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02 Agustus 2011
South Africa Completed Test Firing of Wheeled SPH
The LSPH firing at a RDM shoot at Alkantpan in April 2011 (photo : Defenceweb)
South African Light Self-Propelled Howitzer Test Firing was Done
July 2011 between 4 and 10 in Armaments Corporation of South Africa(Armscor)'s Alkantpan testing range in the Northern Cape, Daniel Land Systems launched its own light howitzer (LSPH). The 105 mm howitzer Light Experimental Ordnance (LEO) of their own models, using 58-calibre, has successful in test firing high explosive projectiles at a maximum range of 31km.
Light self-propelled howitzer (LSPH) jointly developed Daniel Land Systems and General Dynamics Land Systems, Daniel's 105 mm turret will installed in the LAV III light armored vehicle platform. The gun was originally designed to meet the U.S. Army's NLOS cannon project's needs. U.S. Army decided to adopt the 155 mm gun after the suspension of development. In 2009 U.S. Army NLOS cannon project was canceled, and therefore light self-propelled howitzers to restart the project in 2010.
Based on 8x8, the LSPH's weight only 18.2 tonnes, air transportable with C-130 Hercules but can fire HE projectile for 31 km range (photo : casr)
Light self-propelled howitzer weight 18.2 tons, with a wheeled chassis, the inherent self-deploy mobility, firing without having to install stable bracket, only a very short time to enter battle. The gun fitted with Daniel's automatic navigation and targeting systems, based on the Denel Arachnida II Weapon Management System and Selex Fin 3110 of Italy's Inertial Navigation Unit, the amount of capacity of shells made from 60 to 38, C-130 transport aircraft available, with three crew.
The gun is equipped with 105 mm Series munitions, including shells fitted with interchangeable tail cone of the projectile or the bottom row of cells and modules charge the system. The maximum range on the gun in the probability of error is less than 0.3%, bias error of 0.5 miles. In the early 2011's during shooting demonstration, three shots that were fired from howitzers through the same hole in a wall at 1,000 m distance.
See Also :
Denel Land Systems' LEO Leaps Forward
18 Juli 2011
27 September 2010
Casspir IV – Denel Introduces A Modern Version for the Legendary Mine Protected Vehicle (MPV)

31 years after pioneering mine protection for vehicles with the first Casspir Mine Protected Vehicle (MPV) Denel unveiled today a new version of South Africa’s iconic mine-protection vehicle – Casspir MK IV. The new vehicle was launched in Cape Town today, at the African Aerospace and Defence Expo (AAD) taking place at the Ysterplaat Air Force Base.
According to Ashley Williams, CEO of Denel’s subsidiary Mechem, responsible for the vehicle design, new features introduced with the new model are the use of modern, more powerful drive train with manual or automatic transmission, a stronger hull offering improved protection, including ‘up armoring’ with appliqué armor modules, a slightly wider and lower cabin, offering improved interior design.

“Mechem took the strategic decision to build this configuration again due to the great demand still in the market. In the last few years, most of these vehicles were re-manufactured from hulls bought from SAPS auctions and tender processes causing depletion in actionable stock. There was also concern over the supply of spare parts,” said Mr Williams.

Mechem also offers the ‘Steel Wheels’ counter-mine system for the Casspir, enabling the vehicle to destroy land mines without damaging the vehicle.
The new vehicle, known as the Casspir Mk IV, is wider than the original vehicle, but at 2.73 m tall, it is slightly lower overall, enabling it to fit through the entrance to a C-130 Hercules transport. The vehicle's 40 cm ride-height remains the same to help manage blast, but the roof has been dropped by 20 cm.
Despite the change in dimensions, Denel claims the vehicle offers the same high levels of mine protection as the earlier vehicles and that add-on armour packages are available to increase protection still further.