan MT, berupa kendaraan angkut personel dan tank amfibi.

Selain itu, Pindad dan FNSS akan melengkapi kendaraan itu dengan Unmaned Turret atau senjata khusus tank dengan kaliber 30 mm.

"Jadi turret 30 mm tanpa awak, berupa remote control weapon system yang digunakan untuk perlindungan atau menyerang kendaraan ataupun pertahanan musuh," kata Windu, kepada Anadolu Agency.

Diharapkan pada tahun ini Pindad rampung membuat desain senjata itu.

Platform kendaraan amfibi juga ZAHA pernah ditawarkan oleh FNSS (photo : EDR Magz)

"Jadi skemanya hampir sama dengan pengembangan prototipe tank medium, dimana FNSS dengan pindad melakukan pertukaran informasi, pertukaran proses design kerja sehingga kita mendapatkan solusi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari pengguna di Indonesia," tambah dia.

Sebelumnya, Pindad Indonesia dan FNSS Turki sepakat menandatangani kerja sama pembuatan purwarupa medium tank pada 2015 lalu. Perancangan tank ini dimulai Februari 2016.

Setelah selesai diproduksi di Turki, medium tank ini diberi nama Kaplan MT.

Kaplan MT sempat dikirim ke Indonesia dan dipamerkan pada hari ulang tahun TNI 5 Oktober 2017 lalu di Cilegon, Banten.

Indonesia pun memberi nama Harimau Medium Tank.

Tank ini dilengkapi dengan two-man turret kaliber 105 mm serta senapan mesin kaliber 7,62 mm.

Harimau Medium Tank didesain khusus untuk daerah operasi tropis seperti hutan karena memiliki bobot yang lebih ringan dari Main Battle Tank.


10 Desember 2019

The 8th Defence Industry Cooperation Meeting DICM RI Turki

10 Desember 2019

Medium tank Kaplan MT/Harimau (photo : haberler)

The 8th Defence Industry Cooperation Meeting between RI–Turki merupakan forum kerjasama bilateral antara kedua negara bidang Industri Pertahanan yang telah berlangsung sejak tahun 2011 berdasarkan Agreement on Defence Industry Cooperation between the government of the Republic of indonesia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey. Keberhasilan forum tersebut menjadi tanda semakin eratnya hubungan kerja sama pertahanan antara RI dan Republik Turki. Kemhan RI berharap bahwa Defence Industry Cooperation Meeting yang ke–8 yang dilaksanakan di Hotel Orchardz, Jalan Industri, Jakarta Pusat pada tanggal 5 s.d. 6 Desember 2019 juga dapat memperkuat kerja sama bilateral pertahanan kedua negara seperti yang diharapkan bersama. Kedua negara telah sepakat melanjutkan kerja sama bidang Industri Pertahanan lebih intensif melalui “Indonesia–Turkey Towards an Enhanced Partnership in a New World Setting” yang telah disepakati oleh kedua negara pada tahun 2011.

Dirjen Pothan Kemhan Prof. Dr. Ir. Bondan Tiara Sofyan, M. Si memimpin kegiatan The 8th Defence Industry Cooperation Meeting between RI–Turki pada 5 s.d 6 Desember 2019, bertempat di Hotel Orchardz Jakarta Pusat, Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari pejabat Kemhan, KKIP, Angkatan, Kementerian/Lembaga Terkait dan Industri Pertahanan (PT. Pindad, PT. Dirgantara Indonesia, PT. Dahana, PT. LEN, PT.PAL, PT.NTP, PT. Garda Persada, PT. Jala Berikat, PT. Bhimasena, PT. Ridho Agung Mitra Abadi, PT. T & E Simulation dan PT. Lundin Sedangkan Delegasi Turki dipimpin oleh Vice President of Presidency of Defenc Industries (SSB) of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Serdar Demirel beserta 31 orang.

STM naval mini drone (photo : Armada International)

Forum kerjasama bilateral antara kedua negara bidang Industri Pertahanan yang telah berlangsung sejak tahun 2011 berdasarkan Agreement on Defence Industry Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey. Keberhasilan forum tersebut menjadi tanda semakin eratnya hubungan kerja sama pertahanan antara RI dan Republik Turki. Kemhan RI berharap bahwa Defence Industry Cooperation Meeting yang ke–8 yang juga dapat memperkuat kerja sama bilateral pertahanan kedua negara seperti yang diharapkan bersama. Kedua negara telah sepakat melanjutkan kerja sama bidang Industri Pertahanan lebih intensif melalui “Indonesia–Turkey Towards an Enhanced Partnership in a New World Setting yang telah disepakati oleh kedua negara pada tahun 2011.

Pada kesempatan tersebut Dirjen Pothan Kemhan Prof. Dr. Ir. Bondan Tiara Sofyan, M.Si, menyampaikan beberapa hal sebagai berikut: 
*Program produksi bersama untuk Tank kelas menengah (Medium Tank) telah selesai dan sedang memasuki tahap produksi massal. 
*Kerjasama antara PT. Dirgantara Indonesia dan TAI pada pesawat N219, N245 yang MoM nya telah ditanda-tangani pada tanggal 30 april 2019 namun masih perlu diskusi lebih lanjut. 
*Selanjutnya kerjasama antara ASELSAN dan PT. LEN di mana memasuki tahap proses produksi, 
*Pelatihan pilot Indonesia pesawat CN–235 masih dilakukan pada tahun 2019. Hannya 16 pilot dari rencana 40 pilot yang dilatih dan 12 pilot direncanakan untuk tahun 2020. 
*Sementara itu, produksi bersama terhadap roket berkaliber 122 mm dan kaliber lainnya antara ROKETSAN dan PT. PINDAD/PT. Dirgantara Indonesia telah disepakati. 
*Kerjasama antara STM dan Angkatan Laut Indonesia dalam Attack Drone telah dilakukan oleh Asisten Perencanaan Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut pada 4 – 6 Juli 2019 di Golcuk.

Roketsan roket kaliber 122mm dan kaliber lainnya di pameran Indodefence 2014 (photo : thearmedforcesoftheworld)

Industri Pertahanan Indonesia saat ini juga telah mampu menyediakan dan memproduksi peralatan dan dukungan sistem yang digunakan oleh TNI. Industri Pertahanan Indonesia siap untuk berkolaborasi dan bahkan sudah ada yang telah berkolaborasi dengan industri pertahanan Turki, perusahaan tersebut antara lain: PT. Pindad, PT Len, PT. Bhimasena dan PT. ITS.

Pada hari pertama kedua negara mempresentasikan Industri Pertahanannya masing–masing tentang kemampuan memproduksi, kerjasama yang telah dijalani selama ini dan peluang kerjasama kedepan. Dari Indonesia di awakili oleh TNI, PT.Pindad, PT. Dirgantara Indonesia, PT. LEN, PT. Garda Persada, PT. NTP. Sedangkan dari Turki, dipresentasikan oleh ASEAF, STM, TAI, BAYKAR, ROKETSAN, HAVELSAN, ASELSAN, FNSS, BMC, KOLUMAN, GOKSER MAKINA, SARSILMAZ. Setelah melaksanakan presentasi antara kedua negara, dilanjutkan dengan Diskusi dan pembahasan Items Action List yang akan disepakati. Items Action List merupakan hasil meeting yang akan dilaksanakan sampai dengan DICM RI–Turki ke–9 nanti di Turki. Agenda pada hari kedua yaitu melaksanakan penadatanganan MoM hasil meeting hari pertama, B to B antara Industri kedua negara, Courtesy Call dengan Sekjen Kemhan dan kunjungan ke PT. Jala Berikat dan PT. Ridho Agung Mitra Abadi.

Kegiatan The 8th Defence Industry Cooperation Meeting between RI–Turki berjalan dengan tertib, aman dan lancar.


03 Mei 2019

Marine Assault Vehicle (MAV) Makes First Appearance at IDEF’19

03 Mei 2019

ZAHA Marine Assault Vehicle (photo : FNSS)

IDEF’19 will witness the unveiling of the MAV Marine Assault Vehicle, which has been greatly anticipated by the sector due to limited number of comparable vehicles in the same class, principally because of the challenging requirements and highly specialised mission definition associated with these vehicles.

ZAHA Marine Assault Vehicle (photo : ptisidiastima)

Visitors to the FNSS stand will have opportunity to see the first prototype MAV, whose main role is to support the combat capabilities of marine forces in line with the requirements of the 21st century combat environments.

ZAHA Marine Assault Vehicle (photo : Anadolu)

MAV is being developed as part of the Armoured Amphibious Assault Vehicles (Zırhlı Amfibi Hücum Araçları, ZAHA) Project being conducted by the Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB) to meet a need of Turkish Naval Forces Command. Within the project, FNSS will deliver a total of 27 vehicles, including 23 personnel carriers, two command and control vehicles and two recovery vehicles.

ZAHA Marine Assault Vehicle (photo : Star)

In addition to enabling the safe landing of units during amphibious operations, the armoured amphibious assault vehicles also serve as armoured personnel carriers after reaching the shore. During the amphibious assault phase of an operation, these vehicles are launched from Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) and rapidly cover the distance between the vessel and shore, allowing forces to land under protection and with minimum delay. Once on land, these vehicles can continue taking part in operations side-by-side with other armoured vehicles. As vehicles with a dual role due to their mission requirements, armoured amphibious assault vehicles need to exhibit superior performance both at sea and on land, and only a few countries around the world have such vehicles in their inventories. Among the NATO countries and allies, there is only one company other than FNSS producing vehicles of this class.

ZAHA Marine Assault Vehicle (photo : hurriyet)

Compared to similar examples, MAV is expected to be superior in the following aspects:

-Number of personnel transported by the vehicle,
-Level of ballistic and mine protection, and Performance criteria on land and in water,
-With ZAHA, FNSS takes armoured amphibious assault vehicles into the 21st century, and the project has now reached the Critical Design Review phase. Venturing outside classical approaches within the defence projects, FNSS has completed its evaluation of the vehicle’s design not only on paper, but also on the prototype, for this review. The review will be on executed on the prototype vehicle in the integration hall.

ZAHA Marine Assault Vehicle cannon (photo : EDR)

-K. Nail Kurt, General Manager and CEO of FNSS, emphasises that MAV is a very special vehicle: “MAV has to make sure that marines reach the shore in the shortest time possible, both to ensure rapid movement and to minimize their exposure to threats while at sea. Once ashore, it should be able to operate effectively as an armoured combat vehicle, while also safeguarding the troops inside with superior ballistic and mine protection. To put it briefly, until the MAV made its appearance, there was no such vehicle on the market. We are developing MAV in response to the requirements of the Turkish Naval Forces, which carried out one of the most important amphibious operations in the last 50 years with great success. We are confident that friendly and allied nations with high amphibious operational requirements, particularly island countries like Indonesia, will also look to take advantage of MAV’s superior characteristics; and we look forward to working with them in the future.”


02 Mei 2019

FNSS and PT PINDAD Sign Serial Production and Cooperation Agreement for Medium-Weight Tank for Indonesian Land Forces

02 Mei 2019

Kaplan MT or Harimau medium tank (photo : haberlutfen)

At around 15:00 of Day 1 at IDEF, the FNSS stand saw the signature of the Long-Term Cooperation Agreement for the Serial Production of the Kaplan MT Medium-Weight Class Tank, known as Harimau in Indonesia.

The document was signed by Prof.Dr. İsmail Demir, President of the Defence  Industries of Turkey, Laksamana Madya TNI Agus Setiadji, Secretary General of the Indonesian Minstry of Defence, Mr. K. Nail Kurt, General Manager and CEO of FNSS, and Abraham Mose, Chief Executive Officer of PT Pindad.

The Kaplan MT/Harimau development phase has been completed, based on the cooperation agreement signed in 2015. The agreement signed at IDEF will allow the serial production of the vehicles to be carried out jointly by the two companies. The prototypes built successfully passed the Indonesian Army qualification tests, and currentlin the Kaplan MT is the only certified tank of this class available on the market, according to FNSS, the Ankara-based company looking at further export successes. The agreement with Indonesia covers the production of 18 tanks within the next two years.


01 Mei 2019

Kaplan MT Tank Displayed with New Active Protection System at IDEF 2019

01 Mei 2019

Kaplan MT/Harimau tank with PULAT Active Protection System (photo : FNSS)

To defend against the evolving threats in the battlefield, the KAPLAN MT medium-weight class tank, developed jointly by the Turkish manufacturer of wheeled and tracked armoured combat vehicles, as well as combat engineering vehicles, turrets and sustainability solutions, FNSS and the Indonesian company PT Pindad, is being equipped with Aselsan’s PULAT Active Protection System (APS). KAPLAN MT equipped with PULAT is displayed at IDEF 2019 for the first time.

In today’s modern battlefield, the types of threats against tanks are increasing, particularly in urban combat operations, where the use of APS is becoming a necessity due to the diversification of weapons used and application of new tactics. Enjoying the highest level of anti-mine and ballistic protection of its class, according to FNSS, KAPLAN MT is getting ready against these kind of emerging threats with Aselsan's PULAT.

The PULAT system was developed jointly by Aselsan and TÜBİTAK Sage, initially as a solution preferred by the Turkish Armed Forces for M60T tanks. PULAT consists of modules that contain a detection radar for sensing threats and a countermeasure projectile. The modules are placed around the vehicle in a way that ensures all-round protection. The power distribution unit and control panel are located inside the tank. When the system becomes activated, it functions autonomously without the need for user input. During data collection and system performance tests, PULAT was fired hundreds of times, and completed all of the tests successfully.

Emphasising KAPLAN MT’s ability to adapt and expand, K. Nail Kurt, General Manager and CEO of FNSS, said prior to IDEF: “For a land platform to stay up-to-date during its entire life cycle, it is necessary to integrate various new sub-systems over time. As we have competed so many modernisation and overhaul projects, we know very well how these integrations can be challenging. Like in all of our vehicles, we have developed KAPLAN MT in a way that is open for future modernisation and overhaul. The integration of PULAT Active Protection System has become the first concrete example of this perspective, and I can say with great pleasure that we have had a quite straightforward and successful integration process. With PULAT, KAPLAN MT has taken its survivability to even a higher level.”


06 November 2018

Turkey to Begin Manufacturing Anti-Ship Cruise Missile

06 November 2018

Atmaca, anti-ship cruise missile with max range 250km (image : defence.pk)

Presidency of Defence industries (SSB) of Turkey has signed a deal with two domestic companies Rokestan and Aselsan to manufacture the country’s first anti-ship missile jointly, an SSB statement said on Friday.

Turkey's first anti-ship missile, Atmaca, was developed to increase the capability of the Turkish Navy.

Roketsan, a major Turkish weapons manufacturer, is tasked with the serial production of Atmaca cruise missiles while Aselsan, a Turkish military-funded company, will work on the launch control systems and other essential equipment for the missiles.

The two Turkish companies will be making use of local resources for developing both missiles and launch systems.

The systems will be integrated into the MILGEM (National Ship) project, which was initiated in 2000 to locally design and build a fleet of multipurpose corvettes and frigates that will replace older ships.

The Atmaca is similar in capability to the Exocet of France, C-802 of China and Harpoon of the US. It can travel at subsonic speed and can reach a range of up to 200 km. 

Meanwhile, Turkey's newly appointed Defense Industry Executive Committee met for the first time on Wednesday under the chairmanship of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

"In the meeting, a total of 55 projects worth $9.4 billion were evaluated," Turkish presidency said in a statement following the meeting.

Erdoğan also announced  Wednesday that Turkey had started work on making its first domestically produced long-range air defense missile system and the first delivery is planned for 2021, Reuters reported . 

Strengthening the domestic defence industry and decreasing Turkey’s dependence on foreign goods and services were set by Erdoğan before Jun. 24 elections as one of the priorities of the new presidential system.


08 Mei 2018

Turkey and Ukraine to Jointly Work on An-188 Airlifter Project

08 Mei 2018

The new Ukraine-developed military transport aircraft project involves westernization of all components, implementation of modern and reliable technical solutions, as well as full compliance with NATO standards, both in terms of equipment and the use of the aircraft. (photos : Antonov)

Ukraine, Turkey to jointly create An-188 military transport aircraft

Ukraine and Turkey will implement a joint project to create an An-188 military transport aircraft, according to the Facebook page of the Ukrainian government portal. 
"Ukraine and Turkey are moving to practical implementation of a joint project to create an An-188 military transport aircraft. The military transport aircraft project involves the full westernization of all components, the introduction of modern and reliable technical solutions, as well as full compliance with NATO standards, both in terms of equipment and in terms of the tactics of the use of the aircraft," reads the report.

The aircraft will be able to carry military hardware of all types, military and construction equipment, helicopters, up to 300 soldiers, as well as humanitarian cargoes, pallets and containers.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on his Facebook page that it was a "promising military transport turbojet aircraft that fully complies with NATO standards." (UkrInform)

Antonov details An-188 military cargo aircraft family

A source in the Antonov company, part of the Ukrainian state-owned defence and aerospace holding group Ukroboronprom, has disclosed details to the Defence Blog regarding the future of its new An-188 military cargo aircraft family.

In the framework of the airshow Eurasia-2018, held in Antalya, Turkey, was unveils for the first time the new AN-188 STOL (Short Take-Off and Landing) military transport aircraft. The new Ukraine-developed military transport aircraft project involves westernization of all components, implementation of modern and reliable technical solutions, as well as full compliance with NATO standards, both in terms of equipment and the use of the aircraft.

Officials from Antonov said that Ukraine will develop a family of new aircraft on basis of An-70. The new family would consist of 3 air platforms with different turbofan engines. The aircraft called the An-188-100 will be equipped with four D-436-148FM three-shaft high by-pass turbofan engines developed by the Ukrainian company Ivchenko-Progress. The variant with four AI-28 new-generation engines also developed by the Ivchenko-Progress will be called the An-188-110. And An-188-120 will be equipped with four LEAP high-bypass turbofan aircraft engines made by CFM International (CFMI).

All new aircraft of An-188 family will be capable of basing on different airfields, including air strips, and landing on short runways of only 600-800 m in length. This greatly expands the number of airfields the aircraft can be used on, ensuring the high efficiency of the new aircraft.

The new aircraft will have an advanced glass cockpit with newest flight navigation and communication equipment.  The An188 has the capability to fly distances up to 7,700 km, at a cruising altitude up to 12,100 m, and at a speed of up to 800 km/h depending on aircraft and engine type and variant.

The An-188 military transport turbojet aircraft with a carrying capacity of up to 50 tons will be capable of carrying military equipment of all kinds. It will be capable of carrying military and construction equipment, helicopters, infantry combat vehicles, tank, artillery systems, up to 300 soldiers, as well as humanitarian cargoes, pallets and containers. Maximum payload of up to 35 tonnes (maximum 47)  and a volume of 400 m3. The An-188 can carry numerous pieces of outside cargo, for example, a one Puma with one Lynx helicopters and 42 paratroopers, or a heavy infantry fighting vehicle for military purposes.

The An-188 can accommodate up to 130 fully equipped paratroops. and also can airdrop up to 21 tonnes of airborne infantry fighting vehicles with crew or pallets through gravity and parachute extraction.

Armed forces of Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey already expressed their interest in the project of the new Ukraine’s An-188 aircraft. Source state the new transport aircraft would be a direct competitor to the French Airbus Military A400M Atlas high-winged military transport and American C-130 and C-17. (Defence Blog)

10 Maret 2018

Ukrainian APS to Protect Turkish Tanks in Syria

10 Maret 2018

Germany halts plans to upgrade Turkey's Leopard tanks (photo : Xinhua)

Following repeated losses in the fighting against Syrian and Iraqi Kurds, some suffered last month in Afrin, Syria, Turkey is rushing to equip its main battle tanks with the ‘Akkor Pulat’ Active Protection Systems (APS) developed in Ukraine. In late February 2018 Turkish Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli announced that following successful tests in Ukraine the APS will begin testing on M-60T and Leopard-2A4 tanks in Turkey, to follow with operational deployment of systems on those tanks soon after the tests completion.

Turkey decided to adopt the Ukraine system as a stopgap measure to protect its armored vehicles after suffering significant losses to anti-tank missile attacks in Syria. The primary threat they encountered in Syria was the second generation Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGM), such as the TOW, Konkurs, and Kornet fired from ranges of several hundred meters to few kilometers away. Videos released by the Kurds show tanks and self-propelled artillery being hit from medium distances, by guided anti-tank missiles fired at targets that were exposed over ridge line or out in the open.

Turkey uses the German Leopard 2A4 that did not receive the latest survivability upgrades the German Army is currently taking. In contrast, the Turkish M-60Ts offers superior protection, given the modular armor added to its turret under the upgrading program developed by Israel’s IMI. However, even this armor is not immune to large diameter tandem warheads used by the laser beam-riding Kornet.

With limited access to original equipment providers (due to political friction between Turkey, Germany, and Israel), Ankara realized that to meet this urgent need, primarily with Leopard 2A4 and M-60A3 main battle tanks, that are the least protected, they will have to rely on the local industry. To further cut corners, they looked elsewhere for mature active protection systems solutions and found the Ukrainian Zaslon as a suitable solution, addressing both operational needs and political constraints.

The Urgent Operational Requirement (UOR) calls for the procurement of 120 systems, each comprised of six sensor-effector units, command and control and cabling harness. The Turks implemented some changes in the Ukrainian system, reflected by the look and function of the system. Following the initial tests, the system is integrated with three different platforms – Leopard 2A4, M-60A3, and M-60T. In addition, the tanks will also receive laser warning systems and infrared jammers, providing additional protection from 2nd Generation missiles (TOW, Konkurs etc.)

Other survivability and protection systems proposed for the Turkish armor include add-on bar armor and reactive armor designed to defeat RPGs, and smoke dischargers linked to laser warning systems. Additional systems include panoramic cameras to improve the crew’s situational awareness and dozer blades enabling MBTs to dig into positions without relying on heavy engineering equipment.

Aselsan is one of five companies requested to provide survivability enhancements for MBT. Although the company has been developing an APS project known as Akkor since 2008, the system is still in development stages and is not likely to mature before 2021. Unlike the Pulat, Aselsan’s Akkor is designed to intercept the threat at a longer range, and, therefore, its radar should cover longer range and enhanced situational awareness, providing the crew with the point of launch, in addition of threat warning.

Akkor Pulat is the Turkish version of the new, light version (Zaslon-L), to be produced under license by Aselsan. The main difference from Zaslon is its design as a modular and disposable unit, thus being lighter, cheaper and less complex to integrate. In addition, Akkor-Pulat is likely employed in fixed installations, each unit contains a single effector in an extracted position. While this configuration is considerably more vulnerable to physical damage, its integration and testing are much simpler, thus enabling accelerated deployment. The configuration used by the Turks uses six units mounted in pairs on the front and the sides. This version is effective against RPGs, recoilless guns, and ATGM. The localization of the Ukrainian system was done by Aselsan in accordance with the technical and export liaison agencies of the two countries, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and Ukrainian UkrOboronService.

The system developed by the Kiev-based Microtec development center in Ukraine acts as a ‘barrier’ – a close-in active countermeasure protecting the vehicle from short range anti-tank rockets, guided missiles, recoilless guns and tank rounds, and kinetic tank rounds (with limited effect). Originally developed in the early 2000s the system was evaluated by Ukraine, as well as the Polish Andres tank, as well as an Indian tender to equip the T-90A, Zaslon was not selected in any of those opportunities. The selection of this system by the Turks and its rapid integration is considered a major vote of confidence in this system, specifically, and in the Ukraine industry, as a supplier of weapon supplier.

The system comprises a number of individual armored boxes containing two countermeasures, a control unit installed inside the vehicle and cabling systems. Individual boxes are installed at different points around the vehicle, offering linear coverage of the sides, front, rear and top side (turret).

The countermeasure is a cylindrical element that comprises an X-band radar sensor, a signal processing and logic system and high-explosive fragmenting charge. As the vehicle enters a danger zone countermeasures are extracted from the boxes, and radars activated, detecting objects at ranges of 8-10 meters afar, and create a segmented perimeter at a distance of 2.5 meters around the vehicle, from the ground up 20 degrees above the horizon. This perimeter functions as a threshold, acting in quick response to trigger the effector mounting that radar.

The video shows the features of Microtek's standard Zaslon system and the company's separate Duplet explosive reactive armor suite.

As an object crosses this perimeter at predefined speed (70-1,200 m/s), specific countermeasures related to that segment are activated, throwing a thick hail of fragments to destroy the incoming threat before it hits the armor. The response time claimed by the manufacturer is 1-5 millisecond. The number of units and the layout they are employed in are unique to each vehicle type. The system is applied above the base armor and can also be integrated with reactive armor to maximize protection of combat vehicles. Using relatively large of explosive fragmentation charges, Zaslon requires a safety range of 400 meters. To enable troops to operate closer to the tanks, the crew can deactivate certain effectors covering sectors that are not threatened by the enemy.

The system’s distributed layout provides protection against multiple, simultaneous threats coming from different angles. While a single box may cover the entire side or front, two units are often used on each section to enhance redundancy and survivability. Boxes are available in single, or dual countermeasures configurations. It the dual mode, the second countermeasure is ready for action five seconds after the first one has detonated, offering protection against multiple attacks.

According to the manufacturer, for reliable protection, one armored fighting vehicle typically needs from three to six modules, each containing two rounds of munitions and weighing from 50 to 130 kg. (depending on the type and protection level specified).

(Defense Update)