Showing posts with label gumnuts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gumnuts. Show all posts

Monday, January 12, 2009

21-Gum Salute

Lucky It Wasn’t A Sting Operation

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

There were plenty of bees buzzing industriously around these blooms on a tall, shady gum tree in Kings Park, Perth, last Sunday.

I should not have gone in close, but throwing caution to the winds, I stuck my head in between the branches in the interest of art.

I have a very strong memory of the pain (and the shame) of being stung on the butt in my childhood, when I took the advice of an older friend (who should have known better) and threw stones at a beehive in the garden of our home at 3 Dumayne Avenue.

Yes, that was on my mind when I went against my better judgement in Perth to take this shot. So I’m thinking – do I opt for safety and walk away from this one or do I tempt the worker bees and go for the shot?

No question about what my decision was going to be. Pink bearded blossoms around beautifully formed Australian gumnuts, framed against a graceful arc of the olive-green leaves won me over completely. A bee sting lasts for a few hours, but a splendid range of colour captured on camera lasts forever.

Right, honey?

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